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Jan 21st, 2011, 09:10 PM
I HATE DATU! At first i didnt mind him, but he's really getting on my nerves ever since the arena incident. I just dont like his negativity, and the fact that he's ready to just give up, at this point he's dead weight, and you might as well just throw him out cause he's not doing anyone any good by crying in his room.

Lots of people hate Kelly, but she hasn't been so bad during the 2nd season

Lots of people hate Pegs, but she's done a lot of growing up since season 2.

ooh also Kalani has been kinda useless, and just makes a lot of situations worse]

well thats my rant, if u hate someone, hate on cause haters gonna hate

Jan 21st, 2011, 10:28 PM
I couldn't stand Angel until a couple of chapters ago. I expect a lot out of officers (I'm an NCO) and he couldn't deliver. Recently, he's sacked up and actually been an example like a leader should be, which I appreciate.

Jan 21st, 2011, 11:53 PM
I at one point hated Michael cause he started to become such a huge douche of epic proportions. I can understand sometimes snapping at people like Kelly for not appreciating anything and wanting to sit around and do nothing but sometimes you just have to be the bigger man.

Jan 22nd, 2011, 12:14 AM
I HATE DATU! At first i didnt mind him, but he's really getting on my nerves ever since the arena incident. I just dont like his negativity, and the fact that he's ready to just give up, at this point he's dead weight, and you might as well just throw him out cause he's not doing anyone any good by crying in his room.

well if you think about it Datu has been through quit a bit of intense stress. he watched Samantha Die in the Arena and thought he was going to die there too and add to all the things that happened in the tower afterwards would take a toll on anyone.
not everyone can handle things like that and im sure he'll come back around at some point in the story. he cant cry about it forever right?

Jan 22nd, 2011, 01:59 AM
well if you think about it Datu has been through quit a bit of intense stress. he watched Samantha Die in the Arena and thought he was going to die there too and add to all the things that happened in the tower afterwards would take a toll on anyone.
not everyone can handle things like that and im sure he'll come back around at some point in the story. he cant cry about it forever right?

i know he's been through a lot, and he's fragile and i could accept that but then in chapter 13, when michael, lizzy and i think angel, were trying to rally the troops into fighting the fire, he gave this "why should i help, we're all gonna die" speech, and that was the last straw for me, like at the very least if ur gonna be super negative, dont screw over everyone who still wants to keep fighting. and i know theres a whole side to it, but until his attitude changes everything he says just makes me resent him

Jan 22nd, 2011, 05:48 AM
Burt- season 2 version. He used to awesome, but all once he got into a leadership position he just can't cut it. The food and water and stuff does seem to be genuinely scarce, but he seems to be making all the wrong moves.

Datu is pretty whiney, and while it's understandable it drives me nuts. Hope he pulls himself together, he used to be pretty likeable.

Jan 22nd, 2011, 06:12 AM
Kalani. I feel deep down, he means well, but, he such a constant dick about everything.

Jan 22nd, 2011, 12:48 PM
Kelly - after her really bitchy attitude from the begining, I havent really liked her. Shes not so bad in the second season, but for a while there I was hopeing she would get bit or really go off on her own. Then her nephew got bit and I was like: "wrong person!!!!". Still love the story though. Like I said, she hasnt anoyed me as much so far this season.

Angel - For a while there I thought he was kind of weak and really kind of a back burner charachter. But after the episode where he and the other guy get helped out by skittles running from the big one, Ive changed my mind. Hes a lot better in the second season. The intensity in his screaming is killer! Almost as if hes finally coming out of his shell and really getting the life and death situations hes falling into. Man-ing up if you will.

Scratch - someone bite her already, or kill her. Not that I dont like her being in the story. They have really made her pretty hateable for me (excelent acting). Shes like the bad guy you cant wait to get what they have coming to them.

I The K Train I
Jan 22nd, 2011, 02:54 PM
I hate Kalani so much. Such as kiss-ass and a tattle tale. I mean he just lay in some comatose state while poor Samantha was ripped out of it. I hope that he dies very soon, a man of his size can't keep going in a world such as that for much longer.

Pegs is such a moany bitch. I just don't like her at all. Her insistance on not using a gun, causing the Zombies to appear at the tower in a retarded move, and expecting Michael to just let her jump into his arms when he says "I know" when she says she likes him. She expects way too much.

Jan 22nd, 2011, 10:39 PM
I hate Kalani so much. Such as kiss-ass and a tattle tale. I mean he just lay in some comatose state while poor Samantha was ripped out of it. I hope that he dies very soon, a man of his size can't keep going in a world such as that for much longer.

Pegs is such a moany bitch. I just don't like her at all. Her insistance on not using a gun, causing the Zombies to appear at the tower in a retarded move, and expecting Michael to just let her jump into his arms when he says "I know" when she says she likes him. She expects way too much.

i hated peggs when she pulled her no gun crap, and then risked everything for a stupid cat in the beginning, but i thought it was pretty wierd of michael not get it on with peggs a lot earlier, like seriously, its the zombie apocalypse, the world is ending, theres like 10 girls in your tower, and one of em is just begging to get with u, its not that complicated

Jan 22nd, 2011, 10:46 PM
Nahhhh Pegs is fine. She's stepping up the plate.

Now, Scratch scares me. She's going to do something down right insane and get a lot of people killed....

I The K Train I
Jan 23rd, 2011, 04:17 AM
i hated peggs when she pulled her no gun crap, and then risked everything for a stupid cat in the beginning, but i thought it was pretty wierd of michael not get it on with peggs a lot earlier, like seriously, its the zombie apocalypse, the world is ending, theres like 10 girls in your tower, and one of em is just begging to get with u, its not that complicated

I see where you're coming from. I'm just saying if I was Michael, I wouldn't be thinking about having a relationship in the middle of a Zombie Apopcalypse. All that would be on my mind is survival. Now if it was just sex and not a relationship, it may be a different story. That's just me though.

I think it's just a general dislike for her anyway. Even when she is stepping up by shooting latch I still don't like her.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 09:27 AM
I see where you're coming from. I'm just saying if I was Michael, I wouldn't be thinking about having a relationship in the middle of a Zombie Apopcalypse. All that would be on my mind is survival. Now if it was just sex and not a relationship, it may be a different story. That's just me though.

I think it's just a general dislike for her anyway. Even when she is stepping up by shooting latch I still don't like her.

I'm pretty sure, if the zombie apocalypse came, and i got to some kind of safe haven. When things calmed down, i think i'd start chasing the cat (and i aint talkin mr wiskers). Michael had it wrong the first time, and kinda got it right the 2nd. There are 3 things people need. Purpose, sense of security, and fun (ie, wah chicka wah wah...)

My line for the ladies, "what!? oh comon... like we're gonna live that long. comon... please? damnit..."

Jan 23rd, 2011, 02:05 PM
I love reading all of these.
even when i cant relate to some peoples opinions its funny to see it from someone else's point of view

Jan 24th, 2011, 07:14 PM
I generally like all of the characters. Some of them were really getting on my nerves like Michael back when the tower got attacked. He just seemed to be bitching about nothing and refusing to help like a pouting child. Also latch is insufferable but no eureka moment there.

Wicked Sid
Jan 24th, 2011, 07:27 PM
Also latch is insufferable but no eureka moment there.

What's so bad about Latch, he seemed intelligent, cool-headed, and willing to talk things out. Him and Scratch are like two sides of the same coin, well, they are twins after all.

Jan 24th, 2011, 07:37 PM
What's so bad about Latch, he seemed intelligent, cool-headed, and willing to talk things out. Him and Scratch are like two sides of the same coin, well, they are twins after all.

Sorry, I meant scratch. She is a craaaaazy bitch.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:38 PM
I really dont like Kalani. He seems like a total kiss ass that just gets in the way and makes trouble.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:41 PM
I really dont like Kalani. He seems like a total kiss ass that just gets in the way and makes trouble.

He seems to be a fan favorite, (to hate).

Jan 25th, 2011, 03:05 AM
I'm going with the flow here: I also can't stand Kalani. However, I do want to add that I dislike only his character in the story: his voice acting is great and fits the part excellently. Therefore I don't mind if he stays on the show longer.

Big Fish
Jan 25th, 2011, 07:03 AM
I'm going with the flow here: I also can't stand Kalani. However, I do want to add that I dislike only his character in the story: his voice acting is great and fits the part excellently. Therefore I don't mind if he stays on the show longer.

I have to agree, his voice acting is top notch, but the character is just a D-bag.

But of course, if so many people are disliking him, then credit really needs to be given to the actor and the director for doing a good job at making us dislike them so much.

Jan 25th, 2011, 12:38 PM
I can't say that I've read all of the previous posts, however Kalani is the least favorite. In the beginning, he seemed really appreciative that he was saved. However he seems to be a bit of a brown-noser to Burt. He definitely isn't helping the morale.

Jan 25th, 2011, 05:18 PM
Yeah. I dont like it. He seems to be playing some angle that we dont know about. I dont trust him.

Jan 29th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Its annoying that lizzy keeps being a bitch to angel about not stopping and saving saul. there were like 3 or 4 other people with them down there, so why doesnt she get mad at burt, or peggs or michael for not stopping and saving saul. none of them did anything either but she yells at angel... ughh

TCM Revolver
Jan 29th, 2011, 12:53 PM
Its annoying that lizzy keeps being a bitch to angel about not stopping and saving saul. there were like 3 or 4 other people with them down there, so why doesnt she get mad at burt, or peggs or michael for not stopping and saving saul. none of them did anything either but she yells at angel... ughh

She yelled at Michael too, but he reminded her that he has a broken wing. You'd think she would take it out on Burt the most since this is technically the second time he left Saul for dead.

Jan 29th, 2011, 03:00 PM
You know, a lot of the characters can get on my nerves sometimes, but really the one character that I hate the most by far is Kalani. It was frustrating to listen to him whine and complain during Chapter 17 and it also pissed me off how frustrated Angel and Kalani made Skittles when they were crowding him with questions. I mean really give the guy some room.

Jan 30th, 2011, 09:45 PM
Not exactly hate, but I'm not a big fan of Angel. He's such a terrible example of an army officer. It's as if he has no clue what he is about. I know he hasn't seen combat like Michael or Saul, but the training should be there. By the way he acts you'd think he has never read the first field manual or been to any classes.

In particular, the modern army places a huge emphasis on communication. He seems to have no thoughts about that. None of them have so much as tried to find a military/shortwave/ham radio & attempted to find and re-join other military units. CB won't cut it. If I was an isolated soldier in a bad situation that would have been among my first thoughts. Strength in numbers, prepared supplies, ammo, training, etc.

I get it that immediate needs come first, but if you have time to party you have time to find a satellite phone and dial a few numbers.

Jan 31st, 2011, 12:32 PM
If 2 people need to get eaten to cull the herd at the tower PLEASE let it be Datu and Lizzy. They are so annoying.

Feb 1st, 2011, 10:51 AM

LOL.. Angel is more than likely a "Butter Bar." Every (Non prior enlisted) Lt i've meet is clueless or acts like they know everything. He has NO exp whatsoever other than going to the Army's Officers traning course.
He's getting treating like one would in combat. Let the NCO's do their thing, learn and take care of the big picture. I'm not even going to harp on the fact that he's a reservist because the Total Force way of life now, really uses them like AD.
The one thing I will say: He's growing.

Feb 1st, 2011, 11:02 AM
ugh, i replied before answering reading the rest of your comment.
Agreed, their priorities are a bit off. The only thing is that the CB is the ONLY thing available. Burt being such a survivalist, may have a Ham radio in his shop. We'll see if they ever go back.

