Full Name(unknown)
Portrayed byJenna McCombie
First appearanceChapter 6 - The Remains of Eastern Bay
Final appearanceChapter 48 - The Ink Runs Dry
Former OccupationUnknown
ResidenceThe Mall
Special TalentsFacial and Voice Recognition.


  • Full Name: (Unknown)
  • Former Occupation:
  • Special Talents:Facial and Voice Recognition.
  • Age: 30 at the beginning of the Story (or 31, since Latch introduces her and himself as twins to Saul, Burt, and Lizzy)
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • First Appeared: Chapter 6 - The Remains of Eastern Bay, Followed Burt, Saul, and Lizzy on the way back from the refueling depot.
  • Current Status: Deceased.


  • Background: Prior convictions and various other crimes nearly got her locked away had her twin brother, Latch, not taken the blame for a crime as of yet unknown.
  • Broke into the prison after the incident and freed everyone in lockup.
  • Before the chaos, attacked a man in a convenience store.
  • She, Latch, Angel and Durai are part of a set of “families” identified by physical features but mainly by a ring each member of the “family” has.
  • Scratch was raped by an older cousin when she was sixteen, which resulted in a pregnancy. Unknown to anyone Scratch had an abortion which had complications leaving her unable to have children.
  • When her cousin tried to rape her again she fought back castrating him. This resulted in Scratch being punished with a long scar across her face.


  • Very hostile and aggressive.

[top]Notable In The Series

  • Negotiated with Burt, Lizzy, and Saul in Chapter 6.
  • Recognizes Angel from somewhere.
  • Ignites a devastating blaze to burn the Tower down before fleeing the zombie attack in the War.
  • Resents Pegs for killing her brother Latch, vows to get payback.
  • Picked up Kalani, Hannah, and Pippin after they landed in Los Angeles.
  • Killed Angel (who was dying from previous injuries) in Chapter 29 to prevent him from suffering a slow death as a result of his many injuries. Also because Angel told her to fuck off for trying to find the location of the remaining Tower members.
  • Executed Durai when he made the announcement that Scratch was the one that had betrayed him


"That was a big mistake, Michael...See you real soon." - Scratch in 12 - The War
"Lets just say I'm locked and loaded" - Scratch in 6 - The Remains Of Eastern Bay
Contributors: , , , , , , , , , , , , Created by , Feb 8th, 2011 at 07:58 PM
Last edited by , Apr 7th, 2021 at 01:33 PM
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