View Full Version : About Riley

Jan 30th, 2011, 05:14 PM
So I realize that with all the everything going on this probably isn't even a terribly important question... but uhm....

So when is she going to come out?

Of course this could just be wishful thinking on my part.

Jan 30th, 2011, 06:39 PM
LOL! I thought that from the start, but she told Pegs that guys that look like Angel are more her speed

Jan 30th, 2011, 06:40 PM
Wait! On second thought, she may have just said she likes them tall and blonde...or something like that. Dammit!

Jan 30th, 2011, 06:44 PM
Hmmm I never really thought that. Now that i'm listening to all the episodes again, I'll try and listen to it.

Jan 30th, 2011, 06:44 PM
Wait! On second thought, she may have just said she likes them tall and blonde...or something like that. Dammit!


She only ever mentioned like maybe being interested in Angel when it was a better alternative than smoking alone on the roof, but! Even then she only said it would be fun and not that she liked him.

Jan 30th, 2011, 07:22 PM
it was the epi when Pegs got all worked up because she and Mike were hugging. She mentioned what type she liked and that Michael wasn't it. We got the impression she was into chicks from the episode with her shooting down Mike's jokey come on line.

Jan 30th, 2011, 08:29 PM
Hmm... intriguing. Cause Angel for sure likes Riley post the arena field trip. And the line at the party, "i'm gonna go find...riley.." i wonder if he ever found her that night. it seemed like he had some business he was looking to attend to. but his night ended w/ puking in the bath tub, maybe it went wrong and he was sulking w/ the bottle. hmmm....

She did skoff kinda under her breath when she said, "yeah like him..." 7-1 at the 7:30 mark.

Jan 30th, 2011, 09:03 PM
Oh the possibilities!

Feb 6th, 2011, 04:16 PM
My Gaydar is definately tingling when it comes to Riley. For sure.

Angel obviously likes her, but we've heard Riley say in her journal that he isn't getting the message.

She's cool. I love Riley.

Feb 6th, 2011, 07:13 PM
Hmm... intriguing. Cause Angel for sure likes Riley post the arena field trip. And the line at the party, "i'm gonna go find...riley.." i wonder if he ever found her that night. it seemed like he had some business he was looking to attend to. but his night ended w/ puking in the bath tub, maybe it went wrong and he was sulking w/ the bottle. hmmm....

She did skoff kinda under her breath when she said, "yeah like him..." 7-1 at the 7:30 mark.

but then after the war, angel still asks riley if she wants to hang out, and when she says no, he says he's gonna work out,

but yeah my hopes for an angel/riley romance are dying away. cause everything points to riley being a lesbian, like saul said in the very beginning, she seems like a woMAN

Feb 7th, 2011, 12:00 AM
cause everything points to riley being a lesbian, like saul said in the very beginning, she seems like a woMAN

haha I love Saul!!! He knows the ladies!

Feb 7th, 2011, 12:09 AM
Saul seems like the type of person that would be intimidated by a powerful, confident woman. That may be some explanation as to why he made the WoMAN comment. I say this while I believe Riley is a lesbian.

Which makes me wonder how effeminate does Angel look....she did say Angel is more her type..... maybe its just the hair....or maybe Angel would look good in some pumps and a mini skirt...

Feb 7th, 2011, 12:26 AM
hahah she actually never says she's into angel, she says she likes them tall and blonde, and then Peggs says "like angel?" and riley goes "yeah someone like that" sigh oh well

Feb 7th, 2011, 01:16 AM
hahah she actually never says she's into angel, she says she likes them tall and blonde, and then Peggs says "like angel?" and riley goes "yeah someone like that" sigh oh well

This is what happens when I don't do a quick reference of the episode before I try to quote it. I do it wrong. I know the comment is in there somewhere, but I can't find it for the life of me. And I am not relistening to the entire story just to find that. :p

Feb 7th, 2011, 05:10 AM
I always thought that there would be something between them since the beginning. With Saul having Lizzy and Michael having Pegs, it only made since for Angel to have someone too.

Feb 7th, 2011, 08:12 AM
I always thought that there would be something between them since the beginning. With Saul having Lizzy and Michael having Pegs, it only made since for Angel to have someone too.
I don't know, in a way I'm kind of glad they aren't. The romances so far are kind of working my nerves. The way that Pegs seems unable to understand what bad timing is... or how Michael has to now deal with confronting emotions as well as the zombies. Then there's Saul and Lizzie who are so ridiculously protective of each other that it's getting in the way of their ability to do anything.... and they haven't even fucked yet!
I would get so mad if Riley got that way.

Feb 7th, 2011, 08:26 AM
I don't know, in a way I'm kind of glad they aren't. The romances so far are kind of working my nerves. The way that Pegs seems unable to understand what bad timing is... or how Michael has to now deal with confronting emotions as well as the zombies. Then there's Saul and Lizzie who are so ridiculously protective of each other that it's getting in the way of their ability to do anything.... and they haven't even fucked yet!
I would get so mad if Riley got that way.

