I've been thinking about this for a while now and this is my first post on the forums so please spare me
I'm not sure if anyone else has brought but I think there is a meaning behind Hopes name.
Her name could be some kind of metaphor for hope.
I believe she is Datu's last bit of hope he has left in humanity.
Datu has always had a pretty happy attitude except for when his chick died in the hockey rink.
And now he somehow finds Hope, her daughter. Now in episode 34 he needs to protect her and find their way back to the others.
This got me thinking, what if Hope dies. Will she be the final straw for Datu to finally quit his happy attitude and give up on humanity?

Thats pretty much the extent of my thoughts hahaha
Sorry I'm not the best writer and my thoughts are just everywhere.
But I'd like to see what you guys think about that