View Full Version : has this board become

Dec 5th, 2016, 08:15 PM
dead? like so many zombies.
all I see are a bunch of names that may or may not be real.
I remember when we're alive was airing and the next couple of days
there would be lively discussions about the latest episode.
when it was all over. The last minute of the last scene was played, and we remember all the cast and crew
that took the final bow. we all seemed to fade away. yes, myself included.
few of us come back now and then to check in to see what might be in the works. Or see if we can find that friend we made
that lives across the country or across the world.

what can we do to keep this board alive?
do we need to write our own little we're alive dramas? (I am working on one.)
I know KC has been working on the latest and greatest. and he might not be able to be here like he was before.

I guess I what I am saying is I don't want this board and its members fade away, like so many.

Dec 5th, 2016, 10:25 PM
Some things are only meant to be a moment in time, and nothing more.

Dec 6th, 2016, 12:04 PM
Not much to discuss I suppose once the show is over. I still pop in here and there to see whats new.
Not sure what can get people back on here other then a new Podcast being released.

Dec 6th, 2016, 03:32 PM
Its a coincidence I popped back in today and saw this. I was actually just checking to see if there was anything new on here and if I even need to keep this bookmark anymore while setting up a new computer at work. I think you will see little spurts of life from time to time as KC releases new projects but unless he does another multi-year epic like the original We're Alive series I don't know what more this forum could even offer.

Like Osirus said... Some things are only meant to be a moment in time, and nothing more. Glad we got to enjoy it while we did.

Dec 6th, 2016, 04:43 PM
I guess I was pining for the good old days.

Dec 7th, 2016, 02:59 PM
There will still be new content on the horizon. The more we produce, the more people will be here. There's currently few mysteries to discuss, but the future holds many things...

Dec 8th, 2016, 12:15 AM
The problem is we're all so addicted to the series, we dissect every point until we know pretty much all the information in the series. Thus, nothing to talk about :(

Dec 8th, 2016, 08:50 AM
The problem is we're all so addicted to the series, we dissect every point until we know pretty much all the information in the series. Thus, nothing to talk about :(

Which is baffling. Most of the members seem to share more than one common interest.