View Full Version : Why didn't Peggs like to shoot guns before?

Jan 27th, 2011, 05:03 AM
Did she have a bad experience?

They haven't said why yet, right?

Jan 27th, 2011, 03:32 PM
Did she have a bad experience?

They haven't said why yet, right?

She's a dirty hippy. That's why.

Wicked Sid
Jan 27th, 2011, 04:20 PM
Maybe she saw her parents murdered, by guns. Her inner turmoil after killing Latch could be a revival of repressed feelings of the trauma.

Jan 27th, 2011, 05:09 PM
That's kinda what i'm thinking. Also do you think that's what she's telling Lizzy?

Jan 28th, 2011, 06:58 PM
Maybe she saw her parents murdered, by guns. Her inner turmoil after killing Latch could be a revival of repressed feelings of the trauma.

after seeing her parents killed, she went into training for years, she then put on a bat costume and began cleansing Gotham of all criminal activity with just her fists and batarangs bwahhahahahaa

sorry couldnt resist

but in all seriousness, i think the opportunity for the story to explain why she has issues with guns may have been missed. because she seems to have no problem shooting zombies now, and although she took some emotional stress from killing latch, its not abnormal for someone to feel that way after killing a human being. i doubt the soldiers would feel much, but Pegs is a civilian, and a fragile one at that. maybe it was just simply cause she didnt believe in guns and violence?

Jan 29th, 2011, 02:05 AM
yeah, I have to agree that she probably just didnt like guns and violence and so the act of killing another person really shook her. I mean, look at the troops who come home with PTSD and the police who go to therapy after using their guns in the line of duty. Those people are trained to do that and it still gets to them. I think Pegs' "issues" with guns and violence may be an acknowledgement by the geniuses behind the show that not everyone can just pick up a gun and start blasting away with no ill effects. Not everyone is made for violence, and with the quality of the characters in the show, it makes a lot of sense to have at least one character who addresses this point.

Jan 29th, 2011, 09:00 AM
So...pegs is....batman.

I thought I was batman.

Well since she is having these dreams it might come up soon why she doesn't like gun/violence. I'm thinking if she she's micheal at all anymore, they might have some heart to heart.

Jan 30th, 2011, 04:35 PM
she's simply a pacifist.

Jan 30th, 2011, 08:10 PM
she's simply a pacifist.

Exactly. A dirty hippy.

Jan 30th, 2011, 08:26 PM
LOL.. well, not withstanding that the 3 greatest people ever to change history were pacifist.. yah, she's a dirty hippy. ROFL

Jan 30th, 2011, 09:01 PM
LOL.. well, not withstanding that the 3 greatest people ever to change history were pacifist.. yah, she's a dirty hippy. ROFL

a future changing dirty hippy.

Jan 31st, 2011, 07:05 AM
ROFL@ Hollo!!

Jan 31st, 2011, 09:54 AM
I don't like guns. I think if it came down to Zombpocalypse I still wouldn't want to shoot guns. I'm kind of scared of them.
Could be what Pegs feels. Also I am also a dirty hippie.

Jan 31st, 2011, 10:00 AM
ROFL@ Hollo!!

A ROLFing dirty hippy?

Aight, i'm done.

Feb 1st, 2011, 10:40 AM
Ok, so since Pegs is anti gun, why don't we give her a sword, axe or crowbar? She'd still be able provide help and they wouldn't have to worry about her AND the creatures.
The one thing pacifist normally have in common... they end up taking dirt naps. Pegs is trying very hard to stay awake though!

Feb 1st, 2011, 04:46 PM
Ok, so since Pegs is anti gun, why don't we give her a sword, axe or crowbar? She'd still be able provide help and they wouldn't have to worry about her AND the creatures.
The one thing pacifist normally have in common... they end up taking dirt naps. Pegs is trying very hard to stay awake though!
Well she's not a pacifist, I mean she killed latch and she's begun murdering countless innocent zombies, and to give her a sword or any sort of melee weapon? That would just mean she would get up close and personal. Give her a gun at least then she could blow their brains out at a distance instead of hacking away at their withered bodies with a blunt fire axe. Either way she's just gonna end up killing even more zombies and she's gonna start to like it too.

Feb 5th, 2011, 08:22 PM
Maybe she lost someone close to her due to a murderer who shot her? I think she seems far too "anti-guns" to be "just a pacifist"

Feb 6th, 2011, 08:53 AM
I don't understand. I never sensed that Pegs was against violence at all. People who are against that kind of thing don't flirt with an Army guy within an hour of meeting him. A pacifist would be turned off by someone who kills for a living. I have to agree with the theory that she's just human. Some people would hesitate to pick up a gun for any reason but a life and death situation would change their mind in an instant. She killed to protect herself and her man. I don't remember where it is on this site but I think fans are taking the "Pegs the hippie" comment literally. Aside from being reluctant to get hands-on training with a loaded weapon she's not preaching or physically trying to stop them from doing anything violent. I'm pretty sure we all know somebody in real life that would not be so eager to play with firearms.