Feb 1st, 2011, 04:40 PM
ugh, i replied before answering reading the rest of your comment.
Agreed, their priorities are a bit off. The only thing is that the CB is the ONLY thing available. Burt being such a survivalist, may have a Ham radio in his shop. We'll see if they ever go back.
Why haven't they gone back to Burt's shop. He has ammo and guns and I'm sure maybe a few leftover claymores. And to be honest I hate Datu, I think he would be a lot more likable person if Samantha was still alive. Plus if Samantha were still alive then Kalani would be dead. And SPOILER ALERT. . . Hope would still have a mother. Three birds with one stone.

Feb 2nd, 2011, 08:50 PM
to quote the beginning of the second season, Burt doesn't like "putting all of his eggs in one basket"

Feb 3rd, 2011, 01:13 AM
peggs!!!! awwww she makes me want to rips out my ears!!! always complaining, like returning latch's body to scratch wtf!!!! really and DA angel!! for agreeing!!! just lie you big dummie!! Kalani he worries for himself and not the group, which save his Ass!! but Peggs is the one i cant stand just shut up and do what is told to you!!!!!

Feb 16th, 2011, 12:29 AM
Datu, for having so much self pitty, it's time to pull his shit together.
Season 2 Burt, he just irritates me but at least he manned up to take control.
Kalani, for being a kiss ass and rat. Being out of shape like him he should of been done a long time ago.

Feb 16th, 2011, 01:24 PM
peggs!!!! awwww she makes me want to rips out my ears!!! always complaining, like returning latch's body to scratch wtf!!!! really and DA angel!! for agreeing!!! just lie you big dummie!! Kalani he worries for himself and not the group, which save his Ass!! but Peggs is the one i cant stand just shut up and do what is told to you!!!!!

just to bring up a small point, for dropping of latch's body, i know it seems stupid, but it is building a foundation for a truce and maybe even an alliance between the mallers and the tower

also do u have any relation to nikvoodoo?

Wicked Sid
Feb 16th, 2011, 01:34 PM
just to bring up a small point, for dropping of latch's body, i know it seems stupid, but it is building a foundation for a truce and maybe even an alliance between the mallers and the tower

also do u have any relation to nikvoodoo?

I doubt Scratch would be willing to forgive Pegs so easily. Maybe Pegs dies? I know for sure that Scratch is going to survive until the end. For sure!

Feb 16th, 2011, 09:43 PM
maybe she wont forgive pegs, but i think there's a possibility for an uneasy truce. both sides took damages in the war, the mallers came to the realization that the tower is a formidable opponent, and cant just be taken over at a whim, and the tower clashed with the mallers and probably feel like they can fight with the mallers on their level, and have a decent shot at winning. so by no means are they gonna turn into bffs, but a temporary alliance, along the lines of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, i think is a possibility

Feb 16th, 2011, 10:41 PM
maybe she wont forgive pegs, but i think there's a possibility for an uneasy truce. both sides took damages in the war, the mallers came to the realization that the tower is a formidable opponent, and cant just be taken over at a whim, and the tower clashed with the mallers and probably feel like they can fight with the mallers on their level, and have a decent shot at winning. so by no means are they gonna turn into bffs, but a temporary alliance, along the lines of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, i think is a possibility

You keep pressin' the point ra1th! ;)

I don't see Pegs and Scratch being able to salvage any kind of relationship. Scratch is far too unstable a personality to forgive anyone. If we go with Ra1th's theory of an alliance, Durai would probably form a relationship with the Tower against Scratch's wishes, but she would go along with it to get closer to Pegs in order to kill her. I don't see Pegs dying at Scratch's hands though, so Scratch will probably go all Gollum on us: Tries too hard to obtain her goal she ends up killing herself in the pursuit....

I need to stop giving away Voodoo Lounge type predictions on the regular forums! :p

Feb 16th, 2011, 10:45 PM
but on the actual topic: Is it too much of a cop out to say I like all the characters? I adored Kelly in season one because of the tension she brought to it especially when Michael forced her outside and she showed how truly scared she was to be alive in this reality.

All the characters people hate on seem to do it for the superficial reasons (Datu's a whiny bitch, lizzy is so annoying, Pegs makes me want to rip my ears off etc etc), but when you explore why they do what they do everyone is so interesting and played so well. I'd honestly hate it more if like suddenly Datu comes out whistling a tune at the party and having a grand old time. That sort of inconsistency would make me hate a character. But just because they act heel-ish doesn't make me dislike them.

Maybe it's all that pro wrestling I watch that makes me not hate the characters I'm supposed to....

Feb 16th, 2011, 11:25 PM
hahah for the record, i do have a one track agenda, and that is keep the angel haters at bay, and undying support for the maller/tower alliance theory, (at least till disproven (and then i'll find another theory to support all the time!))

but also, good insight on the hate characters for a reason thing, and with that, there is no excuse that i hate datu for being a whiny bitch (its justified for him) but if i may say so, i find Lizzie annoying for her overprotectiveness of saul, which is NOT justified. there is no compelling reason for that attitude, in fact both of those characters take foolish and irrational actions and stances when it comes to protecting each other, lizzie blaming angel for not saving saul, when the blame is equally michael and burt's fault. and saul was getting ready to tear michael's head off for lizzie passing out during the chloroform and mug the zombies operation. i can understand protectiveness to a certain degree, that would be expected, since they are in a serious relationship, but these guys both overdo it. saul's pretty hilarious tho, so he's not really annoying, im not all that attached to lizzie, so she gets put in the annoying corner.

Feb 16th, 2011, 11:35 PM
hahah for the record, i do have a one track agenda, and that is keep the angel haters at bay, and undying support for the maller/tower alliance theory, (at least till disproven (and then i'll find another theory to support all the time!))

but also, good insight on the hate characters for a reason thing, and with that, there is no excuse that i hate datu for being a whiny bitch (its justified for him) but if i may say so, i find Lizzie annoying for her overprotectiveness of saul, which is NOT justified. there is no compelling reason for that attitude, in fact both of those characters take foolish and irrational actions and stances when it comes to protecting each other, lizzie blaming angel for not saving saul, when the blame is equally michael and burt's fault. and saul was getting ready to tear michael's head off for lizzie passing out during the chloroform and mug the zombies operation. i can understand protectiveness to a certain degree, that would be expected, since they are in a serious relationship, but these guys both overdo it. saul's pretty hilarious tho, so he's not really annoying, im not all that attached to lizzie, so she gets put in the annoying corner.

Saul and Lizzy suffer from acute puppy love. Try to pull apart any 8th grade couple and see how well that works. Ultimate example? Romeo and Juliet. That worked out well for those two didn't it? After working on that production for 7 months, what I take out of that show is how stupid and rash R+J act.

Lizzy specifically suffers hard. For a therapist, she is exceptionally unaware of her own inner demons. She identifies after Todd dies that he was sort of a "I hate you Daddy" relationship, but then she goes and commits to Saul and it's feels like the same thing, in my opinion. And that to me makes her so interesting. She can pull apart anyone's issues, and then suddenly when it's time to turn that magnifying glass in on herself, she won't or can't do it. She projects a lot of anger around her and onto everyone else, but never seems to understand where the hatred comes from.

As for Saul, I don't know if he's ready for a deep meaningful relationship. He may be mature in some aspects, but for some reason he SCREAMS high school senior when it comes to relationships. I may be swayed by his objectifying of Lizzy early on and I may be missing something deeper but its hard for me to see. I know about the flowers and what not, but that whole thing still screamed high school to me. He was so awkward and tried to make it like such a big thing instead of some suave adult man who knows how to treat a woman with dignity and respect.

Saul and Lizzy= Romeo and Juliet. Here's a Voodoo Lounge prediction for you right now: If one of them dies, so will the other.

Feb 16th, 2011, 11:59 PM
Lizzy specifically suffers hard. For a therapist, she is exceptionally unaware of her own inner demons. She identifies after Todd dies that he was sort of a "I hate you Daddy" relationship, but then she goes and commits to Saul and it's feels like the same thing, in my opinion. And that to me makes her so interesting. She can pull apart anyone's issues, and then suddenly when it's time to turn that magnifying glass in on herself, she won't or can't do it. She projects a lot of anger around her and onto everyone else, but never seems to understand where the hatred comes from.

so if i was to say, i hate lizzy because of her inability to analyze her own faults, and because she projects her anger onto everyone else (who dont deserve it!) it would be cool cause i hate her for who she is, and not for the actions she's taken

Feb 17th, 2011, 12:19 AM
so if i was to say, i hate lizzy because of her inability to analyze her own faults, and because she projects her anger onto everyone else (who dont deserve it!) it would be cool cause i hate her for who she is, and not for the actions she's taken

I preface this by saying everyone is obviously entitled to say what they wish. That is the point of the forums :)

To me, it seems as I look through the thread that some key on the actions without thinking about why the character is acting the way they do. If you think of it that way, how could anyone fault Datu for acting how he's acting? The woman he loved was killed less than a month ago. This is why I took so long to respond to this thread because I've been trying to think of a way to bring this topic up without seemingly tearing everyone down because that's not my intention. I'm not exactly all put together at the moment for various reasons and I might accidentally come across as a douche bag. So if I sound very harsh or mean, I do apologize.

Those reasons you just presented are fantastic reasons to hate Lizzy because those are actual character flaws. Its just so happens where some may see a reason to hate I just happen to see those as detailed character traits that make stories more interesting to me. I love the character analysis. I do it to everything I read, or watch. Hence, why I cop out and say I don't hate any of the characters. So as to your Lizzy argument you just presented:


Feb 17th, 2011, 12:54 AM
LOL, seal of approval hahahahaa

Feb 17th, 2011, 09:00 AM
I dig Liz A' frigg'n LOT! She most def has skills with a weapon and her spatial awareness is damn near a mutant power only reserved for men. The episode when they discovered the ambush site and she noticed the watcher on the roof. She had the distance set in her 3rd eye perfectly. Normally that takes training.
Anyway, this isn't the "I Love Lizzie" show.. so I'll say I hate..em..em... I hate Michael (for the moment). He's getting on my last nerve. Once he regains his military bearing, I'll probably start digging him again.
Right now though, I want to say "Hey Mike.. bend over and grab your ankles, then come up and say POP! See, what you've just done is pulled your head out your ass!"

Feb 18th, 2011, 11:35 AM
I doubt Scratch would be willing to forgive Pegs so easily. Maybe Pegs dies? I know for sure that Scratch is going to survive until the end. For sure!

I don't think they dropped the body off as a means to call a truce, more as a favor for a favor.

Feb 18th, 2011, 02:21 PM
I don't like the Tattoo'd Zombie. Pinstripe wearing bastard!

To be fair, I love all the characters. Even the ones I hate I love to hate. So I can't pick one.

Feb 18th, 2011, 03:34 PM
I've started to like Kalani... a little bit... but all of chapter 18-3 when it was kalani and angel I just kept saying DIE KALANI! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!

Feb 18th, 2011, 03:43 PM
all of chapter 18-3 when it was kalani and angel I just kept saying DIE KALANI! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!

I sincerely hope you weren't listening to it on the bus.

Feb 18th, 2011, 04:04 PM
I sincerely hope you weren't listening to it on the bus.
Nope, in jogging class.

Chelsea C.
Feb 20th, 2011, 03:29 PM
I dislike Datu, Pegs, and Riley....a lot.

