Not related to the theory at all, but just a good song. So, I was laying here thinking about something that was brought up during the last episode of We're Not Dead... you know, the podcast that takes forever to release. It's the curious behaviour of the slow-turner zeds. I started wondering how I would infiltrate my enemy, given that force against force isn't always the best approach and it occurred to me that I would likely employ a similar device that the Mallers used: a mole.

What if this virus is sentient? If it can cognize it's mortality, much the same as we do, it's possible that it is:

  • Adapting to the world around it and the threat of its, seemingly imminent, extinction
  • Evolving, e.g. learning to swim, manipulating physical structure to create a better soldier

I'm starting to think this may be more than just a mindless want for destruction and chaos, and more a game of chess. It's possible that the slow turners are infected wholly, yet the virus is not allowing them to turn, in order to lull those around them into a false sense of security, biding its time for the right moment when it comes on suddenly, when it has the best opportunity to take down those in charge.

How crazy does that sound?