View Full Version : Eastern Bay vs Twin Towers

May 21st, 2016, 05:30 PM
I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that the depiction of the Mallers make them seem more like the criminals on the Adam West version of Batman and Robin or like the various gang members from the 70s movie The Warriors, than the hardened thugs of today. I always imagined Scratch, Tardust and Bricks looking like they were on their way to a rumble at the local sock hop. Listening to the other Mallers speak didn't help their image either. Charlie was a complete wuss and Weasel (Weasel? Seriously, was this guy locked up since the 1950s?) sounded like a carbon copy of Tardust.

Now the Twin Towers inmates sound more hard core in a contemporary way. Their speech pattern, vocabulary, attitude... and that's just the non violent offenders that's feature in Lockdown.

So, in a rumble, beat down, gang war or what ever fights are called nowadays, WHO WILL WIN?

May 21st, 2016, 10:55 PM
I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that the depiction of the Mallers make them seem more like the criminals on the Adam West version of Batman and Robin or like the various gang members from the 70s movie The Warriors, than the hardened thugs of today. I always imagined Scratch, Tardust and Bricks looking like they were on their way to a rumble at the local sock hop. Listening to the other Mallers speak didn't help their image either. Charlie was a complete wuss and Weasel (Weasel? Seriously, was this guy locked up since the 1950s?) sounded like a carbon copy of Tardust.

Now the Twin Towers inmates sound more hard core in a contemporary way. Their speech pattern, vocabulary, attitude... and that's just the non violent offenders that's feature in Lockdown.

So, in a rumble, beat down, gang war or what ever fights are called nowadays, WHO WILL WIN?

I'll take the Twins. Or at least the group trapped in T-Block.

May 21st, 2016, 11:31 PM
Mallers. They don't have the hesitation that would still be in the inmates from the Twins. They're more "villainous"

But don't let me stop the convo. What about individual match-ups? Jeremy vs Scratch?

May 22nd, 2016, 09:58 AM
Mallers. They don't have the hesitation that would still be in the inmates from the Twins. They're more "villainous"

But don't let me stop the convo. What about individual match-ups? Jeremy vs Scratch?

We already know that Scratch would take any opponent down immediately to maintain power.

Kat E
May 22nd, 2016, 12:24 PM
We already know that Scratch would take any opponent down immediately to maintain power.

It'd be an awesome match-up to see if Jeremy's flirty, ironic humor and "pretty boy" greaser looks would disarm Scratch enough that when push came to slice she'd hesitate and give him first strike capability. Jeremy has a really strong self-preservation instinct and is better at reading people than Scratch, so I'd think he'd size her up in a couple of heart beats and either bed her or kill her. Scratch wouldn't see what hit her, or she would for a split second.

Mallers v T-block is a tougher choice. But the Mallers have it, if only because Jodi is a scrapper, not a fighter. Dani is a defender, not an aggressor. It would take a bizarre set of circumstances for our band of brothers/sisters to take down the same sized group of Mallers. The Mallers have more experience in the field of taking out infected, while T-block does best with planned Ops.

May 22nd, 2016, 01:22 PM
I still pull for the T-Blocks. If they had gotten out around the same time as the Mallers I could see them making a better "camp" and being smarter about how and who they would engage in the zombie world.

May 23rd, 2016, 08:36 AM
I think with Dani, Jodie, and Jeremy's ability to think and plan, Fredos Muscle, and bogart and Simon being decent fighters, they'd have a better shot than people might think depending on which mallers were talking about. Now I'm only including who's-currently-still around, that's not figuring in chuck and mark bringing what their stuff to the table

May 23rd, 2016, 07:34 PM
Mallers. They don't have the hesitation that would still be in the inmates from the Twins. They're more "villainous"

But don't let me stop the convo. What about individual match-ups? Jeremy vs Scratch?