Feb 20th, 2011, 05:28 PM
I dislike Datu, Pegs, and Riley....a lot.

Datu and Pegs I can understand (lots of people have made those cases on here), but what do you have against Riley?

Chelsea C.
Feb 20th, 2011, 05:41 PM
There is something about Riley that gets under my skin. I don't think I'm the only one because I have another friend who feels similar. No offense intended to the writers, but Riley seems Mary Sue-ish. She can do anything and everything, and she always has a good attitude about it. It's like she's Super Woman. She never truly complains, and when she does, it's not on a believable scale. She doesn't have a lot of depth. I don't see too many flaws with her character other than the fact she doesn't have any--which, to me, it a fairly big flaw. She just doesn't seem real. However, Riley and I have one thing in common...we both dislike Pegs! XD

I'm sure with the progression of the story, we will see more sides to Riley that will hopefully humanize her a little more. I haven't given up on her yet! :)

Chelsea C.
Feb 20th, 2011, 06:15 PM
However, as I've said in the Favorite Characters thread, grating characters are important to the story, too. It's more realistic. You'd be hard pressed to like everyone in real life. So, even though I dislike Pegs and Datu because they are plain ol' annoying, I can forgive said annoyance because I understand their purpose to the story. They're an added flavor to the stew.

With that said, at this point in time, I can't stand Riley because she's a cookie cutter character thrown in to make everything run smoothly. At least that's the impression I get.

Wicked Sid
Feb 20th, 2011, 10:22 PM
There is something about Riley that gets under my skin. I don't think I'm the only one because I have another friend who feels similar. No offense intended to the writers, but Riley seems Mary Sue-ish. She can do anything and everything, and she always has a good attitude about it. It's like she's Super Woman. She never truly complains, and when she does, it's not on a believable scale. She doesn't have a lot of depth. I don't see too many flaws with her character other than the fact she doesn't have any--which, to me, it a fairly big flaw. She just doesn't seem real. However, Riley and I have one thing in common...we both dislike Pegs! XD

I'm sure with the progression of the story, we will see more sides to Riley that will hopefully humanize her a little more. I haven't given up on her yet! :)

Did you know she's an *Alcoholic?

*Unsubstantiated rumour from my brain.

Chelsea C.
Feb 21st, 2011, 12:18 PM
Did you know she's an *Alcoholic?

*Unsubstantiated rumour from my brain.

Now, that would make her interesting wouldn't it? Too bad she's not suffering from withdrawals, otherwise I could believe it :/

Feb 21st, 2011, 02:34 PM
you know who pisses me off, MARCUS. grade a asshole, i hope michael gives him some shovel therapy when the mallers invade

Feb 24th, 2011, 10:27 PM
I greatly loathe pegs! She is completely useless and whiny! I'm excitedly waiting for her downfall >:)

Chelsea C.
Feb 24th, 2011, 11:01 PM
I greatly loathe pegs! She is completely useless and whiny! I'm excitedly waiting for her downfall >:)

Grab a Taser!!!!! ;)

Feb 25th, 2011, 07:27 AM
I greatly loathe pegs! She is completely useless and whiny! I'm excitedly waiting for her downfall >:)

Since she left on the mission she's on now, the only thing she's "whined" about was getting a piece of the dock jammed in her foot..and the associated stitches. Lots of hyper nerve endings in the bottom of the human foot. Getting anything stuck in there is highly unpleasant.

Are you talking about the older (and most definitely) whiny Pegs? Pegs v1.0 who flipped out on Riley for hugging Michael?

Grab a Taser!!!!! ;)

And if you truly want her downfall, up the stakes!! Come on! Full on medieval torture! Screw the taser! Lets get us an Iron Maiden and make it interesting!

Chelsea C.
Feb 25th, 2011, 11:01 AM
And if you truly want her downfall, up the stakes!! Come on! Full on medieval torture! Screw the taser! Lets get us an Iron Maiden and make it interesting!

See, the problem with that idea is that we would have to find an Iron Maiden, and I'm not sure we could do that. If we could find one, it would likely take awhile. However, we already have access to a Taser...I'm sure you understand where I'm going with this....

I like your enthusiasm, though!!! Keep the ideas coming! ;)

Feb 27th, 2011, 05:52 PM
Pegs. Just Pegs. I haven't gotten all the way caught up yet, so there may be more in the future, but PEGS!
I actually hated her when i was reading character bios and she said she didn't like guns, she's a florist, and she's basically a hippy!
Also I just hated, I hated SO MUCH how they made it obvious from the get-go that her and Michael were going to be into each other. I means seriously. The way Michael was drawn to the way she looked, or whatever he said. Gimme a break!

Now, Riley, she's a sue. But she's one of the more likable ones at least. At least she's not they type that is all happy one minute then sad over the littlest thing the next. She's a little more realistic when it comes to situations, and I mean the way she seems things, not how she acts. She's too perfect, not enough flaws but at least she isn't super tolerating and loving like most sues. She seems to get annoyed with things, which is good.
However, making her French, a cook, and a champion archer is a little improbable. I don't hate her but I do have issues with her.

But really... IT'S PEGS!

Chelsea C.
Feb 27th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Pegs. Just Pegs. I haven't gotten all the way caught up yet, so there may be more in the future, but PEGS!
I actually hated her when i was reading character bios and she said she didn't like guns, she's a florist, and she's basically a hippy!
Also I just hated, I hated SO MUCH how they made it obvious from the get-go that her and Michael were going to be into each other. I means seriously. The way Michael was drawn to the way she looked, or whatever he said. Gimme a break!

Now, Riley, she's a sue. But she's one of the more likable ones at least. At least she's not they type that is all happy one minute then sad over the littlest thing the next. She's a little more realistic when it comes to situations, and I mean the way she seems things, not how she acts. She's too perfect, not enough flaws but at least she isn't super tolerating and loving like most sues. She seems to get annoyed with things, which is good.
However, making her French, a cook, and a champion archer is a little improbable. I don't hate her but I do have issues with her.

But really... IT'S PEGS!

I really, really like you...a lot.

Feb 28th, 2011, 07:08 AM
Yeah, most people do. It's because I'm awesome and it radiates off me.
...I mean, THANK YOU! =D

I take it you don't like Pegs either? *didn't read many earlier posts*

Chelsea C.
Feb 28th, 2011, 03:37 PM
Yeah, most people do. It's because I'm awesome and it radiates off me.
...I mean, THANK YOU! =D

I take it you don't like Pegs either? *didn't read many earlier posts*

Yes, I called Riley a sue, too.

Mar 2nd, 2011, 02:01 PM
Riley to me is too blase about the whole end of the word situation. She not my least liked but she annoys me with her unconcerned but still kind of condescending attitude. Like she's only a team player because all these simple people need her awesome help.

Hate Pegs (ears bleed, annoying, desperate, unrealistic, loves to risk other people's lives)

Mar 2nd, 2011, 07:00 PM
So far, scratch. Her unhinged attitude is good but fingers down a chalkboard to me.

Michael kinda irked me while the War was going on but he seems to have gotten over that (by chapter 16)

Kalani (in chapter 16), with his constant shouting about not being told what is going on sent me crazy

Its not that I expect everyone in the "zombie" apocalypse to be calm.

Mar 7th, 2011, 05:55 PM
Burt.. cause he reminds me of my father.......

Mar 7th, 2011, 09:45 PM
Bixby and Gatekeeper. Bixby is just an all around jerk and I would love to see Micheal take him out, and Gatekeeper makes my skin crawl hardcore.

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:15 PM
I dunno that I hate a character. Pegs annoys me from time to time. I use to think I'd like to see her get dragged off by a zombie. Not so much any more. Not much of a Kalani fan. Mainly because he let Samantha be taken instead of himself.

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:21 PM
I dunno that I hate a character. Pegs annoys me from time to time. I use to think I'd like to see her get dragged off by a zombie. Not so much any more. Not much of a Kalani fan. Mainly because he let Samantha be taken instead of himself.

you hate kalani because he didnt sacrifice himself to save a stranger? i'm no kalani fan, but still comeon, if you were in that sit would you die for some random chick you dont know?

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:27 PM
you hate kalani because he didnt sacrifice himself to save a stranger? i'm no kalani fan, but still comeon, if you were in that sit would you die for some random chick you dont know?

I never said I hated Kalani. LOL I just not a fan. I think it was more of the way he just sat there. Not speaking when he was spoken to. He got better later on, when he was on a mission with Angel.

Mar 8th, 2011, 09:36 AM
I am very pleased to say Bixby and the Gatekeeper.

I wish Michael had hit him a 3rd time. My new favorite quote from Michael. " No one does that to you and gets away with it!"

Gatekeeper is just creepy really really really creepy. He makes me want to bathe in bleach cause my skin feels nasty!

Mar 8th, 2011, 11:06 AM
Ok i gotta say, i started out hating Pegs, Kelly, Kalani, and Datu, but honestly, now after all the things that have happened in season 2, i really don't mind them, especially pegs and kelly they've both changed completely. and after spending so much time at the colony, i don't think there's anyone at the tower that i actively hate ... except datu, i still dont like datu, but even then i wouldnt go so far as to say i hate datu. maybe lizzy cause she's such a bitch to Angel all the time.

Mar 16th, 2011, 10:33 AM
I hate Kelly and Skittles. Kelly was a mega-B***h and Skittles cant put together a sentence...Both of these characters just make me mad when they talk and do anything. I must admit though. Kelly has been growing on me. I think when Tommy died it really changed her.

Mar 17th, 2011, 09:24 PM
Kelly, was my most hated but her change has mnade me like her, somewhat.

Kalani, he is such a brown noser and he is only out for Numero UNO... Selfish frakker.

Datu, has too many mood swings. Find some prozac or something for him.

Mar 22nd, 2011, 05:34 PM
Kalani - just annoys me

Tommy - Glad they killed him off... whiny little s**t

Mar 22nd, 2011, 05:40 PM
Datu - Even if his redemption thing through Hope plays out, I just don't like him.

Mar 22nd, 2011, 05:45 PM
I can't really "hate" anyone because the actors and actresses behind the characters are doing such an impressive and persuasive job of making us dislike certain characters. With that in mind, the person I love to hate is Scratch. That girl is crazy, and not in a good or cool way. She is definitely a type of villain that listeners can rally against. Gatekeeper was a character that I didn't like either, but again, it was the character's personality and demeanor, which is all due to KC's writing and Mark Miller's acting.

Mar 30th, 2011, 10:29 PM
I can't really "hate" anyone because the actors and actresses behind the characters are doing such an impressive and persuasive job of making us dislike certain characters.

Actually, this is the only reason I hate datu. I think the voice actor does a terrible job of speaking in broken English - it's too forced. I hope I didn't ruin anything for you guys but the voice actor’s portrayal makes my skin crawl. I just can't listen to him speak.

Apr 2nd, 2011, 01:08 AM
Pegs...god just die or get shot by Scratch already, she's never done anything useful and all she does is cry about not getting attention
Kalani- he's just selfish and a bastard
Kelly- at first then she changed,
Scratch- I hate her, but only because I like her as an antagonist, the person you love to hate i guess

Apr 2nd, 2011, 12:48 PM
Bill - he's so Raven !

William Weatherly
Apr 3rd, 2011, 03:25 PM
I really don't like Saul, and I was really surprised to learn he was black. Definitely didn't fit my mental image. Thought he was a white guy who's always looking for a new girl to bang. Still like Tanya, even though she's his mom. Good to know someone's keeping him in check.

