Havn't read all the post in this topic yet.. just finished the episode....i got no words...Best and worst episode of the series, and was really difficult to listen to knowing they were gonna die, but not knowing when and hearing that classic banter throughout the first of the episode... until this sinks in, i cant make heads or tails of it and my world is upside down now. Something about this series makes you create such a bond with the characters...its amazing. Truly missing those guys now.
"You may find me dead in a ditch one day...But by God you'll find me in a pile of brass!"tonyrey liked this post
The hardest part about the Zombie Apocalypse will be pretending that i'm [I][B]NOT [/B][/I]excited!
Are friggin' kidding me?
Let us not forget this either:
aint mad.jpg
Seriously though, this episode was one hell of an emotional roller coaster and an info dump... and I have to work tomorrow too. >.<
I'm going to need another listen and a day off to really start sinking my teeth in to this. To start though, I'll say this:
We are presented with two sets of test subjects, one who have incarceration reports posted by their door with the test notes scribbled in. The other is decidedly more lo-tech, with various symbology smeared onto the doors. (In blood?) Here's the thing, why are the two sets different? Were the two sets of tests at different times and the difference is due to Ink's loosing of his faculties? Or, is the reverse true? Is he regaining his faculties and getting smarter?
It has been suggested that the ink pens that were smuggled in were doped with some of the chemicals that have been used on his experiments. Were any of those or combination of those known to be or could be intelligence enhancing in addition to being performance enhancing?
"The smarter you were in life, the smarter you are in death." Bill Roberts held multiple degrees, as well as two doctorates, if I'm not mistaken. I gather that he was one of those guys that was "make your brain hurt" smart if you talked to them.
Puck's right, he knows exactly what he's doing.
"I've got tons of great ideas. Trouble is, most of 'em suck." George CarlinSin Angel liked this post
"I've got the guns, the radio and the water for the Zombie Apocalypse, but you gotta have a yo-yo." Chris Boden
Hey, get a load of this. Guess who started writing again and has a spot in the fan fiction subforum?
I didn't even notice what was in the booth until now...... Hahaha, classic...
Hey guys, this is Pvt. Carl (Christian Vieira). Just wanted to thank all of you for all your love and support! It's been a great ride!
WA Finale Convoy Communications Officer
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