Blog Comments

  1. Duffusmonkey's Avatar
    When I was very young my Grandpa still had an out-house (in addition to modern plumbing).
    I asked him why there was a pile of corn cobs outside the outhouse and Grandpa said "Ever heard the expression ROUGH AS A COB?" Now you know where that expression came from.

    To this day I don't know if he was lying, I can't handle the truth!
  2. LiamKerrington's Avatar
    Ok, NOW I understand why Zombies smell like shit ...
  3. thisonegirl's Avatar
    Lol, purple toilet paper gowns! How did I miss that the first time around?
  4. LiamKerrington's Avatar
    Clementine? Isn't that the name of the little girl??? (I have not played the game yet ... And I still bargain with my minister and advisor for money, debts and finances about purchasing the game ...)
  5. reaper239's Avatar
    ok so, quick update: i couldn't do it. the little girl (i can't think of her name right now) was upset with me and i couldn't go through with it.
  6. thisonegirl's Avatar
    I wasn't as big a fan of this as I was of Gloomcookie. That was graphic novel was fun.
  7. thisonegirl's Avatar
    Thanks for the tip!
  8. yarri's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thisonegirl
    Hmmm, would pinto beans be good, too? I might try them with those, or baked beans! Oh, the possibilities. . . .
    I've used both in the dish they work great the baked beans make sure to drain them well though.
  9. thisonegirl's Avatar
    Hmmm, would pinto beans be good, too? I might try them with those, or baked beans! Oh, the possibilities. . . .
  10. thisonegirl's Avatar
    Ugh, that was pretty bad. Damn you, morbid curiosity! I wasn't manly before it, but I think I just became one. On the plus side, thanks for the advice.
  11. reaper239's Avatar
    def my favorite of their albums so far. if you are more into blues rock, check out "from beale street to oblivion" same clutch but more blues less groove.
  12. VEE's Avatar
    Sounds fun, might give it a go as I quite liked the youtube track.
  13. 7oddisdead's Avatar
    The last pic wasn't that bad. I thought it would be a pic of the results of wiping with poison sumac(worst idea ever, btw)..of course, I'm uber
  14. reaper239's Avatar
    it's not so much about altering the actual story line, it's about altering how the story plays out. your decisions carry weight with the people. in fact, i think i'm going to go piss someone off and see if they still help me. wish me luck.
  15. VEE's Avatar
    I found the first one a bit too limited, in that it was very tightly scripted and there was no 'free will' as such, I'll give the second episode a go though, on your recommendation.
  16. Mikeyd2tall's Avatar
    Heheheh spawnspawnspawnspawn ;D
  17. VEE's Avatar

  18. Witch_Doctor's Avatar
    Family Ties:
    Saul, Lizzy, Baby
    Saul, Tonya
    Angel, Scratch, Durai
    Kalani, Hanna

    Less obvious:
    Zombie Families
    Not really trying to go anywhere with this. Just drawing ties.
  19. awkwardalex's Avatar
    (whoever helped me with this...NAME YOURSELF!)
    When Angel ate a "bullet salad" I was having trouble understanding Scratch: It sure is hard to break ____ _____.
    Someone told me that they thought it was "It sure is hard to break family ties."

    So I'm kind of thinking that maybe it has to do with scratch. Plus that may mean Burt and we have had two (new) words from the man this season.
  20. 7oddisdead's Avatar
    Dude....eagle on water.. Your a winner already.
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