Military posts are great at keeping people out (or keeping people in if need be), but there is no guarantee that each post fared as well as we all seem to think Irwin did. A huge factor is if the subordinate commands at those posts supported the higher commands in keeping soldiers there to work. If I knew that something crazy was happening, I would take my family and go farther away from post. I love being a soldier and I take pride in doing the right thing, but in the world of WA, I'm watching out for number 1. I've been trained by the government to kill and survive. I've got guns, ammo, and food. Why get stuck being a soldier and possibly dying or having my family die when I could just take off and survive on my own? Surely the punishment for going AWOL during a zombie outbreak is less severe than death. Also, Fort Irwin in about an hour from another town. Your best choice if you're on post is to stay on post. Almost every other post I've been to is much closer to a city and is kind of a poor choice when trying to hunker down. Zombies don't drive cars, and you can walk on almost any post undetected.