Full NameElizabeth Fabre
Portrayed byBlaire Byhower
First appearanceChapter 2 - The Two Things
Final appearanceChapter 44 - Life and Death
Former OccupationTherapist
ResidenceThe Tower
Special TalentsWater System, Problem Solving, Some Metal-working Skills and Mental Health
Romantic PartnersTodd(Deceased), Saul
Child(ren)Nicholas Tink


  • Full Name: Elizabeth Fabre
  • Former Occupation: Therapist
  • Special Talents: Water System, Problem Solving, some Metal-working skills, and Mental Health
  • Age: 26 at the beginning of the Story
  • First Appeared: Chapter 2 - The Two Things, Lizzy and her Boyfriend, Todd, come to the tower to find refuge. She made it inside. He didn't.
  • Current Staus: Deceased


  • Background: Made her way in life only trying to get by. She didn't have any ambition post college and wasn't interested in her subject as a future career.
  • She didn't take anything seriously, until the loss of her boyfriend, Todd.
  • Revealed that she helped Todd work on his motorcycle, learning some welding and other skills along the way in order to spend more time with him.


  • Level headed and free willed.
  • Objects to being called 'Blondie'.
  • Intelligent and quick thinking.

[top]Notable In The Series

  • In Charge of the Water System in The Tower.
  • Developed the idea for the notebooks as a form of therapy.
  • Convinced Bill to let them have access to the roof.
  • Saul's primary caretaker after being accidentally shot by Burt.
  • Discovered that the zombies are attracted to human scent and can smell concentrated sweat from far away.
  • Was expelled from the Tower (Chapter 19) after falling asleep on guard duty while the Tower fell under attack at night.
  • While scavenging for supplies she was captured and detained by Mallers.
  • Gave birth to Nicholas Tink, shortly before passing away


"Maybe...maybe it wasn't when they drove down it. Maybe this car wasn't here before" Lizzy when formulating the Zombie Booby Trap theory in 5 - Lady and the Tink
"The moment they hit the ground they shattered into a million pieces of blood, sweat and Kelly tears" Lizzy describing the Sweat Bottle Experiment in 7 - Blood Sweat and Fears
"The one in front seemed to lead the others. Its terrifying to see intelligence in the thing that's hunting you." Lizzy describing the Zombies climbing across the zip line in 7 - Blood Sweat and Fears
Contributors: , , , , , , , Created by , Feb 8th, 2011 at 07:58 PM
Last edited by , Apr 7th, 2014 at 11:49 AM
Last comment by on Sep 28th, 2018 at 01:50 AM
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