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:13 PM
Up until Chapter 20 I had really disliked a lot of the Tower crew. But now it all seems pretty fitting.

The only person in the story who I really hated after Chapter 20 was Bixby (shovelface, my god, Mike hit him twice with a shovel?! LULZ) and Markus. Both which got their asses handed to them nicely. However I'm sure Bixby and Gatekeeper will be in future episodes.

Apr 9th, 2011, 04:33 AM
I really want to see him die (sorry i cant help it I really do want to see this guy dead, or at least michael gives him a shovel to the face)

Apr 11th, 2011, 11:05 PM
I hate Kalani so much. Such as kiss-ass and a tattle tale. I mean he just lay in some comatose state while poor Samantha was ripped out of it. I hope that he dies very soon, a man of his size can't keep going in a world such as that for much longer.

Pegs is such a moany bitch. I just don't like her at all. Her insistance on not using a gun, causing the Zombies to appear at the tower in a retarded move, and expecting Michael to just let her jump into his arms when he says "I know" when she says she likes him. She expects way too much.

I agree! I would add Kelly! That fact that she was a lawyer prior to the outbreak make me want to cover her in blood and tie her ass to light post! or better yet...knock her ass out and leave her in the arena.

Kalani...F that guy! I would have left his fat ass in the arena! He bitches so much for someone who would have died if not for Angel and Riley. I think he and Burt have a little something going on. haha.

Apr 13th, 2011, 10:26 AM
Relistening to chapter 14 and Kilani is such a dick but he gets better over time. I dont know what to think about Datu. I am hoping he gets back to his old self but with all the things he's been through he may be changed forever. We saw Michael go from loved to despised back to his former glory. Come on Datu ! quit being so negative. High on my list recently is Stephen. He needs to make like a flower pot and go flying!

Luna Guardian
Apr 13th, 2011, 11:37 AM
I hate Kalani so much. Such as kiss-ass and a tattle tale. I mean he just lay in some comatose state while poor Samantha was ripped out of it. I hope that he dies very soon, a man of his size can't keep going in a world such as that for much longer.

Pegs is such a moany bitch. I just don't like her at all. Her insistance on not using a gun, causing the Zombies to appear at the tower in a retarded move, and expecting Michael to just let her jump into his arms when he says "I know" when she says she likes him. She expects way too much.

I agree, although I can't blame Kalani for Samantha's fate, as much as I would like. I'd do the exact same thing in his position. Hell, Datu and Samantha were going to do that to him! In live-or-die situations, my life becomes before a whole lotta people.

As for Pegs, I like her, but were I with the survivors, I'd be pretty frustrated with her by this point. In the beginnins she was a true hindrance, especially with not being willing to use a gun. I understand some people aren't comfortable with them and that killing causes moral issues for some, but hell, it's a kill or be killed world out there! Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but also those who rely on you. I think Pegs is a positively charming and lovable person and I'd feel very big brotherly around her, but God I wish I could reach into my iPod and give her a good shake every once in a while.

Apr 13th, 2011, 11:56 AM
Kelly was such a bitch before when Tommy was alive....but I think that was out of nervousness, now that she has settled into the group she has become a leader and someone to rely on (Now watch her be revealed as the rat).....When she went south with Pegs and Michael she showed true grit and street smarts when Pegs and Michael left her on the dock....she was pivotal in getting out of the colony with the flare.....I see kelly as the female Michael in that she is stern, honest, forward, and not afraid to act....you can all hate me for it but Kelly is key to their survival!

and I hate Kalani........he just never seems to act like he is trying to survive a zombie apocalypse

Luna Guardian
Apr 13th, 2011, 12:28 PM
and I hate Kalani........he just never seems to act like he is trying to survive a zombie apocalypse

Well, y'know what they say about denial.

If I don't watch what I'm saying, you might get the impression that I like Kalani...

Apr 17th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Pegs is still kinda ditzy, but not everyone is going to be a genius. I also hate on Lizzie because she's got my man (Saul <3).

Apr 19th, 2011, 08:01 AM
rapist maller(forgot name)

Rock Daddy
Apr 19th, 2011, 08:14 AM
Let's see...
Hate: Scratch definitely. and the rapist Tardust. And then Latch to a lesser extent. Gatekeeper is like half hate/half annoyance for me.
Annoyed by: Pegs most of the time for being whiny, unrealistic, and naive; Kalani half the time for being Kalani, Datu when he was depressed, and pre-war Kelly.

Apr 20th, 2011, 05:43 PM
I think the actress who plays Scratch sounds like she is trying too hard to sound tough. Her voice annoys the hell out of me. The only time she sounded good was when the mallers were outside the tower and someone fired a shot and she spoke in a soft normal voice to tell them it was on.

May 5th, 2011, 02:42 AM
If I was in charge both Kalani and Pegs would be up against the wall and shot in under three minutes. Simply put Kalani would sell is Grandmother to save his own ass and Pegs (if a such a person...

May 5th, 2011, 05:30 AM
Don't really like Steven ... I think he's a dick. Anyone else wouldn't make such a deal out of Lizzy sleeping on the job...
I used to hate Kelly with a passion...but right after Tommy died...I started to like her because she stopped being a bitch for the most part :D
And I also used to hate Kalani just because he was a kickass and just wanted to stay in control...but after listening to his "adventure" with Angel, he was awesome.

All of the other characters that are stupid like:
• Gatekeeper
• Tardust

They are just stupid... :D

May 5th, 2011, 07:54 AM
Don't really like Steven ... I think he's a dick. Anyone else wouldn't make such a deal out of Lizzy sleeping on the job...
I used to hate Kelly with a passion...but right after Tommy died...I started to like her because she stopped being a bitch for the most part :D
And I also used to hate Kalani just because he was a kickass and just wanted to stay in control...but after listening to his "adventure" with Angel, he was awesome.

All of the other characters that are stupid like:
• Gatekeeper
• Tardust

They are just stupid... :D

Well are they really that stupid? They are really kind of meant for you to hate. Yes you can hate the character, but I don't think they are that stupid.

May 5th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Most of the time when we hear her she's yelling so I think that's part of it. <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
You'd never be able to fly away then! You'd lose both of the people with any flight experience.

May 5th, 2011, 12:21 PM
Scratch kicks ass...cbass. afraid of a strong woman?

May 6th, 2011, 07:41 PM
Tardust, Tardust, Tardust, Steven (the guy who got Lizzy kicked out), the guy who tazed peg's, the gatekeeper, Sometimes Scratch (i dont really hate her, she is just a B***H), sometimes Kalani (you just want to smack him, sometimes)

people i use to hate Kelly, Burt (during the time he took over for Michael), Angel (in the begining. sometimes he dose put his foot in his mouth, mainly while trying to hit on Reily, in chapert 21 part 2 he should of kissed here and talked to her say it wasen't her fault)

May 6th, 2011, 08:29 PM
I don't like Tardust at all, rapists get little forgiveness from me.
I want to strangle Gatekeeper with my bare hands and beat Bigsby to death with the shovel.
The only problem I have with Kalani is that the zombies took away Samantha instead of him...I don't think I can let that go
Amy from the Colony irritates me
Durai gets under my skin with his smooth, manipulative talking
While Kelly has redeemed herself, especially in 19-3, I still bet on her being the traitor.

Jun 1st, 2011, 03:31 PM
I dislike Zombies, people are ok.

Jun 1st, 2011, 10:06 PM
I listened through the most of the series again and I never really hated Kelly that much. She was a bitch sometimes but she was trying to protect Tommy and do what she though was right. Maybe I missed something. Also it would be to easy for her to be the rat, lots of people already think it it.

Jun 2nd, 2011, 02:36 AM
Tardust, Tardust, Tardust, Steven (the guy who got Lizzy kicked out), the guy who tazed peg's, the gatekeeper, Sometimes Scratch (i dont really hate her, she is just a B***H), sometimes Kalani (you just want to smack him, sometimes)

You know... technically Steven didn't get Lizzy kicked out. She volunteered to go and he actually protested when she said she would.

Jun 2nd, 2011, 12:57 PM
Two characters that I could do without would definitely be Riley and Datu. Datu cries too much and Riley is irritating.

Jun 3rd, 2011, 06:29 AM
I like all the characters except Gatekeeper. Every other character is great its just Gatekeepers voice creeps me out

Ctatyk Frost
Jun 3rd, 2011, 09:53 AM
Honestly, I don't like Steven....he's the one who backed Burt into a corner & forced Lizzy's hand on leaving.
I don't mind Datu...perhaps he could "man up" a little...but yeah...
Kelly...trying to protect Tommy? She was guilt tripping the poor kid all the time. She's another one that I don't like much.
So far, each of the characters has served their purpose well.

Jun 5th, 2011, 04:32 AM
I have yet to come across a character I hate. I dislike a lot of characters, but understand the need for them in the narrative.
The most irritating so far is either early-stage Kelly, or possibly Pippin. A lot of people hated Pippin, for his accent mostly. I would have liked him to have a more Marshall Lancaster-esque voice, but his semi-Australian sounding English accent was intriguing enough that I thought it was a put on by the character, as a cover for his real identity.

Jun 9th, 2011, 08:13 PM
I really don't like Kalani. I don't dislike him as much as I used to but at first my hate was because Samantha died instead of him in the arena. When he wanted help escaping I was just thinking 'oh of course, now you wake up', I felt pretty guilty as a human being after that. His constant need to suck up initially didn't help him be any more endearing but really if you think about it, surviving the zombie apocalypse as a heavy guy would be pretty difficult so he's probably just doing anything possible to get in with anybody, it would be a lot easier to just leave him than work with him or get killed waiting for him.

And Scratch, I just KNEW she'd live through the war, I knew it. I can't wait until she's gone, I feel scummy thinking that but she has got problems and she really bugs me.

Jun 17th, 2011, 09:55 PM
I can't stand Pegs... I have to admit it.
She's naive, a little bit useless, and her voice, omg (no offense on the actress!) But everytimes she's around, I dunno I can't help myself but answering back out loud to all her ideas and suggestions (which my boyfriend finds really annoying haha). She's just too innocent and girly on my taste. She seems to me a little bit useless and pointeless. But hopefully my view will change with the futur episodes. At least she isn't a zombie! =D I don't really like any characters who become "human-power-autority-monster" due to the event and zombie invasion also. Steven is a good example, also gatekeeper. It showed me a side of human being that a really really don't like.

Samuel Sprayberry
Jun 18th, 2011, 08:34 PM
I hated bill from the beginning. I wish they had just shot him at the start. Wish he had died a more horrible death. Michael was pretty stupid getting everyone drunk and having a party. Bad...

Jun 20th, 2011, 02:27 PM
I can't stand Scratch and most of that comes from the fact that she is constantly topping out my speakers because apparently, if you're an evil bitch you have to scream all the time! Also, can't stand the fact that she'd let her brother take the fall for something she did, I mean really? If they were so close why wouldn't she turn herself in for a plea bargain before she let him go?

Jun 27th, 2011, 12:43 AM
I really hate tardust. He's a coward, rapist, and bastard all wrapped up in one nasty little maller package. I hope he dies a slow and painful death. Hell, maybe he aready died in the explosion (fingers crossed!).

Jun 27th, 2011, 02:52 AM
I really hate tardust. He's a coward, rapist, and bastard all wrapped up in one nasty little maller package. I hope he dies a slow and painful death. Hell, maybe he aready died in the explosion (fingers crossed!).