Well Michael has been kind of mean to Pegs, it's not just her fault.

Feb 7th, 2011, 08:35 AM
I don't know, in a way I'm kind of glad they aren't. The romances so far are kind of working my nerves. The way that Pegs seems unable to understand what bad timing is... or how Michael has to now deal with confronting emotions as well as the zombies. Then there's Saul and Lizzie who are so ridiculously protective of each other that it's getting in the way of their ability to do anything.... and they haven't even fucked yet!
I would get so mad if Riley got that way.

I agree! Riley is quite cool headed, and I like that about her. Being lovesick really wouldn't suit her. Still, maybe if the right girl came along, who knows? :-p

Feb 7th, 2011, 09:11 AM
I don't know, in a way I'm kind of glad they aren't. The romances so far are kind of working my nerves. The way that Pegs seems unable to understand what bad timing is... or how Michael has to now deal with confronting emotions as well as the zombies. Then there's Saul and Lizzie who are so ridiculously protective of each other that it's getting in the way of their ability to do anything.... and they haven't even fucked yet!
I would get so mad if Riley got that way.

Pegs is clingy. She clung to Riley to the point that Riley couldn't function anymore in the beginning. She then transferred it to Michael and left Riley alone. You're right, she doesn't understand the bad timing, but it's a zombie apocalypse....when would the timing ever be good? Pegs is so in touch with her feelings and she can't begin to fathom how people can't tap into theirs. It's just the way she's wired. Their relationship reminds me of me and my fiancee. She's entirely emotional and acts on her feelings, and I'm far more logical and act after analyzing everything. I'm not saying one way is better than the other, just that people react differently depending on how in touch they are with their emotions.

Feb 7th, 2011, 09:56 AM
I don't know, in a way I'm kind of glad they aren't. The romances so far are kind of working my nerves. The way that Pegs seems unable to understand what bad timing is... or how Michael has to now deal with confronting emotions as well as the zombies. Then there's Saul and Lizzie who are so ridiculously protective of each other that it's getting in the way of their ability to do anything.... and they haven't even fucked yet!
I would get so mad if Riley got that way.

Holy crap i couldnt agree with you more! especially on the saul/lizzy thing, god they're annoying. i love saul, but whenever lizzy is around they just do and say the dumbest shit

Feb 13th, 2011, 05:44 AM
I hope Riley isn't gay...not that there's anything wrong with being gay..
But she's always been strong and self sufficient and able to handle herself...from the beginning.
Does a woman have to be gay to rise to the occasion so quickly?
As far as romances...sure, they should evolve..they would evolve...
but real life with the zombies is kinda in the way..
First things first..
And someone said Saul and Lizzy hadn't f#*ked...
how, exactly, would we know that?
I presume they have.

Feb 13th, 2011, 05:54 AM
I hope Riley isn't gay...not that there's anything wrong with being gay..
But she's always been strong and self sufficient and able to handle herself...from the beginning.
Does a woman have to be gay to rise to the occasion so quickly?
As far as romances...sure, they should evolve..they would evolve...
but real life with the zombies is kinda in the way..
First things first..
And someone said Saul and Lizzy hadn't f#*ked...
how, exactly, would we know that?
I presume they have.

Well of course you don't have to be gay to rise to the occasion. All the females in the story have risen to the occasion, even Pegs. I will say, however, if you've gone through life as a social pariah, and a beating post of religious zealots, your confidence level with either A) be strong, or B) totally destroyed. I am not saying any of this happened to Riley, but the potential for that to have happened living in America as a lesbian is there. Sorry to stereotype, but they exist for a reason.

There's no evidence Lizzy and Saul have been more intimate, but then again, there's nothing saying they haven't either. Personally, I don't think they have. Saul doesn't seem like the type to be able to keep that kind of information to himself....he probably would have made another huge sign like the "We're Alive" sign and hang it out of the building saying "Dude, I totally did Lizzy last night" :p But if something comes out later that they did, I wouldn't be surprised in the least.

Feb 14th, 2011, 08:17 AM
Saul is the reason why they don't let women into combat. Sheesh.
I don't think he's broadcast bedding Lizzy. He'd tell Michael because of their camaraderie, and that's all. People will be able to tell because he'll be a frigg'n jumping bean though.
Kelly will be the death of him.
Now, on to Riley... if she's a Lesbian... then so am I dammit! LOL
I agree that we don't need anymore "relationships." Hook ups would work and I think that Riley could be the type to tell Angel that he'll be HER booty call.

Wicked Sid
Feb 14th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Why is no one saying that she's Bi?

Feb 14th, 2011, 01:33 PM
Why is no one saying that she's Bi?

Because that's just story telling cheating! She's got to be one way or the other. Because you know there is no such thing as nuance or gray area in real life, therefore it cannot exist in our stories! Everything is black and white! Gay or Not Gay!

*tongue firmly planted in cheek during this response*

Wicked Sid
Feb 14th, 2011, 01:38 PM
By looking at the points from everyone it really seems as thought she's bisexual.