Feb 6th, 2011, 09:52 AM
Maybe she saw her parents murdered, by guns. Her inner turmoil after killing Latch could be a revival of repressed feelings of the trauma.

Guns don't kill, people do.

Feb 6th, 2011, 11:52 AM
Guns don't kill, people do.
Eh... it can go either way, if the person pulls the trigger that shoots the bullet that kills someone then yes people kill, but if that person didn't have a gun to shoot, then no, guns kill. Depends on your perception of it.

Feb 6th, 2011, 12:19 PM
I don't understand. I never sensed that Pegs was against violence at all. People who are against that kind of thing don't flirt with an Army guy within an hour of meeting him. A pacifist would be turned off by someone who kills for a living. I have to agree with the theory that she's just human. Some people would hesitate to pick up a gun for any reason but a life and death situation would change their mind in an instant. She killed to protect herself and her man. I don't remember where it is on this site but I think fans are taking the "Pegs the hippie" comment literally. Aside from being reluctant to get hands-on training with a loaded weapon she's not preaching or physically trying to stop them from doing anything violent. I'm pretty sure we all know somebody in real life that would not be so eager to play with firearms.

i think the big hippie thing came from her hating guns, even in a situation like the zombie apocalypse, and her risking life and death to save a cat, that just kinda screams dirty hippie. and i dont think it's a requirement of pacifism to not flirt with soldiers,

Feb 6th, 2011, 12:24 PM
i think the big hippie thing came from her hating guns, even in a situation like the zombie apocalypse, and her risking life and death to save a cat, that just kinda screams dirty hippie. and i dont think it's a requirement of pacifism to not flirt with soldiers,
The fact that she's a florist helps too.

Feb 6th, 2011, 12:25 PM
Eh... it can go either way, if the person pulls the trigger that shoots the bullet that kills someone then yes people kill, but if that person didn't have a gun to shoot, then no, guns kill. Depends on your perception of it.

Guns can also save lives.

Feb 6th, 2011, 12:28 PM
Guns can also save lives.
Depends on who's holding it.

Feb 7th, 2011, 02:46 PM
i think the big hippie thing came from her hating guns, even in a situation like the zombie apocalypse, and her risking life and death to save a cat, that just kinda screams dirty hippie. and i dont think it's a requirement of pacifism to not flirt with soldiers,

Not a requirement but not likely. The comment I believe it came from an interview but for the life of me I can't remember where I saw it.

Feb 7th, 2011, 05:29 PM
I read on the wiki that Peggs' dad was a pilot, perhaps her father was the victim of a jacking and was killed.

Feb 7th, 2011, 06:19 PM
I read on the wiki that Peggs' dad was a pilot, perhaps her father was the victim of a jacking and was killed.

i will bet u anything like ANYTHING that theres going to be a point in the story where the tower crew boards a plane and flies, and kalani will be the pilot, but in the air, he'll get like a hear attack, and peg's will take over as a pilot

Feb 10th, 2011, 05:16 AM
i will bet u anything like ANYTHING that theres going to be a point in the story where the tower crew boards a plane and flies, and kalani will be the pilot, but in the air, he'll get like a hear attack, and peg's will take over as a pilot

haha that would be a turning point for her. Let's see if we get there.

Where do you think they might fly to?

Feb 26th, 2011, 02:58 PM
This is why

Feb 26th, 2011, 03:10 PM
She now has a fear of tasers. She had a bad experience.

Mar 2nd, 2011, 06:59 PM
I think most dirty hippies would warm up to guns after seeing a few friends devoured by the living dead. Her fear is of a different nature than the typical idealist. Maybe she watched her brother accidentally shoot himself as a kid, or she accidentally shot someone. This could produce the feeling that guns have a mind of their own.

Mar 9th, 2011, 08:32 PM
maybe she got shot or something? or maybe in a previous zombie apocolypse, she got turned into a zombie, and people were chasing her with guns... then she got cured by jesus?

Mar 9th, 2011, 08:44 PM
maybe she got shot or something? or maybe in a previous zombie apocolypse, she got turned into a zombie, and people were chasing her with guns... then she got cured by jesus?


Mar 9th, 2011, 08:49 PM
maybe she got shot or something? or maybe in a previous zombie apocolypse, she got turned into a zombie, and people were chasing her with guns... then she got cured by jesus?

This might be one of the ridiculously amusing theories I've ever heard of in my life. Very rarely do things make me literally lol. Job well done sir!

Mar 10th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Do you think this thread should go Exit Stage Left since she's clearly pulled a 180 on the gun thing?

Mar 10th, 2011, 12:49 PM
Do you think this thread should go Exit Stage Left since she's clearly pulled a 180 on the gun thing?

