[In case you couldn't tell from the title this contains SPOILERS if you haven't played/beaten Spec Ops: The Line]

If you haven't seen the endings and want to, here are all of them.

OK 1st off I have to say that this game is REALLY deep for something that I feel like a LOT of people are brushing off as just some typical military shoot'em up. And I have to point out that I love the fact that the game (regardless of how you play or what ending you get) NEVER makes you/the main character feel like a Hero or a Savior in any meaning of the word(s). It's a hell of a lot better than the typical Call of Duty ending where after killing thousands of people you somehow come out of everything as a "hero".

I feel like an overall message to take from the game is, soldiers aren't meant to be hero's. Of course people typically glorify the shit out of the military (at least in my country), it also doesn't create some sort of black and white way for the player to see things. There are no good guys or bad guys just people, people trying to do what they see as right and people just trying to survive. The black and white way of seeing this is pretty much non-existent considering the player and his squad mates are fighting U.S. soldiers.

And for those of you that played/beat the game and haven't pieced the puzzle together I think I have it figured out pretty well (again this is simply what I think...)

The 33rd infantry regiment deserted the U.S. Army at the command of Colonel Konrad, they had one goal. Save the people trapped in the city of Dubai from the sand storm disaster that was claiming the city as a part of the surrounding desert. The C.I.A had a fucking panic attack and did everything in it's power to keep the U.E.A and surrounding nations from declaring war on the U.S. The C.I.A covertly got agents into Dubai, as well as large quantities of small arms. The C.I.A rounded up survivors of it's own, and did various horrible things to the people surviving in Dubai to convince them that they should rally against the 33rd, the C.I.A agents trained and armed the survivors.

While the C.I.A was doing this, the 33rd had splintered into 2 groups. "The Exiled" and "The Damned", The Exiled were soldiers who lost their loyalty to Konrad, The Damned were the soldiers that stayed loyal to Konrad. The 33rd fought a war with itself when they were supposed to be helping the survivors. The internal war quickly ended with The Damned coming out on top. The remaining Exiled scattered across Dubai. And once the 33rd pulled itself back together they found themselves at war with armed survivors being led by a C.I.A agent.

This is when the squad of Delta Force Operators come into play, they were sent to Dubai to "save the people" as the main character makes clear throughout the game (at least that's what he wanted to believe.) Walker (the squad leader and the playable character) lets his goal of "saving people" completely take over, maybe it was the desert heat, maybe it was his investment in the situation, but regardless he took every opportunity to deny what was directly in front of him. He placed ALL the blame on Colonel Konrad, even the things he had done with his own two hands...by the end of the game The sole survivor of Delta Squad is forced to come to terms with the fact that that he had killed the very people that he was so obsessed with protecting, between the fire mortaring, and killing everything that moved in Dubai. There truly was nothing left. Even Konrad, the man who he had made out to be the one and only bad guy in all of it had been dead, long before Delta Squad came to Dubai. Konrad had killed himself. Just to make Walker see that the entire time if he had just stopped, those people who have been saved. But instead he marched on. Killing everything that moved.

I'd like to get thought on this from people who are or have been in the military.