I must Reiterate/Emphasize!

Feb 19th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Because that's just story telling cheating! She's got to be one way or the other. Because you know there is no such thing as nuance or gray area in real life, therefore it cannot exist in our stories! Everything is black and white! Gay or Not Gay!

*tongue firmly planted in cheek during this response*

LOL ;)

... I still think she's gay.

Chelsea C.
Feb 20th, 2011, 03:28 PM
Yep, I agree. I've always had the impression that Riley is a lesbian.

Mar 4th, 2011, 01:02 AM
I think that Riley could be the type to tell Angel that he'll be HER booty call.

Hahahaa that would be freaking hilarious!

Mar 4th, 2011, 02:50 AM
I hope Riley does hook up with a good woman. I love her voice either way. So long as I get to listen in, I don't care if she's whispering sweet nothings to a man or a woman. :D

Mar 4th, 2011, 04:01 AM
I really don't think Riley is a lesbian. I just relistened to the first season all the way through and there are a few incidents that point to her being interested in Angel. Someone referred to her response to Pegs when mentioning she likes them tall and blonde. Pegs: "Like Angel? Riley: "Yeah, like him." Then when she was in the arena and they were washing each other off, she made it quite clear to him she was taking in the view. I think just because she's a strong, resolved woman doesn't point to her automatically not being into men. Plus, why would she not have just flat out told someone by now? It's not like the characters are in the 50's and would have to keep that kind of thing hush, hush. I mean they live in California too.

I at least hope she isnt' a lesbian. There would be something too cliche about having a token lesbian character who's also fairly tough. Plus Riley and Angel are my favorite characters and their time together in the arena (the whole ordeal) was my favorite chapter in the series so far. Out of all the romantic moments between the characters, theirs seems the most authentic to me.

Chelsea C.
Mar 4th, 2011, 11:04 AM
Plus Riley and Angel are my favorite characters and their time together in the arena (the whole ordeal) was my favorite chapter in the series so far. Out of all the romantic moments between the characters, theirs seems the most authentic to me.

You should stop by our group The Angel Fan Club and check it out. Who knows, if you like the idea, you might want to join ;)

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:12 PM
I'm skeptical of Riley being a Lesbian, there isn't firm proof from my point of view. I hope for an Angel/Riley romance
A) She tells Michael that he isn't her type, that in no way mean's she likes girls. Plenty of girls have said I wasn't their type but there were other men who were the right type
B) She tells Pegs that she likes them tall and blonde, broad, but seems to confirm that "Yes like Angel"
C) The scene in Chapter 15 where Angel doesn't get it was something I interpreted differently. While everyone jumps on and thinks "LESBIAN!" I think it might mean something like, "Try harder stupid" or maybe, "You could try being you know...romantic" since Angel hasn't done much in terms of being actually romantic, just games and working out.
D) In Chapter 10, when they had to get naked to bathe, Riley obviously checked Angel out. Might be just to make fun of the fact that Angel was feeling rather cold in that room or she wanted to see him. Strange how no one remembers that she did that

Just my opinions. I don't think Riley is a lesbian, though I admit it could be possible

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:18 PM
You should stop by our group The Angel Fan Club and check it out. Who knows, if you like the idea, you might want to join ;)

hey chelsea dont you hate riley? you are a trooper hanging around and posting in a board filled with people who like her!

Mar 9th, 2011, 08:29 PM
yeah i think riley would be a lesbian... daaaaaaaamn riley and peggs?

Mar 9th, 2011, 08:30 PM
ah never mind... peggs is already with michel

Mar 9th, 2011, 09:40 PM
Naw naw... Riley and Kelly. And Victor gets to watch from the corner.

I apologize.

Mar 9th, 2011, 09:49 PM
*sigh*...that's all I gotta say...

Mar 10th, 2011, 12:37 PM
*sigh*...that's all I gotta say...

I'm sorry.

Mar 10th, 2011, 12:58 PM
I'm sorry.

No need to apologize. Just had to *sigh* at that :p

2-4-5 Trioxin
Mar 10th, 2011, 01:49 PM
What’s up! 1st post here. Been a lurker as well for awhile, but decided to join up...I’ll try & post as much
as I can....now on to this Riley situation of “her” type...

So I quicky scanned through this thread & I’m not sure if this has been brought up.
But I think the “tall & blond” is...........get ready for it....................LIZZY........
I mean we don’t know how tall Lizzy is, and for all we know Riley might be short...So check it out

1) If you listen back in the beginning when Lizzy 1st showed up, Michael says that once
she got cleaned up she was a very attractive girl etc,etc...
then he goes to say that even Riley was taken back by how she looked

2) Then I think in chaper 6? You can also hear Riley sound a bit bummed out when Lizzy was all
giddy talking about Saul from the gas depot event...Especially when she says,
“I’m gonna fix myself up cause, Saul might be back soon”...

