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  1. The Spoiler's Review - Chapter 20.3 - What Did I Do Last Night?

    SPOILERS AHEAD!! -- Listen to the Podcast Before Coming Here!

    Chapter 20.3 –What Did I Do Last Night?

    To my current readers and (future ones), I decided to change the official title of my blog because it contains numerous spoilers and I don’t feel my banner is enough. Even we Mods have to respect the censorship rules in place. The second reason for a title change is that the phrase Too Early To ...

    Updated May 24th, 2011 at 06:02 PM by Zombiehead

    The Spoiler's Review
  2. more wnd ramblings

    I am happy that the original group is getting back together again and that most of the side quests are either complete or nearing completion. Hoping that KC takes us back to the sweat research that was done in earlier chapters and the tower group working on ways to make themselves less detectable by the undead. My other hope is that we get to learn more about the intelligence of the undead and how they plot and scheme as well as what really caused this whole mess to begin with. One thing i really ...
  3. RPGing in Kc's world.

    by , Mar 31st, 2011 at 03:14 PM (Alive Anonymous "A place for help on the season breaks.")
    We started this week the RPG game in the group section. I will say I have grown to have more appreciation to the details and textures of Kc's WA world.

    I am not the writer he is but I will say I feel my writing has improved somewhat with the rich and diverse playground we are in at the moment.

    I will also say.. The WA world scares the shit out of me.

    I am enjoying the intensity of the situation. Where a single mistake can kill you. Its feeling like ...
    Alive Anonymous
  4. Radio drama

    I'm a huge fan of radio drama's and We're Alive is the best one out there today. Being a child of the 80's I missed out on the great radio serials of yesteryear.

    Its great to see a series as well produced as this one becoming so popular. Hope it inspires more people to try their hand at it.

    I have a 90 minute ride to work and back everyday. Anyone else use We're Alive to make their commute better?
  5. The Spoiler's Reivew - Chapter 20.2 - What Did I Do Last Night?

    SPOILERS AHEAD!!! -- Listen the Podcast Before You Come Here!

    Chapter 20.2 – What Did I Do Last Night?

    Huzzah for advertisements! Why did I envision a commercial of Pegs smelling flowers in a greenhouse smiling sweetly with a bottle of Mircale-Gro? Anyway, typing as I listen to the new episode…


    Updated May 24th, 2011 at 06:01 PM by Zombiehead

    The Spoiler's Review
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