Saul Tink
Full NameSaul Tink
Portrayed byNate Geez
First appearanceChapter 1 - It Begins
Final appearanceChapter 48 - The Ink Runs Dry
RankSpecialist (SPC)/E-4
Former OccupationInfantry (11B MOS), 10th Mountain Division
ResidenceThe Tower
Special TalentsAdvanced First Aid, Infantry Tactics, Rough Terrain Navigation
Romantic PartnersLizzy
Child(ren)Nicholas Tink
Other RelationsLady (his dog)


  • Full Name: Saul Tink
  • Former Occupation: Infantry (11B MOS), 10th Mountain Division
  • Rank: Specialist (SPC)/E-4
  • Special Talents: Advanced First Aid, Infantry Tactics, Rough Terrain Navigation
  • Age: 24 at the beginning of the Story
  • First Appeared: Chapter 1 - It Begins, Arrives at the unit in his truck after Michael and Angel had arrived.
  • Current Status: Deceased


  • Background: Transferred from his unit in Fort Drum, NY to California after his deployment to Iraq.
  • Served with Michael overseas in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
  • Saul is a trained combat lifesaver and has knowledge of various military weapons.
  • Spent a year in jail after stealing from a store shortly after turning 18.
  • By the time he got out of jail, his mother, Tanya, left town to go south to Anaheim - enlisting in the Army was his only option.


  • Head-strong and yet compassionate. Saul brings a lot of heart, along with a level head to the team in the tower.

[top]Notable In The Series


"She's like a...WOman, if you know what I mean" - about Riley in 2 - The Two Things
"I think I just wet myself" - after opening Burt's Gun Room in 3 - The New Arrivals
"We found crack in Inglewood... big surprise." - to Victor while searching ground zero in 28 - Last Dying Breath
Contributors: , , , , , , , , , , , , Created by , Feb 8th, 2011 at 07:58 PM
Last edited by , Dec 24th, 2017 at 10:30 AM
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