Blog Comments

  1. LiamKerrington's Avatar
    Hi there,

    now that this article is available here as well, I will raise the same questions I raised on reaper239's original posting and blog again - slightly corrected though.

    About right of property ...

    In other legal systems, which are based on the corpus iuris civile, i.e. Roman law, on the one and natural law, i.e. the law drawn from the philosophies which sprang from the French Revolution, on the other hand, property is not as free as what you describe here.
    In Germany for example the right of property is regulated in article 14 of the German constitution, the so-called "base law". On the one hand this article provides the guarantee that anyone on German territory has the right of property for anything that belongs to him. But according to the same article the legislative is empowered to "form" what exactly "property" is and in what way "property" may even be limited.

    This leads me to the question, if the anglo-saxon legal systems have something similar to the German rule or if there is a difference between the legal concepts of property in the USA on the one side and the UK on the other?

    This is important for the proper understanding of the legal concepts evolving around property. If the US-American constitution provides the power for the legislative, jurisprudence, or in a broader sense "the State" or "public authorities" in general, to define the scope of property and/ or in what way property may be restricted or directed, then this would put a certain relativity to the freedom or right of property, doesn't it? And wouldn't this then mean that the freedom of men would not be rooted in property as well?

    For the sake of clarification: I don't challenge what reaper239 has written; I just wonder if there are more things to keep in mind, because I simply don't know enough about the Anglo-Saxon legal systems.
    And I don't want to rely on wikipedia-articles too much

    All the best!
  2. Robzombie's Avatar
    This whole 'zombie' thing being spoken about in parlaiment probably stems from what the 'zombie' term means. It actually refers to a computer that has been rendered useless due to a hacker attack. I don't mind politicians/government officials showing a human side to them and having a laugh.
  3. Osiris's Avatar
    As a Canadian I would say that our politicians are neither prophets nor masterminds. Really, they're as ineffectual as any other governing body, but with a quaint accent, and poutine breath. Still, I agree! Totally funny to see them waste my tax dollars on this stuff. Sure beats what they usually waste it on!
  4. LiamKerrington's Avatar
    Hi there.

    Thank you for the review. I didn't play the game myself; but I watched several playthroughs on YouTube. And I enjoyed it a lot. I think one of the big amazing effects of this game is that you get heavily involved in the tragic and human situations of all major characters giving you at least the chance to develop sympathies for any character.
  5. reaper239's Avatar
    i've got some more songs posted up [URL=""]here[/URL] if you want to check them out. there is a restriction on how many vids i can post on this site.
  6. scbubba's Avatar
    I wasn't a huge fan of their first album (other than maybe "Breath Into Me" which, for some reason, stuck in my head for a while). A couple of songs off of I&I were decent too ("Fight Inside" and "Death of Me"). "Until We Have Faces" seemed like their stand to go 'heavier' and I think it worked ok.

    Hadn't heard anything from the new album (or really about the new album), so thanks for posting the review and the song. It's not a bad song and it might grow on me with a few more listens. I'll be interested to hear what the rest is like when the album hits Spotify and I can hear it start to finish.

    Thanks again.
  7. reaper239's Avatar
    yeah, i like them. osi, def not everyone's thing, but their latest is worlds better than their first effort. don't get me wrong, it was decent if alt metal is your genre, but if it's just kind of a passing interest then this and their last, until we have faces, are really the only two from their catalogue worth looking into.

