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Alive Anonymous

  1. Blog number 37. "I'm inspired by weird shit what can I say" Part 1

    by , Jun 1st, 2012 at 12:34 PM (Alive Anonymous "A place for help on the season breaks.")
    Typical day in my house, the cupboards are bare, the fridge echoes from the depths of its being, as its empty again. In the window when I drive up I see two of my three children are staring at me with vacant expressions of the low blood sugar variety and complaints of "We're hungry and there's nothing to eat!" From the looks on the faces of the pair of them you’d think I never fed them until you notice that one of them is six foot five inches.

    In my house, two of my three children ...
    Alive Anonymous
  2. Survivor Kitchen "American style"

    by , May 6th, 2012 at 12:30 PM (Alive Anonymous "A place for help on the season breaks.")
    Space Balls I mean Spam Balls (with peanut butter sauce)

    This was an interesting challenge and forced my hand as a kitchen witch to work some intense magic with spices and heat to create something eatable out of one of the most notoriously icky food products in the history of the world… Spam, Yes I said it SPAM © What is SPAM you ask? Spam is a combination of two words spiced and ham (I question the spiced idea of that cause its bland as flour paste with a pork flavor that ...

    Updated May 6th, 2012 at 12:32 PM by yarri

    Tags: food, kitchen
    Alive Anonymous , Survivor Kitchen
  3. Combat Fatigue posted by Reaper answered by me.

    by , Apr 7th, 2012 at 07:31 AM (Alive Anonymous "A place for help on the season breaks.")
    Quote Originally Posted by reaper239 View Post
    ret lt col dave grossman wrote the book on combat and there he deals with the problems that face soldiers in extended stays in a combat zone. well, all of america is a combat zone, so this begs the question: how do you stay fighting fit and mentaly stable (cou-skittles-gh) when everyday you face the threat of death and are in a perpetual state of preparedness to enter mortal combat to defend yourself. i just started reading the book, but he talks about a 60 day period (i think, i'll look back at

    Updated Apr 7th, 2012 at 09:00 AM by yarri

    Alive Anonymous
  4. Scratch, the greatest female villain of all time… “I beat my thesaurus up for her”

    by , Mar 13th, 2012 at 11:32 AM (Alive Anonymous "A place for help on the season breaks.")
    Maybe spoilers I’m not sure I’ve been up all night and I’m quite tired

    In the history of evil bitches you hear names of legendary villains such as Poison Ivy, Mystique, Cat Woman, Jennifer Check from Jennifer’s body (one of my personal favorites), Cruella De Vil, Ursula from the little mermaid, Maleficent, Elle Driver in Kill Bill 1 & 2, Annie ...
    Alive Anonymous
  5. Ghost in the Machine:

    by , Dec 15th, 2011 at 06:31 PM (Alive Anonymous "A place for help on the season breaks.")
    The story of a prednisone induced psychosis or the OS on my laptop has achieved self-awareness.
    (I’m really hoping for the psychosis)

    No spoilers at all.

    This has not been the year for me and electronic devices. I’ve dropped, stepped on and drove over my own cell phone not once but twice. Thank the gods I invested in a military grade, yes I said it, military grade cellphone after my youngest kid murdered six phones in six months. The salesman swore ...
    Alive Anonymous
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