I don’t know...whatcha guys think?...”tall & blond” = Lizzy

Mar 10th, 2011, 02:59 PM
No need to apologize. Just had to *sigh* at that :p

I did too. I was a little inebriated when I posted it.

Its the day after. I regret it. But, I refuse to cover up my stupidity w/ a delete.

Own your stupidity.

Mar 10th, 2011, 03:28 PM
I did too. I was a little inebriated when I posted it.

Its the day after. I regret it. But, I refuse to cover up my stupidity w/ a delete.

Own your stupidity.
Thank you for owning up. It is much appreciated. :)

Mar 10th, 2011, 05:05 PM
but yeah my hopes for an angel/riley romance are dying away. cause everything points to riley being a lesbian, like saul said in the very beginning, she seems like a woMAN

Saul the master of the understatement.. I got to side with the rest of you guys. I think Riley bats for the other team. Poor Angel no love..

Mar 15th, 2011, 10:21 AM
Riley, Chapter 8, Part 2 @ 5:20 - "It had been a really long time since I was really out there away from this place. While I was filling my day pack, I kept kicking myself for volunteering for this, but deep down I knew why I did."

She likes Angel. Girls play hard to get all the time... just because z-day happened doesn't mean their games will end. :) Her comments about how good another girl looks is totally fine. Women can say that all the time (i.e. "She's so pretty, I hate her") without being homosexual. Maybe people are reaching too far here?

Mar 15th, 2011, 10:24 AM
I'm gonna back off the lesbian angle for the moment. I know I made the prediction in the Voodoo Lounge for chapter 19...honestly I was looking for a filler and chose that one. I had always felt she had the hots for Angel back when I first started listening to the podcast, and got swept up in the thought she might be gay. I convinced myself it had to be true!

Now I'm not so sure anymore. She could very well be a lesbian. She could very well just be a French woman who plays hard to get like Hero just pointed out. I cast you out of my being lesbian theory!

Mar 15th, 2011, 11:08 AM
man i'd love an angel/riley romance, and like someone set earlier, it could turn out riley uses angel as HER bootycall, and then that makes for the title, uhhh about last night

Mar 15th, 2011, 11:35 AM
I thought about them as well for the chapter title, but since they don't have a relationship forming in the way I see Kelly and Victor's forming, I shied away from them.

Just being careful in case people don't want to catch any information about the chapter title before it's released on Monday.

Mar 15th, 2011, 12:03 PM
Riley, Chapter 8, Part 2 @ 5:20 - "It had been a really long time since I was really out there away from this place. While I was filling my day pack, I kept kicking myself for volunteering for this, but deep down I knew why I did."

She likes Angel. Girls play hard to get all the time... just because z-day happened doesn't mean their games will end. :) Her comments about how good another girl looks is totally fine. Women can say that all the time (i.e. "She's so pretty, I hate her") without being homosexual. Maybe people are reaching too far here?

and your right.. this why I am so torn on her.

Mar 16th, 2011, 10:20 AM
man i'd love an angel/riley romance, and like someone set earlier, it could turn out riley uses angel as HER bootycall, and then that makes for the title, uhhh about last night

good call Ra1th, voodoo and I were talking about maybe being someone else but it could totally be angel and riley...infact it better be angel and riley!

Apr 20th, 2011, 09:29 PM
Maybe she gave in last night because it had been so long, but wants to make it clear it wont happen again.

Can anyone remember if Riley gave any hints while she was drunk at the 4th of july party?

Apr 20th, 2011, 09:42 PM
Maybe she gave in last night because it had been so long, but wants to make it clear it wont happen again.

Can anyone remember if Riley gave any hints while she was drunk at the 4th of july party?

Riley was hardly heard from during the party. She was there at the very beginning and then heads off to another room.

Apr 20th, 2011, 10:05 PM
Dang, lots of people give up their secrets when drunk...like kelley hitting on anyone that moved and lizzy admitting saul was her man.

Lesbian or not, Riley is a BAMF and should get a story arc soon. I cant believe she hasnt yet since she has been there from ch 1.

Apr 20th, 2011, 10:55 PM
Lesbian or not, Riley is a BAMF and should get a story arc soon. I cant believe she hasnt yet since she has been there from ch 1.

I would consider the Arena as a Riley story line. Granted she was also with Angel for most of that story line, but there aren't really any individuals who got their own story line with the exception of Lizzy right now.

Apr 22nd, 2011, 08:02 PM
Shes totally into Lizzy hahaha but I still think Riley is smokin so its gonna be a disappointment

Apr 25th, 2011, 10:02 AM
In chapter 2 part 2 when Michael is describing Lizzy he says "She had finally shed off some ugly outside world and let her gorgeous blue eyes shine across the table. I think even Riley was taken back by them." Riley had said that she liked tall and blonde, Lizzy is both. I think Riley likes Lizzy.

Apr 25th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Why is no one saying that she's Bi?