    pink, thanks for the kind words, since you do seem to be into the alt metal genre, i'd suggest looking into their first two albums as well. while i can't in good faith say that their first is a buy, it is worth giving a cursory listen, just to get some background on them. it gives you some good insight into the progression of the band and help you piece together where they are going musically. theirsecond album is a much more solid presentation and if you like the band it is a buy. as far as the remixes go, i also picked up the deluxe edition just because i like more content, and i also found that i like the remixes, kind of a new flavor. i have , however, developed the opinion over the years, that extra material should be released as an EP or a b-side. i've had the experience that bands will put together a fantastic album, everything in it's proper place, the album closer a perfect fit to end the album, and then a bonus song that completely takes you out of the experience of the initial album. that's why i didn't mention the bonus songs in the initial review.
  8. pinkstarmary's Avatar
    Went to Spotify and listened to the album. I like what I hear. They're like a smash up of Nine Inch Nails with a little bit of Cold. Both favs of mine. I believe you found me a new band to listen to... Thanks!! (Love the remixes)
    Updated Feb 8th, 2013 at 08:15 AM by pinkstarmary
  9. Osiris's Avatar
          P.S. Glad to see you've returned.
  10. Osiris's Avatar
          You lost me at Linkin Park, but I listened anyway. It isn't bad. It's pretty prototypical alt. metal, maybe a little on the prog. side. It's like how I imagine Paramore would sound if they had an angsty male "singer" instead of Hayley. Not my cup of tea, but it's not something I would necessarily turn off if it came on the radio . . . I probably wouldn't turn it up either.
    Updated Feb 11th, 2013 at 08:58 AM by Osiris
  11. Osiris's Avatar
    I'll be listening to season three again from the beginning, so I'll have a chance to view things with a new set of eyes. It's possible that the chapters play differently when they're run as a whole, and not broken up with commercials and so on. Gives you a different vibe when the tension or mood never breaks.
  12. LiamKerrington's Avatar
    I concur, Osiris. Well spoken. Nothing to add. #27 it should be ...
  13. Kc's Avatar
    Yup, I think we should make this a thread. it's getting a bit lost in the blogs...
  14. Kc's Avatar
    Yeah, I remember those times well. And even though the series is coming to an end, does not mean that it all will, or this site will. I have other stories that I've been secretly working on plot lines for this entire time. This community will never die. And hopefully it never will, even long after I'm gone.
  15. Osiris's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Blues_127
    People study and debate why the Beatles became such a phenom; when it all comes down it's that reaction in individuals like you that makes anyone such a huge star. They were/are all great guys who are/were great at touching audiances. And think, Paul probably has enough music recorded to play for a couple days non-stop without repeating a song.
    Agreed. People went ape shit the last time they'd played in Vancouver. Apparently, it was like stepping onto the surface of the sun because of all the flash photography. Why are there still people who use a flash to photograph a subject that is almost eighty yards away?
  16. Solanine's Avatar
    Huh, thats cool. Been watching Dust for a while (I love the stories that come from the EVE universe but have neither the time, money or PC to play it. When Dust was announced I almost ruined my computer screen (I'll leave it up to you to decide with what), I've loved the Sci-Fi FPS thing since Battlefield 2142 (my first shooter). Unfortunately as I scrolled down the news article it became apparent it was PS3 only. Sigh, on the days I'm not playing Skyrim I sometimes find myself regretting my choice of console. Anyway it looks cool, best of luck. As soon as I get a PC I'm jumping into planet side 2 which is in a similar vein as this.
  17. Blues_127's Avatar
    People study and debate why the Beatles became such a phenom; when it all comes down it's that reaction in individuals like you that makes anyone such a huge star. They were/are all great guys who are/were great at touching audiances. And think, Paul probably has enough music recorded to play for a couple days non-stop without repeating a song.
  18. YetAnotherBloodyCheek's Avatar
    Live And Let Die - A great song and a wonderful motto for Scratch Thank you for sharing your thoughts and impressions.
  19. scbubba's Avatar
    Very nice write up. Sounds like an awesome concert.

    Thanks for sharing....

  20. thisonegirl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Duffusmonkey
    When I was very young my Grandpa still had an out-house (in addition to modern plumbing).
    I asked him why there was a pile of corn cobs outside the outhouse and Grandpa said "Ever heard the expression ROUGH AS A COB?" Now you know where that expression came from.

    To this day I don't know if he was lying, I can't handle the truth!

    LMAO. My grandparents also had an outhouse, but they had toilet paper, too, lol.
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