He's designed to be hated. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. This is why it'll be interesting if/when he goes. He may hang around a while being even more horrendous, because that's the kind of foil he is! We all want him to die but I think there will be one more evil thing he does first, something we shall never forgive.

KeAnna Means
Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:12 PM
I hate Scratch too but you're supposed to, arent you? That scene where she tortured this guy into false confessing and then had him killed to save her own skin cemented it for me. She's ruthless and crazy. When Pegs killed Latch, I was like, "Wrong one." She does make the show interesting though, Ill say that.

I want to like Pegs but I still find her kind of annoying. Hopefully, she'll redeem herself by doing well flying the helicopter, if they get that far.

Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:15 PM
I hate Scratch too but you're supposed to, arent you? That scene where she tortured this guy into false confessing and then had him killed to save her own skin cemented it for me. She's ruthless and crazy. When Pegs killed Latch, I was like, "Wrong one." She does make the show interesting though, Ill say that.

I want to like Pegs but I still find her kind of annoying. Hopefully, she'll redeem herself by doing well flying the helicopter, if they get that far.

You just broke my heart into several small pieces. :(

KeAnna Means
Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:18 PM
Aww, what did I say that did it?

Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:21 PM
Aww, what did I say that did it?

See my signature for more.

KeAnna Means
Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:25 PM
Oh well, I cant take it back, sorry. I did say she was interesting, lol.

Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:25 PM
Oh well, I cant take it back, sorry. I did say she was interesting, lol.

Awwwwwwww.... it's ok. I'm used to it. XD

Jul 3rd, 2011, 09:27 PM
I can't stand Pegs... I have to admit it.
She's naive, a little bit useless, and her voice, omg (no offense on the actress!) But everytimes she's around, I dunno I can't help myself but answering back out loud to all her ideas and suggestions (which my boyfriend finds really annoying haha). She's just too innocent and girly on my taste. She seems to me a little bit useless and pointeless. But hopefully my view will change with the futur episodes. At least she isn't a zombie! =D I don't really like any characters who become "human-power-autority-monster" due to the event and zombie invasion also. Steven is a good example, also gatekeeper. It showed me a side of human being that a really really don't like.

In an attempt to not rage on your ass, I'm going to have to leave you with one thing. shovel:) Critical Hit, It was super effective. I am done with you.

Jul 4th, 2011, 03:03 AM
Why... why would pegs be hated?!

KeAnna Means
Jul 4th, 2011, 01:49 PM
Why... why would pegs be hated?!

For me, I just got kind of annoyed with her Michael likes me-Michael likes me not routine at the start. Under the circumstances, it seemed pretty silly. Im still trying to get past it, I guess, but I dont think she's a bad character. She just made a bad initial impression on me.

Same thing with Lizzy and Saul. I still cant get past the way he called her a "piece of ass" right after she watched her boyfriend get killed and now their in love. I dont know. I like both characters though and I understand why things had to be sped up a bit. I just wish there was a little more build up to their relationship.

Jul 17th, 2011, 06:35 PM
I love scratch, I been re-listening to season 1 and she just like t female version of the joker

Jul 17th, 2011, 07:05 PM
I love scratch, I been re-listening to season 1 and she just like t female version of the joker

My new best friend! <3

Jul 18th, 2011, 08:06 AM
Regarding the romance between Lizzy, and Saul... My only tiny little beef with that is during the start of there saga they did that small, tiny cutsy bickering king of thing. Kind you see in Romantic comdies.... "Oh they argue, so they'll end up together" There nothing wrong with this! Just slighty pet peeve of mine regarding things like that, but this not critism against the show or characters, makes sense regarding the characters and storyline.

Aug 2nd, 2011, 07:12 PM
I hated Steven, seemed pointless to me. Tommy as well, whiney kid, don't miss him at all.

Aug 3rd, 2011, 04:02 PM
Datu - Really he is a little B**ch i cant stand his voice neither always high pitched and always negative..... frustrating

Brevard A. Smith
Aug 4th, 2011, 08:11 AM
Angel fits the description. If your going to be a Officer it's better if you actually get your hands dirty and don't hide behind your rank. Otherwise people will not want you in their zombie shelter.

Poddy mckeown
Aug 8th, 2011, 09:38 AM
I really hated Datu in the first war he was so irritating.

Aug 8th, 2011, 09:45 AM
I've had my ups and down's with Datu. I've loved him, I've hated him. But I still feel he has a lot of potential.

Aug 9th, 2011, 06:50 AM
As Great of a Villain Scratch is; I cannot wait for her something bad to happen to her

Aug 9th, 2011, 06:55 AM
As Great of a Villain Scratch is; I cannot wait for her something bad to happen to her

I think she's got more to go than just being a villain. She will surprise us.

Sep 19th, 2011, 04:28 AM
In general I hate characters whenever they whine and don't try to think logically.
I find myself not to hate Scratch at all. Yeah she's been a real pain to the main characters but she's avenging her brother.
Scratch is really similar to Saul considering they're willing to sacrifice a whole group to avenge or rescue one person.
In fact, I now respect her more than I respect Saul. Scratch surely never cared about the people under her so it makes sense that she's willing to expend them for her own means.
Saul on the other hand is willing to put his "friends" in dangers way for his girl. It doesn't matter if his impulsive behavior has a good turnout, he just shouldn't weigh the group down.
Oh yeah, I hate Peg for obvious reasons. She has grown but sill annoying.

Sep 22nd, 2011, 05:43 AM
I think the fact that you love or hate a character for who they are means that the cast and crew are doing great jobs. So I can only admire the We're Alive folks for making me love or hate a character.

Bug Pegs... Man, from her debut episode I so wanted her to get eaten. The horrible voice acting, the inappropriately super cheery way she talks in nearly every situation, her utter uselessness. I realize I'm combining character traits with the voice actor, but the voice just makes me want to shove her off the roof into a waiting crowd of zombies.

Sep 22nd, 2011, 07:16 PM
I agree with aaronarturus. Pegs needs to go and bring in a heroine that would be able to take care of herself. Someone that could actually back Michael up and not depend on him constantly. :mad:

Sep 23rd, 2011, 12:36 AM

Where the hell do i start. his accent is so annnoying and I hated listeing to his arc in the satdium. I wasn't even sad Samantha died, i just wanted to get back to angel and riley!

Sep 24th, 2011, 10:08 AM
Now as much as I love the actress that plays Scratch.. I hate Scratch. I hate Scratch with passion.. I love Jenna cause she makes Scratch so dang evil. Stinking EVIL I want to poke Scratch in the eye... with a sharp stick.. Did I mention I hate Scratch?

Sep 24th, 2011, 10:40 AM
Have all y'all Pegs haters heard the new Pegs from Season 2? I agree, Season 1 Pegs was clingy and "worthless" but uh....Chapter 24 alone is a stand out moment for Pegs. The entire Colony story arc freed her from her previous clingy nature. When was the last time she was clingy with Michael?

And futuristic_aussie.....Thou art heartless! :p

Sep 24th, 2011, 11:24 AM
Have all y'all Pegs haters heard the new Pegs from Season 2? I agree, Season 1 Pegs was clingy and "worthless" but uh....Chapter 24 alone is a stand out moment for Pegs. The entire Colony story arc freed her from her previous clingy nature. When was the last time she was clingy with Michael?

And futuristic_aussie.....Thou art heartless! :p

That last chapter.. yep. Something tells me Pegs has been pushed to the breaking point except this time she won't cry or cling. She'll kick a little ass instead.

Sep 26th, 2011, 07:14 PM

Where the hell do i start. his accent is so annnoying and I hated listeing to his arc in the satdium. I wasn't even sad Samantha died, i just wanted to get back to angel and riley!

Hmm, I can see where you are coming from. I think that if they toned down the accent a bit, I think it would be easier for Jay Oligario to deliver his lines. I'm pretty sure if a Filipino came over to the states, they would have lost a bit of the accent due to speaking English majority of the time (granted they could talk to only other Filipinos or on the phone, etc. and maintain the accent). Oh well.

Sep 28th, 2011, 07:43 PM
I agree that Pegs was annoying, but I think it's good that her voice actor is extra whiney. It's a radio show, so you have to overexaggerate in the only way that is possible. It just makes her shine even more in the last episode as well.

As for Datu, the part with Samantha is actually the only time I've cried so far. Maybe I was just in the mood for some reason, but I still really like him because of that.

Nov 11th, 2011, 04:43 PM
Hmm, I can see where you are coming from. I think that if they toned down the accent a bit, I think it would be easier for Jay Oligario to deliver his lines. I'm pretty sure if a Filipino came over to the states, they would have lost a bit of the accent due to speaking English majority of the time (granted they could talk to only other Filipinos or on the phone, etc. and maintain the accent). Oh well.
My roommate is Filipino and has been in Canada for 16 years and I work with a lot of Filipinos and most of them have been in Canada for YEARS and the accent has not gone away its all around what Jay Oligario dose with the accent for Datu
If I had to pick one person to hate in the show it would be TARDUST

Nov 30th, 2011, 05:33 PM
Not sure why everyone dislikes Kalani. I like the guy!

As for Aunt Kelly....man. She needs to become zombie dinner.

Sorry, but I like Datu. Yeah, he cries a lot (a LOT), but he never backs down from hard work and is always willing to pull his own weight. A good guy.

Now as much as I love the actress that plays Scratch.. I hate Scratch. I hate Scratch with passion.. I love Jenna cause she makes Scratch so dang evil. Stinking EVIL I want to poke Scratch in the eye... with a sharp stick.. Did I mention I hate Scratch?

Agreed. I'll be laughing as Scratch is messily devoured.

Two characters that I could do without would definitely be Riley and Datu. Datu cries too much and Riley is irritating.

Riley is the rat, just you watch.

Nov 30th, 2011, 11:31 PM
This isn't against Datu but when i first heard his voice I thought it was way over the top, but then again this is radio drama. Voice acting has to be over the top. In the first chapter it was hard for me to distinguish between Angel and Michael.

And Kalani and Steven are the rats. I call Steven survives the destruction of the tower.

Dec 3rd, 2011, 11:19 AM
i hate how burt changed from season 1 to season 2, in season 1 he was amazingly awesome but in season 2 he turned into a complete idiot. i would also like to mention that he is a total rip off of Burt Gummer from the Tremors series

Dec 3rd, 2011, 01:06 PM
i would also like to mention that he is a total rip off of Burt Gummer from the Tremors series

Burt and Burt Gummer are very similar when it comes to being gun enthusiasts and also a little bit on temperament but thats about it. Burt Gummer strikes me as a survivalist that has never served in the military, probably because he's a nut. I've watched all 4 Tremors movies and the short lived TV series on SciFi, he's always very knowledgeable with firearms but never mentions any military service. Burt Gummer seems more like a kid finally being able to use his toys while Burt sees more purpose in the zombie apocalypse.

Walter Mathers
Jan 1st, 2012, 10:37 PM
I found this podcast last week and have been hooked. I just finished everything today and I have to say I want Datu to die but not in a heroic way, in a mundane way.

I hate everyone who complains, whines, and does stupid stuff while a zombie apocalypse is raging.

When I first started listening and there were people in the tower threatening to leave I was floored. "Where's the electricity! We are leaving!" "RULES?! We are leaving!" I wanted each person to get double tapped. Then when people are whining "I can't do it" or "Im tired I cant go on" I pray for them to be left behind. I know its cold but I cant fathom complaining or whining in the scenarios that these people face.

In the end Kelly from season 1 and Datu from season 2 are my most hated characters.