I like what Beezball says during a WND episode, "I think Riley is... French." That basically summed it up for me. I don't think Riley is incapable of falling in love with a man, or Angel for that matter. But I think maybe it also has to do with the fact that Angel is there and available. If Riley says the word Angel would totally be all over it. That is too easy for someone like Riley, who has to do things the hard way only because she has the will and the strength to see it through.

Finding a tall blonde girl who feels the same as Riley, and is available, will be next to impossible for Riley. But she goes that route because she's strong and doesn't want her goals to be accomplished easily.

This is my own speculation on the situation. And this is all why I like Riley very much. That and her actress is exactly how I picture Riley and she's dang hot.

[EDIT] I was also thinking, is Riley talking about someone she knows with the whole "I like them tall and blonde."? Maybe Riley was seeing someone during the whole outbreak. Maybe she's holding out for the slim possibility she'll see that person again. /shrug... I dunno. Like I said, only speculations.

Apr 25th, 2011, 11:14 PM
I have to think that she is Bi for sure. That being said, i hope angel and riley become an item. The earth isnt to repopulate itself. lol

Apr 25th, 2011, 11:24 PM
I would consider the Arena as a Riley story line. Granted she was also with Angel for most of that story line, but there aren't really any individuals who got their own story line with the exception of Lizzy right now.

Her character didnt develop as much as datu or saul's did. I dont know much about her because when ahe narrates, she speaks about others more than her own emotions. Even Kelley has opened up to us. The tower guys probably have a chart on her sexuality next to their exit strategies.
I am beginning to think Rileys accent and air of mystery is intoxicating to both sexes.

Apr 26th, 2011, 03:38 AM
Shes totally into Lizzy hahaha but I still think Riley is smokin so its gonna be a disappointment

Not for everyone :D I would probably do some out loud cheering if the question were cleared up and it turns out Riley swings my way.

Apr 30th, 2011, 05:09 PM
I think she is lesbian or bi. She said after angel had been flirting with her "wont he just take a hint"(something like that. After lizzy had cleaned up michael said even Riley was taken back. During the q&a she said we'd find out who she would "repopulate" with so hopefully very soon

May 2nd, 2011, 03:49 PM
And still she's not out of the closet

May 2nd, 2011, 05:46 PM
I hope she is! If I remember correctly, when she was reading her journal (road to purgatory, I think) she stated she needed to get out of the tower. Also, I thought-and it could be wishful thinking-I heard a bit of a hint in her voice when they first met Lizzie. I think she needed to get out of the tower for a while, in part, due to the frustration. She simply said she liked them tall and blonde--and the reply about Micheal was "yeah, something like that" (I think).
And as far as Riley's usefulness--hey, she's a badass archer who can go all stealth. Not to mention the figurative balls on that woman. I'm in love...but I'm not tall, or blonde.

May 4th, 2011, 04:34 PM
...but I'm not tall, or blonde.
neither am i :(

Reason she's so broke up about Lizzy being gone? She's totes in love with her.

May 6th, 2011, 05:09 PM
Riley is not a lesbian or bi. She is a strong woman and expects a lot more from angel because of that. She will end up with Angel but he will have to prove himself more than he has to win her respect much less her adoration.

May 6th, 2011, 07:21 PM
how about this reily is Bisextual

Wicked Sid
May 6th, 2011, 07:25 PM
how about this reily is Bisextual

Is that a new type of Texting...? If it is... I want in.

May 6th, 2011, 07:25 PM
how about this reily is Bisextual
How about this, No. It would be too easy for her to be bi or lesbian. Angel just needs to be more responsible and prove he is worth her time.

May 6th, 2011, 07:28 PM
i think reily likes angel a lot, he just puts his foot in his mouth alot.

May 6th, 2011, 07:57 PM
Riley, I think is having some real bad reaction to Lizzie's capture... I think she is really falling apart and one step from going mental and doing a Zombie styled Postal shooting in the Tower!

May 8th, 2011, 04:31 PM
maybe she swings for a maller...that would sux balls. Perhaps she upset at the fact that she handed her over to the mallers... hope not but a posiblity. Riley doesn't seem herself atm... remorse maybe?

RoA Overlord
May 11th, 2011, 04:06 PM
Sorry if this has already been mentioned (im feeling too lazy to read eight pages of posts) but am i the only one that thought Riley was asian for the first few episodes until she said she was French???

Rock Daddy
May 11th, 2011, 06:13 PM
Sorry if this has already been mentioned (im feeling too lazy to read eight pages of posts) but am i the only one that thought Riley was asian for the first few episodes until she said she was French???

I thought she was European, but I really didn't realize she was French.

May 17th, 2011, 09:51 AM
Hmm, I feel you, totally thought she was Indian who lived in Europe.

May 20th, 2011, 03:39 PM
Dunno if anyone else posted this or not but if you notice when Liz is talking nonstop about Saul when she first starts liking him, Riley acts uninterested in hearing anything about it..only time I've heard her tone like that.

