View Full Version : Lockdown Part 5 - WARNING Contains spoilers

May 17th, 2016, 10:13 AM
And we're off to the races. Just an FYI, the finale is coming June 3rd during the streaming event. Should be a lot of fun.

May 17th, 2016, 10:46 AM
And we're off to the races. Just an FYI, the finale is coming June 3rd during the streaming event. Should be a lot of fun.

Thanks for the Birthday gift, between this and TMNT it looking to be a great day :D !!!!!!!!! I also want a note from Ink in the mail too. ;-) scratch that, one from CJ, Victor or Burt would be better.

May 18th, 2016, 12:45 AM
Holy, this episode alone was worth the kickstarter money!

So much Ink!

Incredible writing KC! You've outdone yourself.

Please tell me there is another KC Kickstarter coming up soon!

May 18th, 2016, 01:43 PM
Holy, this episode alone was worth the kickstarter money!

So much Ink!

Incredible writing KC! You've outdone yourself.

Please tell me there is another KC Kickstarter coming up soon!

wh33t is right! The dynamic between Jeremy and Bogart can't possibly be any better. Speaking of Bogart, his character is what was missing in the apocalypse. Someone who is going through a total freak-out but who hasn't lost it completely. Michael Clark (http://www.werealive.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Michael+Clark) totally knocked his roll out of the m.fing park! I felt my breakfast coming up every time he delivered one of his terrified, voice quivering lines. Then the existential moment he and Jeremy have is spot-on with conversations I've had.

I'm most impressed at how this series is grittier and the characters more realistic than A Story of Survival. Thanks for pushing the envelope, it really worked.

May 18th, 2016, 03:43 PM
wh33t is right! The dynamic between Jeremy and Bogart can't possibly be any better. Speaking of Bogart, his character is what was missing in the apocalypse. Someone who is going through a total freak-out but who hasn't lost it completely. Michael Clark (http://www.werealive.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Michael+Clark) totally knocked his roll out of the m.fing park! I felt my breakfast coming up every time he delivered one of his terrified, voice quivering lines. Then the existential moment he and Jeremy have is spot-on with conversations I've had.

I'm most impressed at how this series is grittier and the characters more realistic than A Story of Survival. Thanks for pushing the envelope, it really worked.

Absolutely. I should have also praised the actors and actresses! This episode had that fire in it consistently on the same level as when Burt was getting trigger finger cut off by Scratch. I remember that moment so vividly I actually went to Scotts Facebook and praised the shit out of him for it!

May 18th, 2016, 05:45 PM
Jeremy and Bogart have easily become my favorite characters in Lockdown. Which is why I am preparing for a gut wrenching part 6 of 6 on June 3rd. I'm going to get that night off from work, otherwise I will not be able to concentrate!

May 18th, 2016, 06:38 PM
Jeremy and Bogart have easily become my favorite characters in Lockdown. Which is why I am preparing for a gut wrenching part 6 of 6 on June 3rd. I'm going to get that night off from work, otherwise I will not be able to concentrate!

Yep, I was worried that the scene right before their present condition was going to be a repeat of Chasing Ghosts. I can't shake the thought that Jeremy rigged the drawing.

May 18th, 2016, 07:10 PM
I got the impression that he did rig it. Jeremy has a connection to Bogart.

May 18th, 2016, 09:58 PM
Holy Crap!!!! The tunnels!!!! The tunnels from A Story of Survival HAVE to connect to the Twin Towers. I was looking at the Locations link and found a label for tunnels. The jail is "suspected" as a possible opening for Ink and the zombies. Considering what you hear, I now believe that Ink had an opening placed in Twin Towers. Now where is the opening? I am going to make the call, the basement. How else could he move around the jail so easily?

May 19th, 2016, 10:54 AM
KC's Masterpiece. Better then the BBq Sauce..
Best Episode so far.. I love the interaction between Jeremy and Bogart.
I hope they get out.. I have a Feeling Gavin will end up sacrificing himself so everyone can get out.
I have not read anyone else's post. Will one I have posted my 2 cents.
I hate that there is only one left.. KC I really hope this world you have created for We're Alive continues either by audio or written word..
Man I would love a series of novels to kick back and read..

May 19th, 2016, 12:17 PM
KC's Masterpiece. Better then the BBq Sauce..
Best Episode so far.. I love the interaction between Jeremy and Bogart.
I hope they get out.. I have a Feeling Gavin will end up sacrificing himself so everyone can get out.
I have not read anyone else's post. Will one I have posted my 2 cents.
I hate that there is only one left.. KC I really hope this world you have created for We're Alive continues either by audio or written word..
Man I would love a series of novels to kick back and read..

Agreed. Season One through Four with pics and fan art would be a good start.