Jan 8th, 2012, 11:02 AM
I put this in my intro post, but I absolutely hated Pippin, the voice was all that annoyed me really...I'd love a good old Englishman in the Tower...but that accent...it just made my blood boil. As he ate those pistol rounds I was literally jumping and cheering!

Apart from that I can't say I have a strong dislike of any of the characters (Scratch maybe, but that's because she is the baddy!)

Jan 8th, 2012, 06:13 PM
Almost all of the main characters (except for the non-Tower ones) and most if not all of the non-main character Tower residents, or should I say former Tower residents?

Jan 9th, 2012, 06:47 AM
for me it's scratch, mostly because she comes across as some little entitle-ist punk. she's needlesly aggressive, and blames others for the problems caused by her own actions, or actions she is complicit in. if you dick up, own up; it's that simple. though i must say that i also agree with mathers; stop bitching that you don't have power and can't watch the jersey shore, or that the water shut off and figure out a way to fix it. also, if you want to leave: bye bye.

Jan 13th, 2012, 07:28 AM
I'm re-listening to the whole series and man, Lizzie is just unbearable. Selfish arrogant spoiled child. "Can you please put that on the west side of the roof?" "LIKE I KNOW WHERE FUCKING WEST IS!!" (and I'm quoting literally).
It seems that this particular character is always snapping at people whenever she participates in the action, mostly for not irrationally caring for her and Saul above everything else. The worse was during and after the war, when she bashed at Michael, who was reasoning straight and rationally while she was shrieking all freaked out. This is part of the reason why Burt gets in power and it is priceless that it is Burt that kicks her out of the Tower. Priceless.

Scratch is an easy one to hate, she's unlikable and mean and nasty, but acts as an antagonist and has overall an important role in the story; instead, it seems to me that Lizzie's character is just the catalyst of irrational acting that ultimately ends up complicating everyone's life.

Jan 20th, 2012, 07:24 PM
Tend to agree with Clem here I really wanted to slap Lizzie with the &quot;Oh so your with us now&quot; line at Michael but then again she got put in charge of water in LA and had to ward off Saul so I guess...

Jan 21st, 2012, 03:37 PM
I hate riley she always is getting drunk and messing things up. Feed her to the bitters. I would of left her in the corn.

Professor Woland
Feb 4th, 2012, 05:44 AM
It has to be Datu. All he ever does is shout "Michael!" in ever more pathetic tones.

At least they had the sense to kill of the annoying kid in the tower (who was attacking far too childish for a 16 year old) before he turned into a Wesley Crusher.

Feb 5th, 2012, 08:48 PM
I can't stand Datu. Even when he's doing something productive like fixing the bird, he's still whining. He tries to be helpful, but he's just a pain in the butt. If there is every an outbreak of zombies, and one of you acts like Datu around me, expect to get left behind.

Feb 5th, 2012, 08:52 PM
I used to really dislike Lizzie, just because she was coming off at TSTL. Right now though, I don't really dislike/hate any particular character. Though Riley is really starting to piss me off. Yeah yeah, survivor's remorse and all that crap. But taking off and getting drunk in a corn field... go Riley! Good job! :/

Feb 5th, 2012, 08:53 PM
I can't stand Datu. Even when he's doing something productive like fixing the bird, he's still whining. He tries to be helpful, but he's just a pain in the butt. If there is every an outbreak of zombies, and one of you acts like Datu around me, expect to get left behind.

So you'd abandon the guy who can fix mechanical problems because he whines too much? King Datu the Resourceful will keep this transgression in mind when you are put on trial in the high court of Maintenance-Man-topia.

Feb 6th, 2012, 10:26 AM
I can tolerate whining in doses, but when every word you say is whining about something else, you're done. I'll figure out how to fix things on my own and be happier. And when Maintenance-Man-topia rolls around, I will pull a Skittles up in that bitch. Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!

Feb 7th, 2012, 07:10 AM
So you'd abandon the guy who can fix mechanical problems because he whines too much? King Datu the Resourceful will keep this transgression in mind when you are put on trial in the high court of Maintenance-Man-topia.


Bruh, what's with the hard on for Datu? LOL. I heard you beef'n about him on the last WND. hahah! You seem to have forgotten the "Scotty Effect". Anything can be fixed in a shorter time if it needs to be fixed.

Feb 8th, 2012, 05:57 AM
Is it too early to start hating on the new characters? There is just something about Thomas's voice/attitude that is grating. I am pretty sure that is how we are supposed to feel but if Michael wasn't so exhausted no way he would have let them take Riley off alone and scold them like toddlers. "Don't go wandering" I know you are a soldier and probably under orders not to disclose any information but given I don't think you have survivors showing up on your tarmac everyday you would think you might treat them a little more humanely. /rant

Feb 9th, 2012, 10:01 AM
[QUOTE=Professor Woland;33958]It has to be Datu. All he ever does is shout "Michael!" in ever more pathetic tones. AMEN!

silent E
Feb 19th, 2012, 08:26 PM
I am starting to get annoyed by Datu. Not enough for wanting him to be the next to die. I do hope that he gets less whiny soon.

Mar 12th, 2012, 04:31 AM
I wonder if there is anyone in the UK who didn't detest Pippin! I know he was only in it for like five minutes or something, but five minutes of torture can feel like an eternity. I heard Casey say once that he didn't watch The Walking Dead for fear of unintentionally copying what he'd seen. All I can say is he must have seen Mary Poppins a dozen times at least! Cor Blimey mate!
Had Pippin had survived, then I was going to start a petition to have him spit-roasted on his own chimney-sweeps brush.

Mar 19th, 2012, 09:45 PM
I don't know why, but my hatred for Scratch has morphed into a big ol' crush. She has such an attractive voice!

Mar 28th, 2012, 02:13 PM
Scratch bugged me at first, too over the top. Thinking on it more though, she would have to be over the top to survive in that element/with that group.
Angel got 'mind punched' when he said 'lowly specialist' but he got better (when he wasn't whining).
Michael (character) bugs me when he lets everyone get away with 3-5 round bursts instead single fire. (the actor) the voice acting feels too scripted sometimes, especially when the intensity ramps up
Datu... omfg Datu... He whines way too much, should have gotten slapped by now. But on top of that the voice acting kills me. Too broken, too forced.
...and all of them when they do stupid shit.

Mar 29th, 2012, 11:05 AM
I don't know why, but my hatred for Scratch has morphed into a big ol' crush. She has such an attractive voice!

I'm with you on that. I loved her nasty little sarcastic.. "You better start running". Before that I wanted her dead in the worst way. I think the actress is brilliant!!!!

Mar 29th, 2012, 12:59 PM
I wonder if there is anyone in the UK who didn't detest Pippin! I know he was only in it for like five minutes or something, but five minutes of torture can feel like an eternity. I heard Casey say once that he didn't watch The Walking Dead for fear of unintentionally copying what he'd seen. All I can say is he must have seen Mary Poppins a dozen times at least! Cor Blimey mate!
Had Pippin had survived, then I was going to start a petition to have him spit-roasted on his own chimney-sweeps brush.

I am not from the UK but did not like Pippin a bit. His death made me smile. In the beginning I was a Kelly hater but she is now off of that list. Whiny Datu got real annoying but he has actually been his old self (imho) as of late so I took him off the list as well.

Mar 31st, 2012, 01:54 PM
This is rather easy for me Pippin, I just couldn't stand him for some reason (it may be because I'm from the UK) but when he died i was rather happy.

Apr 8th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Datu! He drives me nuts! Every time he whines or freaks out my blood pressure goes up. Or it feels like it does anyways. =P

Apr 8th, 2012, 07:05 PM
Datu! He drives me nuts! Every time he whines or freaks out my blood pressure goes up. Or it feels like it does anyways. =P

I completely agree with this.

May 9th, 2012, 11:39 AM
no matter what kelly will never get any redemption in my eyes, mainly because i dated/fell head over heels in love with a guy that had a mother like that...but about 30 times worse, and in your last few days of life being completely discredited no matter what good you do (and by the way tommy did way more for them than she did, cameras and all), and being treated like dirt that's just sad, she took her frustrations out on a child that was probably going through and taking it way worse than her but at least kept it together, he kept his own stress plus half of kelly's, she may have made an excuse later, but when she tried to get him kicked out of the tower...there is no excuse <_<
so yeah, kelly all the way, i loathe her
and for the record i am a guy, i just feel like somebody is going to see the "i dated a guy that..." thing and assume that i am a woman, just want to clear up any confusion ^.^

May 14th, 2012, 10:52 AM
#1 Character that I just hate: PEGS.
Let's see how many stupid things she's done: She called the zombies over by knocking over that pot over the balcony, She got a cat she wasn't sure could be infected or not risking EVERYONE's lives, zombie apocalypse and she REFUSES to use a gun because she doesn't believe in them oh but it's ok if everyone Else uses them to protect her, It was her idea to have the party that incapacitated everyone to the point they couldn't properly protect themselves against the mallers, acts like she's in high school when she sees Riley hugging Michael, asks Angel to take back Scratch body so that 'she can sleep at night' seriously risk THEIR lives so that she can sleep better, and finally abandons Michael when he needs her to most because it 'goes against her principles'. Just kill her character off already. Michael should be with Riley anyways :)

May 15th, 2012, 06:06 AM
Pegs just for the simple fact that she wouldn't pick up a weapon! Not someone that would watch my back. Great voice acting, just i dislike the toon

May 15th, 2012, 06:25 AM
#1 Character that I just hate: PEGS.
Let's see how many stupid things she's done: She called the zombies over by knocking over that pot over the balcony, She got a cat she wasn't sure could be infected or not risking EVERYONE's lives, zombie apocalypse and she REFUSES to use a gun because she doesn't believe in them oh but it's ok if everyone Else uses them to protect her, It was her idea to have the party that incapacitated everyone to the point they couldn't properly protect themselves against the mallers, acts like she's in high school when she sees Riley hugging Michael, asks Angel to take back Scratch body so that 'she can sleep at night' seriously risk THEIR lives so that she can sleep better, and finally abandons Michael when he needs her to most because it 'goes against her principles'. Just kill her character off already. Michael should be with Riley anyways :)

Agreed, she's a liability. Michael should stay well clear of Riley though.

May 22nd, 2012, 01:08 PM
#1 Character that I just hate: PEGS.

I whole heatedly agree with this. At first I couldn't stand Kelly (I'm only at Chapter 19 so no spoilers please), but Pegs just drives me nuts. She's absolutely useless in any situation. "Pegs, throw me that rifle!" Gunfire, gunfire... "[Pegs] You want me to throw it to you!?" For crying out loud, Pegs. She's only helpful on accident and I swear the only way she'll save anyone is if she falls down while the others are being chased by biters. :mad:

Drogon Malice
May 23rd, 2012, 04:36 AM
character i hate....hmmmm

i love scratch as a character shes evil and plotting and vendictive and bat shit crazy, but at the same time shes the bad guy, we're ment to hate her, its going to be weird as hell if she ever ends up working along side the band of survivors we so knowingly love

actually i have to agree with the whole pegs things, she does seem completely fucking useless. she can redeem herself but sticks to who she is as a person, the world has changed she should just turn around do a complete 180 and become a gun loving short, sweet but deadly rambo type chick, hopefully she'll do something stupid and step on a landmine that way he dead can be comical aswell as sudden, unexpected but completely worth it

May 24th, 2012, 09:42 AM
character i hate....hmmmm

Scratch is such a brilliantly written character and Jenna McCombie does a hell of a job with the VA. Scratch touches on one specific thing you don't see addressed in a lot of survivor horror. Sure we get the dynamics and psychology of a group under serious stress in an end of the world scenario...but nobody really focuses on the "What if the psychopaths get loose?" question. Sure we see little "Stalins" pop up al a Marcus or "The Governor" in "The Walking Dead" GNs, but what if Ted Bundy took control of a group and there were no authorities to stop him? When I here McCrombie's voice and that silent little cadence to her speech, it chills. I do not hate Scratch, I dread her and McCrombie deserves an Audie for her portrayal.

