In About Last Night part3 Tar and Scratch have a conversation to the gist of

Scratch: I have to go drop off Pippen
Tar: What about the other one?
Scratch: We stil have her
No the other one, the one already there.
We have not heard from her in a while

This leaves two females that the mallers have one of which seems to be connected to Pippen's Mission.

Assumption: Pippen's Mission involves the tower
Assumption: The Rat from the Tower is the one they have not heard from a while, then that is an indications that the rat in the tower is a woman.

This leaves another "her" that would be connected to the Pippen or his mission.

OK, this is where I take some big leaps...
Lizzy sees something that makes her realize that the mallers have moved.
1) A convoy? We know they will shortly have a convoy of tanker trucks and slave pens. Maybe it is even bigger because Durai is heading south
2) The Other Tower with obvious habitation.

Ok, (2) is way out there. But the mallers were looking for a Tower that has been prepared for current conditions. May be they took the other tower
1) When Bricks drops the arm. Some quote fragments. I do not think that was ever human. This is jsut the start. Durai knows this. They will follow us where ever we go.
2)Durai orders the assault on the Arena despite the obvious risks.

This begs the questions why is Durai such an expert on what is apparently the first small one they have ever seen?
1) Conection to Raydon labs.
2) Mallers got info from ground zero
3) Mallers got the other tower and referenced the material the other tower obtained from ground zero. This is where I lean.

Why would Durai be so concerned about the Arena? We hear that in addition to the assault on arena most of the mallers are heading south. I figure the other tower is kinda close to the arena. They know they are about to stir up a hornets nest and want to get the hell out of Dodge. South is more of LA, the Colony and even further San Diego.

Scratch has a "weapon". This seems to be a rare item and really powerful. Latch got it out of the safe. Maybe from the other tower got it from ground zero. Maybe Latch got it from ground zero. Maybe it is an anti-tank weapoon to take out a big one. But, it is called "weapon" so this points to something more mysterious.

But, we are also left with another her. The statement We still have her. Does not seem like a loyalty or communication. It seems possesive. They "have" her. Probably against her will.

I am not aware of another "her" that is missing from the tower. But, this is foreshadowing, I am sure of it.
1) someone we do not know
2) Someone we know? {[* Samantha *]} I put her in a cage to contain the flames.
3) Someone we have heard of? CJ

Interestingly, these are both tied to the other tower. We also know that a bunch of slaves have escaped. CJ was a hell of a planner. Maybe she had something to do with it and did not make it out or was recaptured.

But, unless they are zombie chow there are a lot of freed slaves running around. I got the impression that it was a pretty big list.