Hi there,

Quote Originally Posted by deer_in_the_headlights View Post
Is it possible that Scratch has made some kind of a deal with Inky?

I know she kind of went maternal with Lizzy, but this maternal instinct made her go and cut Burt's finger off to get information.... why?

My theory is that she agreed to hand over the baby to Inky unless she can get info on where Michael and Co went.

Why would the zombies want a baby? They can't reproduce. They are making better version of themselves, but only from living parts, and once all of the people are gone, they will die out.

So in this vein, anyone know what the zombie noises in the background are when Scratch and Tardust are walking around in episode 24? Why aren't the biters attacking them? Are they on a roof or something? Or are they in cahoots?

Notice they (Inky and co) only attacked the colony after the mallers got out... interesting yeah?

Shoot me down guys
now, if things turn out that way, then Scratch would be even more f*cked up than I have imagined up until now.

About the baby-delivery-deal: No, I have some trouble accepting the idea. When Scratch realized the pregnancy of Lizzy's it was right before she and the Mallers went out to "nuke" the Arena with a shitload of tanker-rigs and bombs ... Considering that back then the Arena was under Ink's control, it would be kind of odd that Scratch would have a deal on the one hand, but would be willing and loving to send the place back to hell.

But we don't know what has happened afterwards. And still: After the Arena-blast the Mallers went straight to the South in order to take over the Colony. Here, too, I have some trouble believing that during this time Scratch would keep up or establich a deal with Ink.

Why would the zombs wonna have babies? Well - for breeding Little Ones, like what they did in chapter #10 (arguable).

The Burt torturing has nothing to do with Lizzy's little Henry; it has a lot more to do with Scratch's revenge; and Scratch hoped to learn from Burt where the cowards fled to.

And finally about the zombonoises in chapter #24: Scratch and her crew were on top of a building and thus out of range of zombies; although it was not mentioned it is quite safe to assume that the Mallers took care to secure their position in order to be able to attack the Tower and not get into trouble again like what has happened in The War. That's why you hear zombies around w/o Scratch and Tardust did not care 'bout 'em rotten freaks.

Best wishes!