Jun 14th, 2012, 07:22 PM
Anyone else want to shoot Pegs in the head? At first she was useless, but now she's needy and it drives me out of my mind. The people I work with think I'm crazy because I talk to myself because she makes me sooooooo mad. And I don't want her to get carried off by a zombie, that would be too easy. I want a character to get angry and just off her (preferably in a painful way) because of how she acts. One thing that goes with this is I was super disappointed in what happened to Kalani, not so much that I like him, but because then the Tower people needed her so it would be impossible to kill her at that instance. Though if she dies Micheal will without fail turn into a sniveling idiot for a couple months and I really don't want to deal with a breakdown from him right now.

Also, I understand the sentiment to hate Riley, but I feel that her being unrealistically awesome is necessary because she has to make up for the dumb crap that Pegs and Lizzy and basically all other female characters do. I also feel that for a longer time her head was screwed on right and she could have actually helped Micheal but now not so much.

And Kelly was awful for me at first because she just stressed Micheal out, making his leadership worse, but now she's kinda awesome to me.

Jun 14th, 2012, 07:29 PM
Anyone else want to shoot Pegs in the head? At first she was useless, but now she's needy and it drives me out of my mind. The people I work with think I'm crazy because I talk to myself because she makes me sooooooo mad. And I don't want her to get carried off by a zombie, that would be too easy. I want a character to get angry and just off her (preferably in a painful way) because of how she acts. One thing that goes with this is I was super disappointed in what happened to Kalani, not so much that I like him, but because then the Tower people needed her so it would be impossible to kill her at that instance. Though if she dies Micheal will without fail turn into a sniveling idiot for a couple months and I really don't want to deal with a breakdown from him right now.

Also, I understand the sentiment to hate Riley, but I feel that her being unrealistically awesome is necessary because she has to make up for the dumb crap that Pegs and Lizzy and basically all other female characters do. I also feel that for a longer time her head was screwed on right and she could have actually helped Micheal but now not so much.

And Kelly was awful for me at first because she just stressed Micheal out, making his leadership worse, but now she's kinda awesome to me.

Awwww, crap. Stupid trackpad just owned your post. Sorry about the negative rep, broseph. Was not intended to be that way. Le sigh...

Jun 14th, 2012, 07:43 PM
Awwww, crap. Stupid trackpad just owned your post. Sorry about the negative rep, broseph. Was not intended to be that way. Le sigh...

Fixed it. Positive rep now!

Jun 14th, 2012, 07:45 PM
I just approved the fuck out of that message.

Jun 19th, 2012, 10:38 AM
I can't stand Scratch.....well, maybe it's not her but the terrible acting.

Jun 19th, 2012, 12:02 PM
I can't stand Scratch.....well, maybe it's not her but the terrible acting.

dude, you must be like the anti osiris

Nate Eeez
Jun 19th, 2012, 12:20 PM
I was thinking the same thing, but where did this Bizarro-Osiris come from? And what does it mean for our universe?

Jun 19th, 2012, 01:12 PM
start looking for an alternate reaper, possibly a socialist, probably hates video games.

Jun 19th, 2012, 01:44 PM
I was thinking the same thing, but where did this Bizarro-Osiris come from? And what does it mean for our universe?

It's the one gripe I have with the series, her terrible acting. I like the concept of the character, but the "actor's" (in quotes for a reason) portrayal of the character is horrendous and ruins it for me. She sounds like a valley girl turned sociopath. Totally unconvincing, from the voice inflection to the tone and improper emphasis of key lines, it's just plain hacky. If someone made a movie about Paris Hilton becoming the dictator of some banana republic, then the actor that plays scratch might have a better shot at a convincing role.

In addition to that, it just doesn't fit. Someone that sadistic, with a brother in jail would be more rough around the edges, more coarse. Her vocabulary and delivery sounds too upper middle class for the character.

Jun 19th, 2012, 01:48 PM
I can't stand Scratch.....well, maybe it's not her but the terrible acting.

Maybe you just need to take a deep breath and shut the fuck up. You're off to a terrible start here, bro.

Jun 19th, 2012, 02:37 PM
In addition to that, it just doesn't fit. Someone that sadistic, with a brother in jail would be more rough around the edges, more coarse. Her vocabulary and delivery sounds too upper middle class for the character.

I can't agree with this. Are you saying that a sociopath/psychopath can't be highly intelligent or well educated?

Jun 19th, 2012, 02:38 PM
I can't agree with this. Are you saying that a sociopath/psychopath can't be highly intelligent or well educated?

No. In his world they can't be more intelligent than he is. It scares him.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:10 PM
I'm not too big on Pegs. She's such a pansy.

Nate Eeez
Jun 20th, 2012, 08:43 PM
I think the actors are doing a great job, considering they seem to be reading their lines for the first time with direction from KC (as seen in some of the videos posted).

Jun 21st, 2012, 07:34 AM
I think the actors are doing a great job, considering they seem to be reading their lines for the first time with direction from KC (as seen in some of the videos posted).

I agree! Kudos to them all for a fantastic job.

Nov 25th, 2012, 10:36 PM
I hated everyone but Burt & Tanya at one point or still do.

Nov 26th, 2012, 04:05 AM
I hated everyone but Burt & Tanya at one point or still do.

I hated Burt for the way he treated Michael after the events after The War. Coincidentally, I started to like Tanya after The War.

Nov 26th, 2012, 04:49 AM
I hated Burt for the way he treated Michael after the events after The War. Coincidentally, I started to like Tanya after The War.

I've had moments of disliking most of the characters at some point (I think that is a mark of great storytelling, BTW).

Michael when he turned all moody and basically tried to tell everyone to shove it
Burt for what YABC said above
Saul when he first went out on his lone wolf mission to find Lizzie (not for going but for how he acted/talked)
and many other cases involving most major characters....

But for the most part, I never warmed up to Angel. He had his moments (like working with Riley to track Datu down) but in general, I didn't ever really like him.

Nov 26th, 2012, 08:11 AM
I'm not too big on Pegs. She's such a pansy.

I am a fan of Pegs. There are times when she is annoying, but you have to consider that yet only Pegs was able to really hurt Scratch - by killing James/Latch. Without Pegs, there would most certainly no Scratch involvement. And we would not want that, would we?

Nov 26th, 2012, 07:17 PM
I can't stand Scratch.....well, maybe it's not her but the terrible acting.

Speaking as Scratch's wife here, my love's golden, buttery voice flows as smooth as the rolls on a Wisconsin chick's thighs and is the blanket that keeps me warm at night when I have an accident and pee in the bed and have to wash my down comforter at 3am, only to find it shrunken and torn and my washing machine filled with feathers on account of my long jagged toenails.

Thou shalt not insult my Scratchypoobear, I say thee nay.


Nov 26th, 2012, 07:21 PM

guess I can dig it.

Ps...lets not get that whole thing with geosiris started agian

Nov 26th, 2012, 07:24 PM
Urge to kill.... rising....

Nov 26th, 2012, 07:25 PM
Speaking as Scratch's wife here, my love's golden, buttery voice flows as smooth as the rolls on a Wisconsin chick's thighs and is the blanket that keeps me warm at night when I have an accident and pee in the bed and have to wash my down comforter at 3am, only to find it shrunken and torn and my washing machine filled with feathers on account of my long jagged toenails.

Thou shalt not insult my Scratchypoobear, I say thee nay.


Deacon are you from cheese country?

Nov 26th, 2012, 07:27 PM
Deacon are you from cheese country?

Nosir! I am from Las Vegas - home of the cheap women and the poorly educated! :D

Nov 26th, 2012, 08:45 PM
Nosir! I am from Las Vegas - home of the cheap women and the poorly educated! :D

your talking about Wisconsin when you talk about cheap women and the poorly educated

Nov 26th, 2012, 09:42 PM
your talking about Wisconsin when you talk about cheap women and the poorly educated

Actually, I would say that Wisconsin is the home of chicken fried gravy cheese with beer!

Nov 26th, 2012, 11:23 PM
Actually, I would say that Wisconsin is the home of chicken fried gravy cheese with beer!

you make Wisconsin sound awesome....

Nov 27th, 2012, 02:30 AM
Urge to kill.... rising....

Oh Osiris, relax. We all love Scratch for being an WA incarnation of Mother Teresa as she is taking care of the lost souls (e.g. C.J.) of the show so selflessly with barely more than her knife.

Nov 27th, 2012, 02:34 AM
you make Wisconsin sound awesome....

One moment. Wisconsin, 1970s, awesome sound, ....


Nov 27th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Yeah..ya'll can jump me too..My least favorite is Scratch...the weakest link in the talent pool...
Almost everyone else does such a good acting job..

Nov 27th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Yeah..ya'll can jump me too..My least favorite is Scratch...the weakest link in the talent pool...
Almost everyone else does such a good acting job..

I disagree. I think Jenna (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Jenna+McCombie) does an amazing job voicing such a devious character. Now, I can definitely see disliking Scratch for all the evil she does, though....

Z Sniper
Nov 28th, 2012, 02:04 AM

Nov 28th, 2012, 04:14 AM

Nyah, he's very..... tolerable :p

Seriously though, Victor ROCKS!

Nov 28th, 2012, 04:16 AM

You've gotta fucking kidding me, compadre! Victor rules. :yay:

Nov 28th, 2012, 08:06 AM
I don't mind Scratch as a villain. But she exaggerates. I can hear her acting.
I think you guys just think she's cute in person...

Dec 18th, 2012, 09:03 AM
I'm on Chapter 16 and there's no one I'd rather see die than Kalani!

Dec 18th, 2012, 09:39 AM
I'm on Chapter 16 and there's no one I'd rather see die than Kalani!

give it time, he get's to a point where you grow to like him (at least i did). kind of like a fungus.

Dec 18th, 2012, 09:55 AM
give it time, he get's to a point where you grow to like him (at least i did). kind of like a fungus.

Kinda like Kelly?

Dec 18th, 2012, 10:07 AM
Kinda like Kelly?

zactly, there is hope.

Dec 19th, 2012, 04:04 AM
Kinda like Kelly?

Still waiting for Kelly to grow on me. She still irritates me too much....

Dec 19th, 2012, 10:57 AM
I'm growing ever so sick of Scratch. All she does is yell and scream. Very 1 dimensional character so far. (Chapter 21)

Dec 19th, 2012, 11:00 AM
I'm growing ever so sick of Scratch. All she does is yell and scream. Very 1 dimensional character so far. (Chapter 21)

lol, i kind of agree with you... wait, did you hear that? i think osiris is coming! hide. ;)

Dec 20th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Kalani, Pegs & Hope bug me and I'm caught up :P

Jan 10th, 2013, 09:28 PM
Datu .... I'm on chapter 28, and he's still too whiney...and I don't really hate him , just find him annoying

Jan 12th, 2013, 02:18 PM
I'm surprised more people aren't hating on Stephen.... He's such a whiny little rhymes-with-witch. I'm not caught up on the podcast yet, so I don't know what happens with him, but from the part I just listened to (getting Lizzy thrown out) I don't have much use for him. And he was a jerk before that to. Where did he come from anyway? I can't remember...

