The Tower

This is an old revision of this page, as edited Jul 29th, 2011, 11:11 AM by Grognaurd (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
The TowerThe Tower
Information about the tower:

General Info: The Tower is the place where our survivors call home.
  • 15 Floors
  • 2 Elevators
  • 1 Stairwell
  • Rooms of Significance:
    • Basement:
      • Parking Garage

    • 1st Floor:
      • Lobby
      • Door to Parking Garage

    • 2nd Floor: (Destroyed during the war)
      • Riley's Shop
      • The Meeting Room
      • Surveillance/Guard Room
      • Burt's Gun and Ammo Room

    • 14th Floor:
      • Bill's Penthouse

  • Roof:
    • The Garden (Cleared to make room for a helicopter)
    • Drain to The Water Storage Tank which is kept on one of the floors below (likely to be the 12th since Bill had all of the 14th)


Number currently Alive: 26

Currently: (23-2)
  1. Michael (Tower)
  2. Riley (Got to the Chopper)
  3. Pegs (LAX)
  4. Saul (Arena)
  5. Angel (Got to the Chopper)
  6. Lizzy (Taken by Mallers)
  7. Burt (Got to the Chopper)
  8. Kalani (Got to the Chopper)
  9. Kelly (Tower)
  10. Datu (LAX)
  11. Tommy
  12. Ryan Brown
  13. Bill
  14. Paul Bailey
  15. 'Old Man' - Leopold Emerson
  16. Simon Meir
  17. Carley Dehert
  18. Steven (Tower)
  19. Lewis Braf
  20. Catherine Wilkes
  21. Karl Ware
  22. Jakob Jensen
  23. Hanna Mangan
  24. James Oliver
  25. Takashi Miyake
  26. Jose Andermon
  27. Maggie Brown
  28. Kim Slice
  29. Mary Brown
  30. Victor (LAX)
  31. Tanya (Handcuffed in the Tower's infirmary)
  32. Hope (Sedated by Tanya in the infirmary)
  33. Pippin


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