May 19th, 2016, 04:25 PM
This was definitely my favorite episode of Lockdown so far...
We got Ink, we got new info on his experiments, more survivors...that didn't last...
The scenes between Bogart and Jeremy were just right Down awesome. Funny, sad, thought provocing... I liked the bit with the cracked Water bottle, nice Little comic relief...Before dropping the bomb and telling us that they're trapped :P
I can't wait for NeXT episode. I'm starting to think that maybe they won't all die...Maybe some will survive...Maybe......But then Again, you're Kc Wayland :P It sounds like I might as well think that GRRM won't kill off any more main characters... XD
And now I think I'll go relisten to 5/6...Love it! ^^

May 19th, 2016, 06:54 PM
OK, we know where the behemoths come from, but what about the other special ones? The Runners and Jumpers? No one mentioned the runners wearing any kind of jail jumpsuits, so where did he develop them? Did he find UCLA's track and field team somewhere? We do know from Puck's account, that one behemoth had huge legs, though.

May 20th, 2016, 08:14 AM
Maybe the hospital is where the runners and jumpers were first created?

May 20th, 2016, 09:02 AM
Did anyone else notice that Simon stayed quite during the final plan? He didn't volunteer or have any part to play. Maybe his part is to wait in T block and when the doors open get the bus started.

Crazy prediction: he panics and leaves before the others get out and drives away without them. Then flash to him and CJ talking and she believes that he left because everyone else died but then Jeremy(who has just been found and brought back to the colony) comes in the room with Puck. He tells a similar story but how Simon is bad and caused a lot of the group to die.

What do y'all think?

May 20th, 2016, 06:33 PM
Did anyone else notice that Simon stayed quite during the final plan? He didn't volunteer or have any part to play. Maybe his part is to wait in T block and when the doors open get the bus started.

Crazy prediction: he panics and leaves before the others get out and drives away without them. Then flash to him and CJ talking and she believes that he left because everyone else died but then Jeremy(who has just been found and brought back to the colony) comes in the room with Puck. He tells a similar story but how Simon is bad and caused a lot of the group to die.

What do y'all think?

Never thought of the Simon abandoning the group for his own hide scenario until you just mentioned it. It certainly fits in nicely with his seemingly survivor's guilt when CJ starts to interview him. I desperately hope that others will be found alive somewhere at the end. One thing that gives me pause is that Simon says "take two steps forward" (Sorry, couldn't resist)... OK, Simon says that he was on his own for a couple of weeks before the Mallers snatched him.

May 20th, 2016, 06:41 PM
Maybe the hospital is where the runners and jumpers were first created?

Yes!! That's right, he did do work there too. Ink's a busy mofo, the jail, the hospital, the arena, under ground Pasadena... Plus, he wasted no time making zombies 2.0, 3.5, 95, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and 10 that I'm beginning to question whether his motive is protection as suggested by Tanya. It's like he immediately saw the new shape of the world like Tardust did. if you control the drugs (or the outbreak in Ink's case) you can control the people. He always had plans for his very own Zombie Empire.

May 20th, 2016, 06:55 PM
Stop that noise, you're hurting my ears!
But we can't die in here, there HAS to be a way out!

There is NO EXIT!

This episode's comparison to WA: A Story of Survival is Bogart and Jeremy being trapped in the room just like Datu, Samantha and Kalani. One pious captive desperate to escape debates a pragmatist who is resigned to their fate. With existential discussions about their predicament that would have Jean-Paul Sartre looking for an exit.

May 20th, 2016, 09:18 PM
Stop that noise, you're hurting my ears!
But we can't die in here, there HAS to be a way out!

There is NO EXIT!

This episode's comparison to WA: A Story of Survival is Bogart and Jeremy being trapped in the room just like Datu, Samantha and Kalani. One pious captive desperate to escape debates a pragmatist who is resigned to their fate. With existential discussions about their predicament that would have Jean-Paul Sartre looking for an exit.

Fortunately Jeremy and Bogart are not done yet. But now we have to worry about Jodi and Fredo.

May 21st, 2016, 09:49 AM
Fortunately Jeremy and Bogart are not done yet. But now we have to worry about Jodi and Fredo.

It certainly seemed hopeless when they were shut in and the rest of the group cut off communication with them. I started to suspect that an Arena type situation was brewing where the others would watch them get experimented on or harvested for food and or zombie training.

This is, no doubt, the most emotion inducing chapter. The angst of getting to Solitary, the fear of getting cornered then trapped, finally when no escape seems possible, the most interesting duo of the bunch is abandoned by their co-survivors to there own fate.

I have to admit that I was completely surprised that Dani was so quick write them off. She seemed to take the inmates' safety, comfort and well being to heart at the beginning of the story. But I wonder if she was also motivated by the realization that they needed the inmates' help to survive in addition to her compassion. Gavin wasn't much of a surprise but Jodi quickly gave up hope too, albeit hesitantly it seems. Simon was the only one to even try to offer a suggestion on how to rescue them.