When you say "villainous", that makes me see cartoon villains even more. But I see your point. I will hand it too them that they are extremely disciplined for people who just broke out of a prison. They follow directions like soldiers.

Now Jeremy vs Scratch? That's a tough one.

Scratch's strength seems heavily dependent on her authority over her minions. Either by threat or persuasion. (She shows her persuasiveness in the Colony when Durai calls her out, and Tardust describes it when he is captured by Burt and Riley)

Jeremy is intelligent with a finely tuned BS detector. But he doesn't seem like a leader, rather he points out flaws or strengths in other plans. He makes a case and, if need be, he carries it out himself. Also, I doubt he would have a problem decking a woman if he felt it necessary.

They are both LOUD! Most likely zombies would be attracted to their screaming and eat them before either could win a fight.

May 23rd, 2016, 07:36 PM
Scratch is too Cobra Kai. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir!

May 24th, 2016, 05:58 PM
I'll take the Twins. Or at least the group trapped in T-Block.

Me too.

May 24th, 2016, 07:21 PM
Me too.

Any particular favorites?

May 25th, 2016, 05:23 PM
Any particular favorites?

Hmm... Jodi is one of my favorites. And Danielle. Chuck was one of my favorites too. Simeon is alright too.Hmm... I like Jodi. She reminds me a bit of myself. And Fredo sometimes

May 25th, 2016, 05:56 PM
Hmm... Jodi is one of my favorites. And Danielle. Chuck was one of my favorites too. Simeon is alright too.Hmm... I like Jodi. She reminds me a bit of myself. And Fredo sometimes

I like Jodi as well. I'm afraid that she knows that she is going to die trying this new plan. It really makes my stomach hurt. I don't want these characters to die.

May 25th, 2016, 06:04 PM
I like Jodi as well. I'm afraid that she knows that she is going to die trying this new plan. It really makes my stomach hurt. I don't want these characters to die.

I know right? You can tell she feels that way. It makes me sad. And I'm right there with you. I don't want any of these characters to die either. I always seem to have favorite ones, and then they die. Hah!

May 25th, 2016, 07:00 PM
I like Jodi as well. I'm afraid that she knows that she is going to die trying this new plan. It really makes my stomach hurt. I don't want these characters to die.

Same here. It was saddening to hear her reveal her plan, but things became upbeat when the others offered to share the risk. I'm rooting for her to survive too. She's like Datu, Glenn and Saul wrapped into one.

May 25th, 2016, 07:58 PM
Same here. It was saddening to hear her reveal her plan, but things became upbeat when the others offered to share the risk. I'm rooting for her to survive too. She's like Datu, Glenn and Saul wrapped into one.

Considering the characters you just mentioned I don't see happy things ahead for her.

May 26th, 2016, 01:54 PM
Same here. It was saddening to hear her reveal her plan, but things became upbeat when the others offered to share the risk. I'm rooting for her to survive too. She's like Datu, Glenn and Saul wrapped into one.

Considering the characters you just mentioned I don't see happy things ahead for her.


Kat E
May 26th, 2016, 03:41 PM
I blame Agatha Christie and the whole 10 little Indians theme, or in our case 8 - not counting Ink or his abominations. Better be more than 1 when all is heard and done. I've already been forced to draft an alternative ending where the remaining crew make it out alive for my own emotional well-being--if they're really lucky and catch a couple of good breaks, it can be done. I can barely believe it's not yet over and we're already sad, this is craziness.

May 26th, 2016, 04:14 PM
And there are more crazy stories coming after this. Buckle up kids.

May 26th, 2016, 07:59 PM
I blame Agatha Christie and the whole 10 little Indians theme, or in our case 8 - not counting Ink or his abominations. Better be more than 1 when all is heard and done. I've already been forced to draft an alternative ending where the remaining crew make it out alive for my own emotional well-being--if they're really lucky and catch a couple of good breaks, it can be done. I can barely believe it's not yet over and we're already sad, this is craziness.

