Long story short I had an idea for a game that would be great for the WA forums! In my opinion at least...anyway I'm calling it "We're Alive Tactics". As the title implies it's a strategy game, basically the forum members (such as I have) come up with scenarios related to WA for 2 or more forum members to play. These scenarios rules will be decided by the moderators (maybe?) or just any forum member (again not sure.)

One scenario I thought of is a "Red Vs. Blue" type combat scenario. Basically 1 player plays as the Mallers and the other plays as a group of S.W.A.T, police, and other (former) law enforcement turned group of survivors. The Mallers (in this scenario) have a significant number advantage on the former law enforcement, but the former law enforcement may or not have a significant weapons advantage (depnding on how the player decides to play.)

The story behind this particular scenario is the Mallers decide to expand their territorial perimeter (after migrating south.) This perimeter expansion quickly turned into an annexation of possible territory that they passed up when they made the fast move down south. Durai sends a squad of "Advanced Scouts" up north towards an apartment complex near a gas station, the gas station might still have fuel and at the very least the apartment complex's parking lot is full of vehicles that could be salvaged from, and some of the apartments haven't been broken into so scavenging isn't out of the picture. The mobilized Mauler forces (led by scratch) are only 12 miles from the complex (Durai and the rest of the Mallers still settled south of everything) when the "Advanced Scouting Party" sets up a recon operation a safe distance from the complex. They quickly notice that theres another group that looks like it very recently found the complex, they report this in to Scratch's convoy and she quickly regroups her man power and leads them up north 12 miles down. The scouts regroup with the main convoy just as they roll up in front of the complex. Scratch gives the command to create a secure perimeter as she talks to one of the Maulers tacticians about the current situation.

Meanwhile, on the other side of all this. The survivor groups made up of mostly former police officers, "Found Survivors", some S.W.A.T and LAPD guys and gals. Which is barely larger (in number) than a quarter of the Mallers as a whole, has heard of the group they are now seeing in the flesh (from the survivors that they'v found.) The place where they were held up in was recently overrun and they had to evacuate and run. They have been mobile ever since they were overrun and they decided to see if the complex was a suitable new home. They are lead by the former LAPD police chief, he knows that this group is still made up mostly of the the Eastern Bay prisoners and he orders his men and women to ready for combat and to get into their positions (he assumes that there is no way of negotiating anything involving peace from the remnants of Eastern Bay.)

Scratch instantly sees how this is going to go and shuts the tactician up, she hops on the radio and tells the "Perimeter Guard Squads" to do what their title implies, everyone else almost instinctively grabs their weapons and "readies for battle" if you will. Both groups are at a stale mate. 1 of the Maulers (from the safety of the brick wall in front of the complex) holds up a large sign telling their leader to get a radio a turn to the specific channel. He composes himself and does so quickly. When Scratch sees that hes at the very least willing to talk she composes herself and begins to speak.

"What the hell is your problem? Do you treat all the other survivors out here with such a greeting?" says Scratch with a calm slight sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Are you the escaped prisoners from Eastern Bay prison?" Says the Chief in complete seriousness

"Hmm to the point I like that, and I was about to ask you the same thing. So tell you what why don't you answer 1st then I'll answer and we can just cut out all the meaningless bullshit in the middle! What do'ya say?" Says Scratch playfully. Before the Chief has the chance to respond one of his men seems to be getting rather intense and eager. He starts pacing around behind 1 of the squad cars and talks loudly to the others of his group about how they should just "take these faggots out already" which is overheard from the radio.

"I suggest you calm your man down before I have him put down." Says Scratch with all signs of playfulness left from her voice.

"Damn it someone shut that kid the fuck up! He's being taken care of." Says the Chief.

"I suggest you take me up on my offer while you still can." Says Scratch.

"You aren't actually considering trying to negotiate anything with these guys are you? We know who they are, the survivors we'v found out here own't shut up about them!" Says 1 of the Chiefs men.

"Are you going to take my offer up or are we just going to have to do this the hard way? Last chance" Says Scratch.

"I guess we're doing this the hard way" Says the Chief.

Yeah, yeah I know that bit of dialogue there was pretty bad but its not whats important right now. What is important on the other hand is what exactly do you guys think of this? Spread this post please.