Don Man
May 20th, 2011, 04:01 PM
man im with ra1th I want riley to hook up with angel he deserves a awesome woman like her

May 21st, 2011, 03:38 AM
I hope to see Riley and Angel get together too. Throughout the whole story I have always thought or rather after the first dinner Pegs cooked she was bi *shrugs*

May 24th, 2011, 08:18 AM
Riley, I think is having some real bad reaction to Lizzie's capture... I think she is really falling apart and one step from going mental and doing a Zombie styled Postal shooting in the Tower!

I can't help thinking the same thing, with hardly any Riley this season I really want to see how she develops after this nightmare with lizzie.

May 27th, 2011, 01:22 PM
I just did a quick skim of the thread, and I didn't see a couple of scenes that I think helps support that she is infact a lesbian...
-- When Lizzy was all giddy about looking nice for Saul... she started out asking Riley how she kept her hair looking so nice, then starts to going on and on about how awesom Saul is... Listen to Rileys tone...she quickly starts to sound like someone just killed her puppy... remember she likes'em Tall and Blond!!
--When Pegs is all tore up over Riley hugging Michael... Riley tries to talk to her and Pegs storms off... and Riley goes.... "Ugh Women" I know I when another man ticks me off, I don't say "Ugh MEN"
--Saul's comment of Riley being a wo-Man if you know what I mean

May 27th, 2011, 09:31 PM
I really hope she is. Angel doesn't deserve her.

May 27th, 2011, 10:05 PM
KC certainly enjoys torturing everyone on the issue. The only thing I know for sure is there hasn't been nearly enough Riley this season. Free Riley!

May 30th, 2011, 01:02 PM
I think Riley is bisexual or maybe just really good at playing hard-to-get. I can't believe she's a lesbian after she flirted so much with Angel in the locker rooms in Chapter 10. I think in the end, they'll get together. *Fingers crossed*

May 30th, 2011, 01:24 PM
Playing hard to get is one thing. But keep in mind she never let angel look. Pegs, the shy girl, let bothe Kelly and Michel look. Sorry hun but riley is liking the taco

May 30th, 2011, 04:35 PM
She's binge drinking because she feels guilty that Lizzie left the Tower and she lost the woman she's in love with.
Poor Riley :(

P.S. Flirting doesn't equate to attraction. I flirt with my male friends all the time and it doesn't mean anything.

May 31st, 2011, 01:37 AM
Sorry if this has already been mentioned (im feeling too lazy to read eight pages of posts) but am i the only one that thought Riley was asian for the first few episodes until she said she was French???

My mother in law is French, the accent is perfect (The voice actor is actually French). But then again if you have't really heard it before.

May 31st, 2011, 06:02 AM
My mother in law is French, the accent is perfect (The voice actor is actually French). But then again if you have't really heard it before.

I also knew she was French the second I heard her accent. But I also took two years of French.

May 31st, 2011, 10:31 AM
One other.

Chapter 2 Part 2 @ dinner Michael sees how hot lizzie is and muses to himself

I think even Riley was taken aback. It made me think, maybe Sauls remarks were not too far off the mark. Or something like that.

Rock Daddy
May 31st, 2011, 11:37 AM
I think Riley is bisexual or maybe just really good at playing hard-to-get. I can't believe she's a lesbian after she flirted so much with Angel in the locker rooms in Chapter 10. I think in the end, they'll get together. *Fingers crossed*

I actually agree with this thought. I know it's part of Kc's game to keep us guessing whether she is or isn't, but I think she is bisexual and deals with a lot of inner turmoil. I think she WAS over dating men for a while, but now the slight attraction she feels for Angel actually makes her upset and confused as to why she's having these conflicting feelings. I don't think this secret will be revealed until very close to the end.

May 31st, 2011, 12:13 PM
I feel bad for Riley if she is lesbian. If she ever wanted to come out with it I feel like there is so much holding her back. Like at the beginning, Angel jokingly said "Don't ask, don't tell." That may have scared her. And I would imagine it's Lizzie she likes judging the way she acts, again IF she is lesbian. And that's gotta suck, because Saul and Lizzy are in love now. I don't know, but I'm just trying to look at it from an emotional standpoint from her.

May 31st, 2011, 11:07 PM
I actually agree with this thought. I know it's part of Kc's game to keep us guessing whether she is or isn't, but I think she is bisexual and deals with a lot of inner turmoil. I think she WAS over dating men for a while, but now the slight attraction she feels for Angel actually makes her upset and confused as to why she's having these conflicting feelings. I don't think this secret will be revealed until very close to the end.
Works for me. Who knows if we'll ever find out one way or another.

Jun 2nd, 2011, 03:58 AM
I actually agree with this thought. I know it's part of Kc's game to keep us guessing whether she is or isn't, but I think she is bisexual and deals with a lot of inner turmoil. I think she WAS over dating men for a while, but now the slight attraction she feels for Angel actually makes her upset and confused as to why she's having these conflicting feelings. I don't think this secret will be revealed until very close to the end.

If she's bisexual then her feelings wouldn't be conflicting, she would be well aware that she was attracted to both men and women. There's really no proof that she's attracted to Angel, and there's certainly no proof that she was or is over dating anyone. Meanwhile Kc has dropped hints about her attraction to Lizzie soooo.

