I've been in denial re the WA Finale so in my grief i havent been able to focus... but it has occurred to me that A: KC probably thinks he owns WA and can do anything with it and b: he would be wrong. So ive decided we need to lay down some rules lest the fanbase be forced to protest by say.. sendign you zombie fingers.

1. You may not cure the ZA! We love our WA ZA and we insist it continue even after the series ends. There are billions of hours to be had sitting in our basements eating cheatos and writing ZA fanfiction while our mom's scream at us to get a job.

2. You may NOT kill any more awwesome characters. Well maybe one. Or two. But not all of them. Also... feel free to bring Datu back. If you bring Datu back you can kill 4 other people.

3. You may not solve all the mysteries!! Of COURSE i want to know how the plague works and why the zombie leaders are so smart and and and but i dont want to know!!! I want to spend years occasionally visiting various forums and arguing to the death about what you really meant by x and y.

4. You may not quit making podcasts. In fact it would be preferable if you not only made more podcasts but taught the 234234239874932874 wouldbe podcasters (including... no especially those paid by mediacorps) who do it so so so so badly.

I'm sure there are other rules but those are imho the biggies im certain the rather HUGE fanbase has a lot more