I hope you share that alternate ending if the shtf.

Kat E
May 26th, 2016, 10:00 PM
I hope you share that alternate ending if the shtf.
If it that's how Lockdown plays out I will absolutely consider fleshing the alt ending out and sharing it. People could print it on tissue paper to dry their tears. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. This Lockdown experience, being just six episodes, has been like watching a multi-car accident in slow motion. But please don't get me wrong--I adore Lickdown, but bitter-sweet is the oxymoron that applies. ❤️

May 27th, 2016, 09:32 PM
If it that's how Lockdown plays out I will absolutely consider fleshing the alt ending out and sharing it. People could print it on tissue paper to dry their tears. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. This Lockdown experience, being just six episodes, has been like watching a multi-car accident in slow motion. But please don't get me wrong--I adore Lickdown, but bitter-sweet is the oxymoron that applies. ❤️

LOL, sorry but your typo is begging for an Orange is the New Black joke. We're Alive: Litchfield Penitentiary. :rolleyes:

Kat E
May 28th, 2016, 03:18 PM
LOL, sorry but your typo is begging for an Orange is the New Black joke. We're Alive: Litchfield Penitentiary. :rolleyes:
HA!! It really works with bittersweet. Hmmmm or mmmmmm.

Jun 4th, 2016, 07:32 PM
Mallers. They don't have the hesitation that would still be in the inmates from the Twins. They're more "villainous"

In light of the finale, I get what you're saying about the difference between the Eastern Bay prisoners and Twin Towers inmates now. I think that Simeon would definitely fit in at Eastern Bay AND he has that cartoony voice too. :rolleyes:

But don't let me stop the convo. What about individual match-ups? Jeremy vs Scratch?

Ha ha! Nice, well played. :nik:

Jun 25th, 2016, 08:36 PM
Bricks vs Fredo

Kat E
Jun 25th, 2016, 10:17 PM
Bricks vs Fredo

Given Bricks and Fredo have such big hearts with what sounds like Linemen bodies I might give it to Bricks if he can stay quick and out of reach of the hammers at the end of Fredo's fists. An interesting match up. Well chosen.

What do you think of head-to-head with Latch vs. Bogart?? They both sound equally scrawny.

Jun 26th, 2016, 02:03 AM
Fredo. He enjoys the fight way more than Bricks ever did. Not that it would be an easy fight by any means, but I think Fredo would pull out all the stops.

Jun 26th, 2016, 04:42 PM
What do you think of head-to-head with Latch vs. Bogart?? They both sound equally scrawny.

Good pairing. Plus, both actors have the same first and last names. Latch (Michael Ray Clarke (http://www.werealive.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Michael+Ray+Clarke)) and Bogart (Micheal Clark (http://www.werealive.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Michael+Clark)).
Latch seems even tempered, hesitant to fight and Bogart is equally hesitant (even claiming to have never been in a fight before) but he DID burn down his girlfriend's house. Plus we see Bogart slug it out with zombies.

That being said, I'm gonna score this as a Nobel Peace Prize. I doubt that either of them will fight, but rather talk out their differences. (unless pushed by Scratch and Jeremy) :melt:

Jun 26th, 2016, 04:48 PM
Fredo. He enjoys the fight way more than Bricks ever did. Not that it would be an easy fight by any means, but I think Fredo would pull out all the stops.

Sounds good. Didn't Lizzy and Bricks even talk about him not liking to bash heads? Right before Lizzy learns that Burt is in the Colony.

Given Bricks and Fredo have such big hearts with what sounds like Linemen bodies I might give it to Bricks if he can stay quick and out of reach of the hammers at the end of Fredo's fists. An interesting match up. Well chosen.

Big hearts indeed. Don't forget that Bricks can pull the arm off of a gungdar, uh little one.

I can't decide on this one.

Jun 26th, 2016, 08:26 PM
I have always felt that Bricks was a reluctant thug.