Jun 2nd, 2011, 08:56 AM
I would be happier if she wasn't gay.

Jun 3rd, 2011, 10:19 AM
Just to make sure we have all the bases covered


I will round it out.

Maybe she is a heterosexual transvestite looking to seduce a lesbian. Yo, she was pretty adimant of no peeking in the arena. Pegs thought the dresses in Mr So&So's room looked a little large but she thought they would fit Riley. She Laughs so hard at Michael in Chapter 1 because she can not believe her costume worked. And, although she did not want to go to the playroom with Angel, she thinks she should be flattered.

Wow, this has to be new ground. I do not think there has ever been a radiodrama where a heterosexual transvestite is looking to seduce a lesbian has ever been one of the main characters.

Yea, this was tongue in cheek. But, I do not mean to make fun of anyone. Between consulting adults -- to paraphrase Riley in chapter 1 -- You totally do your own thing. 8 ). I feel the government should be a lot more concerned that their is food on the table than who is on whom in the bedroom. Just keep it off the streets and do not frighten the horses.

Jun 3rd, 2011, 05:18 PM
This was really necessary? Is it honestly that important what sexuality a character is? Will it change your perception that much? Why aren't we having this same discussion about any of the other characters?

Jun 3rd, 2011, 06:02 PM
It does not bother me in the least. It was actually an attempt at a humorous parody of the many previous post. I guess I failed. If it is bothersome please delete it. If I stepped over the line nail me with the ban hammer. I am too old and lazy to carry a grudge.

Humbly submitted

Jun 4th, 2011, 05:02 AM
Art, you didn't cross or step over any lines. don't worry.

Jun 4th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Tyvm mascara but if I just ruffled some feathers I want to say I am sorry to clear the air so we can move on. We have a killer to catch. Unfortunately, what I try to tell my dog when prepares to chase a car most likely applies

Dude, Whart are you going to do with it after you catch it

Jun 4th, 2011, 02:38 PM
And the answer: I got no idea but it sure is fun chasing!

Jun 24th, 2011, 05:55 AM
I'm going to present some more evidence to Riley's sexuality that I haven't heard yet. In "Remains of Eastern Bay" part 3 at 9 minutes Lizzy talks about her hair and compliments Riley's straight hair. She pretty obviously crushes on the comment, and then is hurt when Lizzy says she it's going to doll up for Saul.

It's also of note that Riley is VERY friendly with Lizzy in this chapter and the next, including getting herself assigned to the same project

Jun 24th, 2011, 05:58 AM
It does not bother me in the least. It was actually an attempt at a humorous parody of the many previous post. I guess I failed. If it is bothersome please delete it. If I stepped over the line nail me with the ban hammer. I am too old and lazy to carry a grudge.

Humbly submitted

I speak of the thread in general.

Jun 24th, 2011, 07:00 AM
This was really necessary? Is it honestly that important what sexuality a character is? Will it change your perception that much? Why aren't we having this same discussion about any of the other characters?

It adds depth to the character. Imagine someone of that sexuality in a situation like this. The fear of not being accepted and possibility tossed out in the street to die. Its hard enough for anyone homosexual to have the common rights and freedoms in society now. Imagine what it would be like in a society devastating like this one is. Its going to be expected that the limited number of females pair up with males to at the very least continue the species or at the most to relieve the need of human sexual desire. Someone of a homosexual sexual orientation isn't going to want to have much of that form of contact with a heterosexually oriented person.

Jun 27th, 2011, 04:19 PM
Honestly, after listening to 23-2, I think we are presented with more evidence pointing to a connection between Riley and Angel... just my two cents.

Jun 30th, 2011, 05:15 PM
Honestly, after listening to 23-2, I think we are presented with more evidence pointing to a connection between Riley and Angel... just my two cents.
If me and my friend were in that situation I would act the same. I would be thinking of any way to get them out even if it means putting myself at risk. I think Angel and Riley are pretty good friends after what they've gone through but nothing more.

Jan 27th, 2012, 09:50 AM
I love Riley she is by far my favorite character, i sorta got a crush on her but anyway.......
Sadly all clues point to her liking girls but maybe she likes both- Like before this happened she liked girls but now anything has changed she has come round to the idea of men and mainly Angel. I hope so any way.

Jan 30th, 2012, 12:16 AM
Honestly, after listening to 23-2, I think we are presented with more evidence pointing to a connection between Riley and Angel... just my two cents.
Na, it's still vague as ever. KC's really turned messing with us on that issue into an art form:

Pegs: [Riley] lost her best friend and the person she loves most in the same month.
Kelly: Yeah, but which is which?

Also there's no way they can keep ignoring Riley's alchy tendencies now that it's risking people's lives. Time for an intervention We're Alive style!

Jan 30th, 2012, 08:13 AM
Na, it's still vague as ever. KC's really turned messing with us on that issue into an art form:

Pegs: [Riley] lost her best friend and the person she loves most in the same month.
Kelly: Yeah, but which is which?