Perhaps, however there's still the possibility that a backstory explains why she didn't like to shoot guns so this can stay open for the time being. But for now, yes of course it doesn't necessarily apply anymore. Perhaps we change the title to keep up with the information.

Mar 10th, 2011, 01:01 PM
*salutes sharply*

Mar 10th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Perhaps, however there's still the possibility that a backstory explains why she didn't like to shoot guns so this can stay open for the time being. But for now, yes of course it doesn't necessarily apply anymore. Perhaps we change the title to keep up with the information.

So far she shot 1 person, and that was to protect her and michael, and it was a last resort. Now she shoots zombies. But zombies aren't people. She just broke her firearm cherry and she's now desensitized enuff to them in respect to protecting herself and others from the non-human threat.

Could she shoot another non-zombie? Doubt it. Atleast not without having a mental breakdown.

This issue is not over. Not by a long shot.

Mar 12th, 2011, 11:54 AM
I'm a pacifist and one thing that bothers me about it is that it basically can only happen someplace where other people are defending you. It is a ethical stance that has its limits. As long as you have threats to security that are primal in nature (I want your stuff, and I want you to hurt and die) if no one responds with authority, you all hurt and die.

Mar 13th, 2011, 05:06 AM
Guns don't kill, people do.

This proves it.

And this is why Pegs hates guns

Mar 20th, 2011, 09:17 AM
She's a dirty hippy. That's why.

It is the Left Coast after all... X-D

Mar 26th, 2011, 02:47 PM
It is the Left Coast after all... X-D

First off, I'm offended. Second, Its the west coast. Third, Pegs could be like me and has a big problem with Human to Human violence. I, on the other hand, am not afraid to pick up a gun and shoot some flesh-bitting thug in the face.

Sep 29th, 2013, 03:32 PM
I think her aversion to weapons is a weak spot in the writing here. A person will either get tough or they won't survive very long in a zombie apocalypse.

Sep 29th, 2013, 03:36 PM
First off, I'm offended. Second, Its the west coast. Third, Pegs could be like me and has a big problem with Human to Human violence. I, on the other hand, am not afraid to pick up a gun and shoot some flesh-bitting thug in the face.

Zombies are undead, the people they used to be are already dead and gone. There should not be a problem with using violence to destroy zombies.

That said, Peg is a liability as she has made a choice for passive martyrdom over self defense. She does not value her life nor the lives of anyone in the group enough to fight for their defense.

Sep 29th, 2013, 06:19 PM
I am a mechanical engineer, my job is to solve problems and I am good at it. New Engineers often waste a lot of time trying to fix symtoms instead of figuring out what the root causes are. <br />
To break...

Sep 29th, 2013, 07:00 PM
I completely jumped the shark on the subject. Pegs KNOWS that guns are needed. I don't care WHAT happened in her past refusing to handle a gun puts the people around her in danger, She is a typical Political type ( Liberal OR Conservative) Her needs & beliefs are more important than the freedom & lives of anyone else.

The only reason Pegs shot Latch was because SHE wanted Michael at the time. If that had been Saul instead of Michael she would have left Saul die.

By letting Saul die she would have deprived Victor of the great platonic love of his life and for that I can never forgive Pegs.

Sixgun what do you brew? I am lucky enough to have a great microbrewery 4 miles from my house so I don't have to urge to brew my own beer. I nice 9ABV double IPA is calling to me right now! Beer Advocate had revied thier Thai IPA but not their Thai Double IPA yet. Citrusy(almost mild grapefruit?) ginger with a smooth hint of caramel. I think the double IPA is actaully smoother than the regular. I just started drooling a little


Jan 21st, 2014, 04:12 PM
Something that I caught that I haven't seen mentioned here is that Pegs seems to know how to handle a gun..... and I don't remember her being being trained with the others.

Two things that lead me to believe this:
1) She shot latch with no fumbling
2) when they where on the way to the colony the first time she took over guard duty with a gun (& shut Michael down when he tried to tell her how to use it.... After he got over the fact she even asked for it)

If I'm right than there is more to her not wanting to handle guns than meets the eye (even though I agree that we've past the point where we're going to get the answer in story...... Bonus features maybe)

Jan 21st, 2014, 04:15 PM
Sorry one more thing.... A girl that stands in front of a cat to save its life will shoot when ANY of her friends are in danger (so Saul would have been safe)

Jan 27th, 2014, 10:03 PM
I know a couple people that i think would honestly die before touching a gun, even if the zombies were coming....and seeing as how they are in LA, i'm not shocked honestly...Alot misinformed people in places like CA, NY and such, that didn't grow up with a knowledge of firearms, and having it etched into their brain that "guns are bad". So i wasn't surprised when a charactor didnt want to have anything to do with a firearm..However, when shes had no other choice she picked it up and did what had to be done.