When you think too much We're alive is an oxymoron?
Witch_Doctor, Alizée liked this post
You know you listen too much to "We're Alive" when you are looking out for zombies in the barn and scouting for safehouses...
(I do look out for zombies in my barn, buy it's dark there!! And it has too many knooks and crannies, and I have to pass them every night to feed my chickens.. And I believe that if you seriously look out for zombies in your barn, you need to be scouting for a safe house...before the nice men with the white backwards jacket come to get you)
You watch documentaries about castle defenses and try to figure out how you could apply them to your ranch house in the semi-suburbs.
Hey I started that "Michael Cross is so tough" thread. I am glad it inspired this! You know you listen to WE're Alive too much when you look at apartment buildings and assess it from the outside to determine whether you could survive in it with others. Also when you are in a public or work restroom and determine the ways out if a zombie started pounding the door.
runs4theheckofit liked this post
You know you listen to We're Alive too much when... you're playing Left 4 Dead and when you start fighting a tank, you scream into the headset, "Does he have an arrow in his eye?!?"
"I have better things to do tonight than die."Red-Laced-Viona, OldtypeM87 liked this post
-Springer (while loading a mortar shell)
You know you listen to We're Alive when you make a check list of all the things to take for work, and figure out how hide in the drop ceiling.
When you're deciding to take your water bottle or not, and you end up taking it because you think that if zombies attacked it would be another bottle of water rations to live off of.
bluestarred liked this post
You know you listen to We're Alive to much when... you walk down the street attaching types of zombies to different people. i seriously do this, and when you can't make up your mind and you have to look for something out of the ordinary before you decide to call them a normal biter you get some weird looks. :P
You know you listen to We're Alive too much when... you're riding through your town on your bicycle searching for the perfect safe house while We're Alive is playing in your headphones all while you're watching your back to make sure nobody has turned into a biter.
bluestarred liked this post