Also there's no way they can keep ignoring Riley's alchy tendencies now that it's risking people's lives. Time for an intervention We're Alive style!

Again, evidence that Kelly is stealing all the good lines! Riley is French.. Nuff said.

Jan 30th, 2012, 08:16 AM
Kelly's line I think KC threw in there just to get the boards going, dangling the carrot But yea intervention would go something like this "Riely I NEED you otherwise Datu gets the beretta.....and he missed the coyote OR Hope yea..... Maybe Pegs.......crap yea I need you with us."

Jan 30th, 2012, 08:15 PM
We definitely don't want Datu with a gun. There's no way he could shoot straight with all the crying he does.

Jan 30th, 2012, 08:18 PM
We definitely don't want Datu with a gun. There's no way he could shoot straight with all the crying he does.

It's not shooting straight that's the problem. The problem is the 9mm would rust and jam after his tears get all up in there. I swear if I was out surviving with him, I would be slapping the crap out of him or leaving him behind. Sure he fixes stuff, but he cries ALL the time.

Jan 30th, 2012, 08:54 PM
It's not shooting straight that's the problem. The problem is the 9mm would rust and jam after his tears get all up in there. I swear if I was out surviving with him, I would be slapping the crap out of him or leaving him behind. Sure he fixes stuff, but he cries ALL the time.

King Datu the Resourceful laughs at your assessment of his rusting gun. Everyone knows no handy man worth his weight goes anywhere without some WD-40 to derust and get his gun goin' again.

Jan 31st, 2012, 05:46 AM
To be fair to Datu after all Saul and Angels offering to teach Pegs to shoot no one ever offered the one who can save their asses. "hey guy who we can't really do without in between crises es we are going to teach you how to shoot." Umm nope never really came up

Jan 31st, 2012, 06:31 AM
Call it sexist or wrong or whatever, but in society a man usually won't offer to teach another man to do manly stuff like shooting. A soft little woman like Pegs, sure. Our instincts are to protect the fairer sex (I see it all the time at work with my soldiers. The males will always treat a wounded female before a wounded male, regardless of severity of injuries) and view other males as competition for survival. Seeing as how often Datu is out with Michael and the group, I would have shown him at least the basics of self defense with a pistol, but he's also never asked. Hopefully Datu can man up and stop crying like a child everything something goes wrong.

Feb 2nd, 2012, 10:51 PM
Let's not get too mean here. Remember, Datu's the one who taught us that you can pass out not only from blunt force trauma to the head, blood loss, and illness but also from crying too hard. It's truly a valuable lesson for us all.

Christopher kitto
Sep 9th, 2012, 10:15 AM
It's not shooting straight that's the problem. The problem is the 9mm would rust and jam after his tears get all up in there. I swear if I was out surviving with him, I would be slapping the crap out of him or leaving him behind. Sure he fixes stuff, but he cries ALL the time.

To be fair the first time he might settle and fall in love with someone his love is massacred in front of him and no one gives him any respect and just contatantly puts him down and moans about him, I mean Jesus Christ I'm surprised he hasn't attempted suicide at this point.

Christopher kitto
Sep 9th, 2012, 11:54 PM
If she's bisexual then her feelings wouldn't be conflicting, she would be well aware that she was attracted to both men and women. There's really no proof that she's attracted to angel.

Outher than in the arena where she repeatedly implied she looked at him 'showering'
And started making penis jokes for the next 2 minutes.

Mar 6th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Drunk Riley is awesome! Just saying!

Nov 19th, 2013, 10:11 AM
Apologies if it has been answered previously but it's something that has been nagging at me (I may well have missed mention of it in an earlier episode) but is Riley French, Cajun or French-Canadian?

Nov 19th, 2013, 10:15 AM
Have you ever considerd that ...


Nov 19th, 2013, 03:26 PM
French is what I recall from the first few episodes.

Nov 20th, 2013, 11:53 AM
French is what I recall from the first few episodes.

Thanks, I must have missed it.

Nov 20th, 2013, 12:23 PM
I wish Riley was Cajun.

Nov 20th, 2013, 01:41 PM
Riley and CJ are going to hook up in the end!!!! :excited:

Nov 23rd, 2013, 08:50 AM
Riley and CJ are going to hook up in the end!!!! :excited:

CJ's legless, Riley likes to get legless. Makes sense.

Nov 23rd, 2013, 11:52 AM
CJ's legless, Riley likes to get legless. Makes sense.

I guess CJ really cannot make a stand against your point.

Nov 24th, 2013, 05:34 AM
"Hey there, my name's CJ - but most people call me Eileen"

Nov 24th, 2013, 05:42 AM
I knew a woman named Aileen. She married a dude name Nova. I shit you not. Aileen Nova. She did not, however, take his name, lol

Nov 24th, 2013, 05:47 AM
CJ: "I need a ride back to Dunbar"

Michael: "Sure. Hop in."