Quote Originally Posted by Lilydragon View Post
I think Randy did eventually make it to the colony... There was more than one with makings on their faces, and one was mentioned to have a beard. The only one that is ever mentioned to have a beard is Randy. My theary is that Randy is Micheals brother, biological or in arms. So far Micheal hasn't been truthful about his past, he told two different stories about his parents and Reily does not believe he's an only child.
To go along with that, he told Angel at the beginning (ch.1 part 2) that he kinda had family in San Louis Bispo- Northern California (I totally butchered that, sorry CA). But later on, he told someone else (can't remember who, will have to listen back) that his parents were killed in a car crash on one of his tours overseas. So, there is the possibility that he is not being truthful.

The part that I feel makes this mystery more interesting that I haven't seen mentioned much is that he had dreams about and said out Randy's name in his sleep while he was sedated at the colony as Hope said something to him about it. So I strongly feel there is something more personal there between the two.