Blog Comments

  1. ObamaCat's Avatar
    Haha enjoyed the video. I also have to say W-A-L-K around my dog :P, she's a "Smart one". As usual I loved the podcast, keep up the awesome work.
  2. HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
    Cool. I have a few friends in the entertainment industry, mostly musicians. I gave the podcast URL to a friend who's also acted in a few Star Trek Next Gen episodes so she could check out your off the chain production value. It's kinda hard to get people to think outside their comfort zone though.
    Thanks for the quick get back to.
  3. Kc's Avatar
    Well this actor's a rescue
    But seriously, we hold casting sessions for them. Typically we don't post any of these just to keep the number of leaks to a minimum.
  4. HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
    How do you go about hiring your actors and how do you bring in new talent for later episodes?
  5. Kc's Avatar
    At the moment we break even using the profits from the t-shirts and disc sets. The advertisements in the beginning and end seem to have run dry, but we haven't actively been searching for new adverts either.

    As for $ amounts, I can't/don't state what it would cost to run because of possible ongoing negotiations. I let Shane, the other producer, negotiate those things with possible investors. Unless there's someone here who wouldn't mind being our agent.
  6. j0be's Avatar
    Holy crap. I loved the look behind the scenes. I do some amateur sound design, and it was great to see some of the work you do behind the scenes.
  7. j0be's Avatar
    I definitely did enjoy the episode.

    What's weird to me is it actually felt shorter this week than it actually was. (Not trying to bring you down). I think it's because there was a fair amount of dialogue. I don't mind it at all. Maybe it's also that this is my first episode where I couldn't just jump into the next. (my problem)

    Just out of curiosity, about what is your ~current overhead? I didn't notice any sponsor advertisements on this episode, is that going to come back, or are you looking at other means to cover your expenses?

    An aside to the current overhead, about how much more monetary input would you consider before making it your day job?
  8. StepLaugh's Avatar
    You're one real stand up kinda guy Thanks man.
  9. Chelsea C.'s Avatar
    We all appreciate your hard work!
    Updated Feb 25th, 2011 at 12:36 PM by Chelsea C.
  10. nikvoodoo's Avatar
    huzzah to you sir! The wiki mainpage looks all CSSexy!
  11. Kc's Avatar
    Salute* you kicked some ass this week Captain!
  12. Ra1th's Avatar
    deal, the last thing i'd need is you going around angel bashing hahaha
  13. nikvoodoo's Avatar
    Like I've said elsewheres on the forums, I don't outwardly reject at all there being a team up between the Mallers/Tower. I think I've said you were just jumping the gun about when it was going to happen. I support your team up theory completely! I think an alliance between the two groups is super sexy and stuffed full of palpable tension! I just can't see how its going to happen right now with the relationships as they are, that's all I'm sayin'.

    P.S.- I really really really don't want like...daily profile messages from you when it happens saying "I told you so." Promise me that, and I promise I won't go all over the forum saying Angel sucks. Deal? Deal!
  14. Ra1th's Avatar
    i'll just give u guys a headsup, if by somechance my tower/maller tag team theory ends up coming true, you will NEVER hear the end of it!
  15. nikvoodoo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kc
    HA HA! It's so awesome knowing what predictions are on or way off. Very cool reasoning through it!
    I gotta tell you, that's the hardest part is knowing there are people who know how on or off my predictions are. I just hope I got at least some right so people will come back in March and not be like "Wow, he knows nothing"
  16. Kc's Avatar
    HA HA! It's so awesome knowing what predictions are on or way off. Very cool reasoning through it!
  17. nikvoodoo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GameOverGreggy
    Great stuff.
    Thanks, Greg! I love what you and Brit do with your podcast too! It eases the Monday to Monday pain waiting for episodes!

    Quote Originally Posted by fraggot
    I just want to know what happened to Micheal's damn arm. Why is he so hesitant to talk about it?
    I feel like he may not want to talk about it for the same reason soldiers don't like to talk about their war experiences. "It's all over with, I'm alive, so lets get on with it." To him, the how isn't as important as it is to the rest of us. We may have to wait for a truly intimate moment between him and Pegs before we ever find out. She may be the only one who can get the information out of him. I would love to use this as a prediction in the future, but unless him about to tell the story is left as a chapter cliff hanger it will be nearly impossible to guess when it will come up.
  18. fraggot's Avatar
    I just want to know what happened to Micheal's damn arm. Why is he so hesitant to talk about it?
  19. GameOverGreggy's Avatar
    Great stuff.
  20. Ra1th's Avatar
    Scary thought about angel/kalani being ambushed on the way back. Its rly possible since angel is bleeding out. Love the idea of angel being leader (who saw that coming). Maybe lizzie will get thrown off a building or die in a mission
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