Kelly Maynard
Full NameKalani Grey
Portrayed byKevin Flood
First appearance10 - Purgatory
Final appearance24 - The Harder They Fall
Former OccupationPilot
ResidenceThe Tower
Special TalentsCan fly planes and helicopters.
SpouseDeceased (long before the outbreak)


  • Name: Kalani Gray
  • Former Occupation: Pilot
  • Special Talents: Can fly planes and helicopters
  • Age: 42
  • First Appeared: 10 - Purgatory, Was brought back from the Arena after being captured.
  • Favorite Color: Yellow
  • Current Status: Deceased


  • Background: His history is a little shady. He says he used to fly tourist planes in Hawaii, weighed more than his current weight, and was a resident at The Other Tower for 3 days before it was infiltrated by one of the Smart Ones. He claims that the zombies in Hawaii were much more vicious than the ones on the main land.


  • Headstrong and reasonable.
  • A dedicated follower of Burt.
  • Has a problem with Michael's leadership.

[top]Notable In The Series

  • Was captured and held prisoner in the Arena with Datu and Samantha.
  • While locked up, Samantha noted that he was fine at first but then began to have random blackouts.
  • Before discovering Hope in the Colony, Kalani was the only known survivor of The Other Tower.
  • Was the one to find Tommy's body after the attack.
  • Taught Pegs how to pilot helicopters.
  • Sacrificed himself by flying a helicopter into a tanker to buy the Tower more time to escape the Mallers.
  • Has some kind of relationship with a girl named Hannah - we then find out in Chapter 27-1 that Hannah is his daughter.


"Molotov, anyone?" - Kalani in 18 - No Place Like Home
"Angel, I'm sorry about that flat tire." - Kalani in 24 - The Harder They Fall
Contributors: , , , , , , , , , , , Created by , Feb 8th, 2011 at 07:58 PM
Last edited by , Mar 19th, 2012 at 08:22 AM
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