Last edited by Gnex; May 21st, 2014 at 10:25 AM.
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Jimmy Thach
Unveiled the Thach Weave at the Battle of Midway
Cabbage Patch liked this post
Well KC maybe they can
A Plan to do that..
Cabbage Patch liked this post
This episode is setting us up for a pretty substantial loss soon. Did you notice how we heard from characters like Puck and Hope, who have been silent for some time? It is almost like we're getting a roll call of who is still alive because it's about to change. This may be the last time this group is together. Many of the conversations felt very reflective of the past yet had a bit of finality to them as well.
Basically it was a low-action episode that makes the listener incredibly nervous.
Also I think the cover art is simply the camera receiving safe-house that Saul, Michael, and Victor will end up in. I don't think anybody suggested that yet.
Go ahead and squash me if this has all been brought up but Victor really sounded sketch in this episode.
Michael "we've accomplished so much, all caught up on a stupid watermill"
Victor "Yeah, I know" (The way he said this, eh just slightly sketchy. Almost like he's saying yeah sure thats the only thing).
Victor "So than it'd just be us?" (probably just worried being out there with minimal numbers)
Victor "Wait, her cameras? We're not gonna use the spotters like before?" (whats it matter to him which cameras go up?)
Victor "I'll be impressed if you can get the radios working" (again just his tone)
I love Victor's character, really hope hes one of the good ones. But can't help but think he's hiding something even more now. Then again, it could be that because so many characters were in this episode, these are most likely sound bites and stitched together. Making the "tone" sound a bit out of context from time to time.