Pegs balances the entire We're Alive story, in my opinion. It's her cheery demeanor and happy voice that makes you want things to get better, even though you know they won't. I literally just sent her an email regarding wardrobe for an upcoming photoshoot just minutes ago and said this:

"For you, I think simple, cheery looking clothing (something a little older that you don’t mind getting dirty) works best and brings out the best notes of your character. Constant optimism and cheer in even the worst situations.

It’s also a great kick in the feels; years ago, I was an afterschool teacher and I remember one little girl whose family wasn’t very well off, had a plastic doll (the kind with the eyes that opened and closed) that she absolutely loved and would never go anywhere without. The doll was completely battered and dirty, but the image of this girl holding onto this smiling doll was the right mix of happy and sad rolled into one. Sort of like the story The Velveteen Rabbit.

Seeing a smiling, positive Pegs in a happy (but somewhat worse for wear) outfit would *really* tug at the heartstrings – something with flowers, or a bright color like yellow!"

Her character is one that took a little while to grow on me; like Datu. At first you're thinking "this is totally out of place", but as you listen to them go through crisis after crisis, you end up really caring about them!