Jan 12th, 2013, 03:41 PM
I'm surprised more people aren't hating on Stephen.... He's such a whiny little rhymes-with-witch. I'm not caught up on the podcast yet, so I don't know what happens with him, but from the part I just listened to (getting Lizzy thrown out) I don't have much use for him. And he was a jerk before that to. Where did he come from anyway? I can't remember...

A good question. Stephen is a real a$$-head.

Jan 13th, 2013, 07:58 PM
Still waiting for Kelly to grow on me. She still irritates me too much....

Kelly went from one of my least to one of my most favorite characters. I think it is her humor. Or, it could be that the actress is kind of hot.

However, Stephen and Scratch top my list as most hated.

Jan 13th, 2013, 08:49 PM
Kelly went from one of my least to one of my most favorite characters. I think it is her humor. Or, it could be that the actress is kind of hot.

However, Stephen and Scratch top my list as most hated.

Kelly has some decently funny lines but maybe because she was MIA for so much of Season 3 it didn't redeem a lot of the early "I'm a bitch" story stuff.

And Stephen... Yuck!

Jan 18th, 2013, 06:55 PM
I really really really really hate Scratch.

Not because I find her annoying, some other characters are obviously written as having annoying personality traits and such and that's fine. I hate her because she makes no sense and she's cliche.

She's a Saturday morning cartoon villain in an otherwise fairly mature story. She just wanders around being vicious for no reason, holding absurd grudges, plotting revenge, yelling a lot and beating up underlings.

I donno, maybe there are people like her in the world but she's so campy I just can't take her seriously.

Jan 27th, 2013, 11:14 AM
Scratch top my list as most hated.

*comes back from the obscure dead to strike you for that comment and then disappears again*

Jan 27th, 2013, 11:15 AM
I really really really really hate Scratch.

Not because I find her annoying, some other characters are obviously written as having annoying personality traits and such and that's fine. I hate her because she makes no sense and she's cliche.

She's a Saturday morning cartoon villain in an otherwise fairly mature story. She just wanders around being vicious for no reason, holding absurd grudges, plotting revenge, yelling a lot and beating up underlings.

I donno, maybe there are people like her in the world but she's so campy I just can't take her seriously.

*dons a pair of boots and prepares a shoryuken*

Feb 14th, 2013, 06:10 PM
I did find Kelly annoying but she has become a tuff old girl and is able to hold her own. Peggs on the other hand has gotten on my nerves she can be such a winer.

Feb 16th, 2013, 12:36 AM
The women scratch

Feb 26th, 2013, 08:22 AM
i hated peggs when she pulled her no gun crap, and then risked everything for a stupid cat in the beginning, but i thought it was pretty wierd of michael not get it on with peggs a lot earlier, like seriously, its the zombie apocalypse, the world is ending, theres like 10 girls in your tower, and one of em is just begging to get with u, its not that complicated

Oh i know right she drives me up the wall especially when mike was knocked out cold and she like oh no what am i gonna do and im like girl if you dont pick up that gun. im glad she finally stepped up or else she wouldnt have cut it in a world like that

Feb 26th, 2013, 12:21 PM
Only characters that i have disliked are really not main people... Not a big fan of Glenn.. He is the only person that wasn't instantly killed that i disliked...and the only one i have hated was only talking for a few seconds in i believe 30-part 2 when she is crushed and screaming "I cant feel my legs"...i was hoping someone would shoot her in the face.

Feb 26th, 2013, 12:49 PM
Only characters that i have disliked are really not main people... Not a big fan of Glenn.. He is the only person that wasn't instantly killed that i disliked...and the only one i have hated was only talking for a few seconds in i believe 30-part 2 when she is crushed and screaming "I cant feel my legs"...i was hoping someone would shoot her in the face.

I think the legs-crushed-screamer was Capt. Long from Fort Irwin. That would be the Colonel Kimmet's niece...

Feb 26th, 2013, 12:55 PM
I think the legs-crushed-screamer was Capt. Long from Fort Irwin. That would be the Colonel Kimmet's niece...

I was thinking it was his niece, but i couldn't remember her name(or if they even mentioned it).

So yeah, if we're ever in a zday and someones legs get crushed...i hope they dont scream like that.. i may shoot them in the face, lol.

Feb 28th, 2013, 10:13 AM
It is really hard picking someone to truly hate.
I hate periods that people are in, especially Captain Kimmet, but the same I can kind of understand where they are coming from and enjoy watching their growth out of it. Thats what makes this podcast so awesome! So many flawed characters that have reasons behind their flaws.

But I will go with Captain Kimmet because he refused the chance to evolve, forever stuck in the void of believing he was right and the hero for everything.

Feb 28th, 2013, 09:11 PM
It is really hard picking someone to truly hate.
I hate periods that people are in, especially Captain Kimmet, but the same I can kind of understand where they are coming from and enjoy watching their growth out of it. Thats what makes this podcast so awesome! So many flawed characters that have reasons behind their flaws.

But I will go with Captain Kimmet because he refused the chance to evolve, forever stuck in the void of believing he was right and the hero for everything.

I agree with what you're saying about having a hard time time truly hating any of the characters. I dont hate or really strongly dislike any of them. I think that each of them represent a character acting within whatever circumstances that each has found themselves in and based on personality, past, or training(conditioning) ended up responding in a given way that was fitting to them. Thats how life is. I disliked the behaviours or choices of some and the reasoning if any behind those, but I don't hate them for it. I find it waaayyyy more interesting to consider what it might have taken to lead someone to make the choices they made, both in real life and in fiction. I've found things in each character that make me think, 'yeah, I'd do that', or man if I was f'd up like that I can understand where that person's coming from. Maybe one of the biggest things I can say about KC and his storytelling is just how human his characters are.

Mar 1st, 2013, 04:19 AM
I agree with what you're saying about having a hard time time truly hating any of the characters. I dont hate or really strongly dislike any of them. I think that each of them represent a character acting within whatever circumstances that each has found themselves in and based on personality, past, or training(conditioning) ended up responding in a given way that was fitting to them. Thats how life is. I disliked the behaviours or choices of some and the reasoning if any behind those, but I don't hate them for it. I find it waaayyyy more interesting to consider what it might have taken to lead someone to make the choices they made, both in real life and in fiction. I've found things in each character that make me think, 'yeah, I'd do that', or man if I was f'd up like that I can understand where that person's coming from. Maybe one of the biggest things I can say about KC and his storytelling is just how human his characters are.

Good points. I agree that, like the characters or not, the realism and believability of each one of them is the key point. Kc has done a great job on each character from the initial development to the progression of their "arcs" in the show. It's good stuff.

And I still don't really like Kelly....

Mar 2nd, 2013, 07:16 PM
You know what, one of the most dramatic changes I've seen in WA is with Kelly. I really like her now, and even as a bitch or pain in the ass that she was at the start, which I enjoyed seeing being played out. She went through something shitty which I think snapped her into line and woke her up to the new reality. She shows that she wants to be more like Michael, more serious with less bullshit and do what it takes attitude. I actually really like her and how she was able to adapt.

Mar 4th, 2013, 09:07 PM
only on season 1 finaly but I absolutely HATE Kelly

Mar 4th, 2013, 09:21 PM
only on season 1 finaly but I absolutely HATE Kelly

She'll win you back . . . have no fear.

Mar 5th, 2013, 03:19 PM
^^ I agree. The growth of her character is amazing.

Mar 5th, 2013, 04:58 PM
I just started the series and I'm only on Chapter five of the first season. I don't HATE anyone but I've developed a strong dislike for Angel. I just find him extremely annoying. I also dislike Pegs a little. The whole gun thing and trying to save that stray cat really bugged me.

Mar 5th, 2013, 05:21 PM
I just started the series and I'm only on Chapter five of the first season. I don't HATE anyone but I've developed a strong dislike for Angel. I just find him extremely annoying. I also dislike Pegs a little. The whole gun thing and trying to save that stray cat really bugged me.

I have a feeling you will like Angel after a while. Thats one thing i LOVE about this show is the character growth.

Pegs is a little annoying too...but she grows on you.

Mar 6th, 2013, 07:00 AM
I have a feeling you will like Angel after a while. Thats one thing i LOVE about this show is the character growth.

Pegs is a little annoying too...but she grows on you.

You can add Scratch on to my list. After what her and her brother were going to do to Lizzy, I don't think I'll ever like them. Great characters though.

Mar 6th, 2013, 09:13 AM
datu is awesome!!!!

Apr 15th, 2013, 07:37 PM
I fucking hate Scratch. She is a horrible character! I wanted to get into the show and rip her guts out when she smashed Shirley and then cut off Burts finger! She went to fucking far.

Apr 26th, 2013, 05:05 AM

Please kill Angel as soon as possible. Seriously.

I've just finished season 2. (point of reference...maybe he gets better)

Every time I hear Angel say ANYTHING, it sounds like whining, bitching, complaining, and general overall uselessness. He has 2 modes:

1) Generic Raised Voice #1. Given minimal scene context, every time he starts raising his voice/yelling, I can't tell if he is having an argument with his boyfriend or if there is supposed to be some life threatening zombie style emergency. A bullet would take care of this (or a nice bite/scratch from the zombies).

2) I'M USELESS SO PLEASE KILL ME NOW Comments. This is everything else he ever says. Along these lines, he argues when then is no need. He acts exasperated at the drop of a hat and for just about any/no reason. He constantly sounds like a drama queen. He can't lead. A bullet would also take care of this.

To be honest, his character hasn't changed much since Season 1, Episode 1. He was useless then, he is useless now. For the love of the Gods of Storytelling......please kill him now.


Can we line up Datu as well? If he isn't "OH NOES WE ALL GONNA DIE!", he is "OH NOES I CAN'T POSSIBLY FIX THAT!" Perhaps finishing night school would have helped. Maybe a few brochures from the student center about happiness and well being. Maybe a hug. As it stands, we are stuck with an extremely negative and pessimistic character than unfortunately also had children. It's too late to wish he was a slow runner but perhaps his children are. We can hope he trips?

As of 6/11: Listened to more Datu. Please please please kill him soon. He rivals Angel for 'whiny' factor.

Final Note:

Most might ask, "Why not Pegs?" OR "Kelly? Why NOT HER!?!?". They grew. First season you want them dead for being useless and not quite 'on board' with surviving in any sort of practical fashion. However, they develop and become not only useful, but somehow less annoying over time.

That being said, I do enjoy the show and most of the characters.

Season 3.....here I come.

Apr 26th, 2013, 03:53 PM
Well fuck.

Snake Liquid
May 4th, 2013, 02:11 PM
So I'm on Chapter 20, and a lot of people might object, but I just absolutely can not stand Scratch. I have seen a few posts about how she evolves going forward, but I just don't think I'll ever really care. The character is an absolutely foul human being, which isn't a knock at the writing since she's a villain she's probably meant to come across that way, who for all I know could turn against the Mallers and save the damn world and I'd still dislike her for the horrible human being that she is.

Then her voice actress... Let me just start by saying I have respect for all the people that voice act for this great story, including her, but I feel like she tries way too hard for a lot of the lines. Especially when she screams, which she does about every other line, its so obnoxious I cringe every time. Her voice acting is absolutely fine when she's talking normal or she gets into her creepy whispering-threat voice, but when she screams... I don't know.

That's about the only one that I hate. Pegs makes me roll my eyes a lot, but I don't hate her at all.