View Full Version : Which new WA Title are you more excited for?

May 16th, 2017, 03:01 PM
Which do you want more?

May 17th, 2017, 01:34 AM
I have been anxiously awaiting Goldrush for a while now. I know that all that follows will be as good, if not better every time. I can't wait for June first to just shout, "TAKE ALL THE MONEY!" I believe in the content created, the artists involved in bringing the world to life, and the quality that binds it all together.

Soldier on pg 366
aka KPCoyote

May 19th, 2017, 01:54 PM
To be completely honest? I'm not sure. I would probably say The Family.

May 31st, 2017, 02:01 AM
It is difficult for me to vote on topics like this. I want all of them. I want the 14+ stories knocking around in KC's brilliant mind.

Jun 19th, 2017, 08:15 AM
Hard to say.. I hope the Family is about "The Family" Angel, Scratch, Etc. So yeah maybe that one. Would be nice to get the Back Ground on them.

Isaac "Not Ink"
Jul 15th, 2017, 10:27 AM
Has to be Goldrush! I have loved everithing KC created but I just loved the soldiers!

Aug 8th, 2017, 02:26 PM
In Goldrush or "What is coming after", will we learn more about Robbins with the colonist? Or about his kid Alex Robbins that we hear about in the epilogue of WA?

Sep 12th, 2017, 01:51 AM
To all the Content Creators that created the story-verse "We're Alive", I'd like to give a huge thank you. I discovered the podcast/story about a month before "We're Alive", Lockdown. I binged the whole thing. Not kidding, the whole thing. I love it. I've listened to the whole story, including Lockdown, twice. It's soooo good. I wish you guys would never stop, but I know it's a reality.

If you guys do ever continue the story like you did back when you made "seasons", I'll be super happy. If you don't, and you just make side stores like Lockdown, it's ok, I'll still be happy. I wish that this could be your guys's job, and that you'd make enough money to produce new content full time.

~pixelwookie99, a dedicated Subscriber

Mar 5th, 2018, 05:22 AM
Goldrush, for sure. But only because that's the closest release date. :) Currently, I'm waiting for the next episode of WAF to drop for any hints of the WA'verse...

Apr 30th, 2018, 12:21 AM
I've put Goldrush but only because it's the closest release date. TBH I enjoy the way these are written and the skill involved in producing a world the you can believe in. I think that all the projects will be great.

Mar 12th, 2019, 06:28 AM
To be completely honest? I'm not sure. I would probably say The Family.