View Full Version : Review from a Familiar source...

Feb 16th, 2011, 02:38 PM
I like reading reviews from outside sources. We received a few today, so I'm going to post one:

1 Star: Christopher Martens
"Weak Storytelling, poor dialogue, bad production. Don't waste your time."

Hmmm... let's see what else he doesn't like (and by the way if you are curious, you can see his itunes username if you click on our reviews in iTunes.)

He loves Scott Sigler... Gave two stars to Age of Zombies and Blue Zone Zyracuse. Also wrote much more in their reviews... hmmm. Well he seems to not like a lot of things. One stars all over the place. Oh, but he seems to like church podcasts. That's fine, but what's with this name that sound familiar. Where have I seen it before. Since it's his user name I don't think it's NOT going to be real.

********************HOLY HELL! I just figured out who Chris Martens is! He's the creator of "On the Edge of Darkness" on iTunes********************
He has 19 ratings on his show, not all of them favorable. I can see why he might be upset.

For those of you who don't know. Edge of Darkness is another Zombie related podcast. So, in a way, he's a competitor, but I don't see it that way.


There are a lot of other podcasts out there that are audio dramas in the same genre as us, and I think it would be bad form to write bad reviews on iTunes just to make ourselves look better. Love it or hate it, leave it alone.
What I'll do is post his link to his show: http://www.ontheedgeofdarkness.com/wordpress/ and let you all know the connection.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think! I just thought you all might find it interesting. Sure we'll give him a traffic boost, but whatever. Maybe he'll turn around and see we aren't rivals and one doesn't have to act petty.

Then again some would see posting this as petty, and to that I say PHOOEyY! ;)

Feb 16th, 2011, 02:49 PM
I don't have any problems with religious folks, but I *do* have a problem with people who place their own opinions 'on a pedestal' and dismiss any other views.

This seems to be a case of the latter.

Ah well, looking at his background this shouldn't keep you and the rest of the WA-team awake at night :)

Feb 16th, 2011, 02:59 PM
I don't have any problems with religious folks, but I *do* have a problem with people who place their own opinions 'on a pedestal' and dismiss any other views.

This seems to be a case of the latter.

Ah well, looking at his background this shouldn't keep you and the rest of the WA-team awake at night :)

It doesn't. Our percentage of bad reviews to good ones is very different, so I don't mind. A review's a review. I just like to post them and see where people are coming from. Not to bash Age of Zombies or Blue Zone, but I figured we wouldn't have ranked lower... considering both of those died a long time ago. And then another person complains about waiting two weeks in between Chapters.

Feb 16th, 2011, 03:01 PM
HOLY CRAP! I just figured out who Chris Martens is!

Feb 16th, 2011, 03:08 PM
I don't realize who is chris martens, so dish.
Ahh, I see. Still don't know of the man or the content.
Thanks for enlightening us... again.
I'll download the first five episodes but no promises beyond that.

Wicked Sid
Feb 16th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Care to elaborate?

There's an absurd amount of people named Chris(topher) Martens.

Feb 16th, 2011, 03:13 PM
I edited my post. This is going on the front page.

Wicked Sid
Feb 16th, 2011, 03:33 PM
I seriously gave it a try... Too much narration. I can see they tried and I can respect that but the narration just doesn't allow me to be engrossed into the story. I listen to some Halo audiobooks (Nerdy, I know and don't care) where its mostly Narration, so that's not the problem. The sub-bits of dialogue by different people just doesn't do it for me, granted I only listened to episode 1 but that's really all I could take. Maybe its his voice or his inflection but it totally ejected me from the story.

Maybe I'm being an elitist, so sue me, but it does tell me that once you've had the best, you just can't like the rest.

Feb 16th, 2011, 03:54 PM
I seriously gave it a try... Too much narration. I can see they tried and I can respect that but the narration just doesn't allow me to be engrossed into the story. I listen to some Halo audiobooks (Nerdy, I know and don't care) where its mostly Narration, so that's not the problem. The sub-bits of dialogue by different people just doesn't do it for me, granted I only listened to episode 1 but that's really all I could take. Maybe its his voice or his inflection but it totally ejected me from the story.

Maybe I'm being an elitist, so sue me, but it does tell me that once you've had the best, you just can't like the rest.

I agree with you, it doesn't have any production quality to it. I mean have you heard the gunshot.

I couldn't listen to more than one episode. It's not keeping my attention at all. *yawn*

Feb 16th, 2011, 04:17 PM
I agree with you, it doesn't have any production quality to it. I mean have you heard the gunshot.

I couldn't listen to more than one episode. It's not keeping my attention at all. *yawn*

I won't say yay or nay on the quality, but I was more insulted that it was an attack based on the fact that we're a competing podcast with the sole purpose of lowering our ratings.

Feb 16th, 2011, 05:43 PM
I've heard his cast once, first episode, and gave up after probably 5 minutes. Just what you said, he's trying to draw people to his cast and off of yours. More likely fear that WA is clearly one of the best produced, and highest in quality of sounds.

Feb 16th, 2011, 06:31 PM
Ehn. There'll be mixed reviews either way. I recommended WA to a blind friend who spends a lot of time listening to audiobooks and podcast dramas, and he's become quite a fan - and he's certainly one to be able to pick out a good production.

And I'm seriously thinking about adding the podcast to my list of research items for my MA thesis. This stuff is gold.

Feb 17th, 2011, 09:45 AM
And I'm seriously thinking about adding the podcast to my list of research items for my MA thesis. This stuff is gold.

Whatever you need we'd be glad to help. We recently worked with an author publishing a book on audiodrama theory.

Feb 17th, 2011, 07:07 PM
Whatever you need we'd be glad to help. We recently worked with an author publishing a book on audiodrama theory.

I'm about a year out from starting the thesis, but I may call on you before that (and after I get ethics clearance). Thanks!

May 5th, 2011, 05:23 PM
It was in more of a audio book with the jack said and stuff. It sounded like the same person did every character.

May 23rd, 2011, 09:24 AM
Age of Zombies is awesome....

You were talking about the awesome Iphone game made by Australian developer... *checks Ipod Touch* Halfbrick Studios right?

I'm sure this gets enough good reviews for people to be able to tell that its quality anyway...