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wats elektrikity? I didn't even have shoes, and no toilet paper, we just used our hands
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven Such is the rule of honor.
I shall add this into the plethora of things that are generally thought of as worthless knowledge hence why I must know it. I always thought the reason human waste isn't used is simply because people would get all skeeved out by touching human waste as opposed to animal waste which was the traditional thing for centuries...if that makes any sense.
~Ra1th: Nik doesn't sleep, he waits.~
~TCM Revolver: ra1th needs to be on the look out for cars that appear to be moved recently, and nikvoodoo on the rooftops
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You wouldnt want to do this in the confines of the tower, but in an apocalyptic time I would get to work on collecting methane from every form of waste i could. This is where people find those great time killers that keep the monotony of the same old routine at bay. Now could this light up the place? I am not sure.
and yes I was going to say "Who run barter town ?" but i decided not too
that's just crap...ehehehe.. em, stuff they teach when you go out in the field. Where to build your slit trenches.. how far..blah, blah blah.
Human waste will make you sicker quicker than anything in the world.
HOWEVER.. they could use it for defense to throw off any trackers. EWWW!
Last edited by nikvoodoo; Apr 12th, 2011 at 01:32 PM. Reason: merged posts