When Jodi offered a suggestion on a possible rescue, that brightened this chapter's mood...... until it's revealed that it would come to her own peril. I'm right there with you now that it looks bad for Jodi and Fredo. However, in that same scene, everyone else begins to step up and offer their on butts on the line to help the others (Except Simon. Then again, he didn't get the chance. The inmates in the dining hall getting attacked changed the conversation.) The guys volunteered in the least expected order; Fredo first offers to escort Jodi to make the rescue even possible, Gavin offers to be the bait to draw the zombies away and Dani volunteers to take Gavin's place as he is still too weak. Looks like this might be a team effort. Unlike Jean-Paul Sartre's play, No Exit (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiemqzVz-vMAhVJlB4KHdshCzoQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FNo_Exi t&usg=AFQjCNEqup5ZkOLJp2ISVFKm_IFoVfxSYQ), there is an exit and Salvation is other people, not Hell. Any thoughts?

Kat E
May 21st, 2016, 04:07 PM
Yes!! That's right, he did do work there too. Ink's a busy mofo, the jail, the hospital, the arena, under ground Pasadena... Plus, he wasted no time making zombies 2.0, 3.5, 95, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and 10 that I'm beginning to question whether his motive is protection as suggested by Tanya. It's like he immediately saw the new shape of the world like Tardust did. if you control the drugs (or the outbreak in Ink's case) you can control the people. He always had plans for his very own Zombie Empire.
I'll throw this out there. Ink isn't the only of his ilk on the planet. The release of the yellow gas was a timed event to infect and disburse. There are INKs at various locations all performing and controlling their own experiments. The INKs are all recruits themselves having been turned earlier and indoctrinated in preparation for the DAY. Our Ink probably wasn't supposed to be in jail, but he took advantage of the situation--a happy accident so to speak.

May 21st, 2016, 07:56 PM
Simon says "take two steps forward"
I...I think I love you O.O That's brilliant! ROFL!

May 21st, 2016, 10:52 PM
It certainly seemed hopeless when they were shut in and the rest of the group cut off communication with them. I started to suspect that an Arena type situation was brewing where the others would watch them get experimented on or harvested for food and or zombie training.

This is, no doubt, the most emotion inducing chapter. The angst of getting to Solitary, the fear of getting cornered then trapped, finally when no escape seems possible, the most interesting duo of the bunch is abandoned by their co-survivors to there own fate.

I have to admit that I was completely surprised that Dani was so quick write them off. She seemed to take the inmates' safety, comfort and well being to heart at the beginning of the story. But I wonder if she was also motivated by the realization that they needed the inmates' help to survive in addition to her compassion. Gavin wasn't much of a surprise but Jodi quickly gave up hope too, albeit hesitantly it seems. Simon was the only one to even try to offer a suggestion on how to rescue them.

When Jodi offered a suggestion on a possible rescue, that brightened this chapter's mood...... until it's revealed that it would come to her own peril. I'm right there with you now that it looks bad for Jodi and Fredo. However, in that same scene, everyone else begins to step up and offer their on butts on the line to help the others (Except Simon. Then again, he didn't get the chance. The inmates in the dining hall getting attacked changed the conversation.) The guys volunteered in the least expected order; Fredo first offers to escort Jodi to make the rescue even possible, Gavin offers to be the bait to draw the zombies away and Dani volunteers to take Gavin's place as he is still too weak. Looks like this might be a team effort. Unlike Jean-Paul Sartre's play, No Exit (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiemqzVz-vMAhVJlB4KHdshCzoQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FNo_Exi t&usg=AFQjCNEqup5ZkOLJp2ISVFKm_IFoVfxSYQ), there is an exit and Salvation is other people, not Hell. Any thoughts?

I think Ink is going to throw a huge wrench into their plan. Not sure yet. I am still thinking on it.

Kat E
May 22nd, 2016, 02:00 AM
I really love 5. Made me cry and I wasn't expecting it. That perfect pause just killed me. Another great part about 5, no one from T-block died. Of course that likely means, 6 is going to be a death march from hell. Knowing that is what's ahead makes waiting for 6 to be released ever so much easier.

May 22nd, 2016, 09:50 AM
I really love 5. Made me cry and I wasn't expecting it. That perfect pause just killed me. Another great part about 5, no one from T-block died. Of course that likely means, 6 is going to be a death march from hell. Knowing that is what's ahead makes waiting for 6 to be released ever so much easier.

Yeah. I think six will be a tissue box episode.

May 22nd, 2016, 01:45 PM
I think Ink is going to throw a huge wrench into their plan. Not sure yet. I am still thinking on it.

I'm pretty much counting on it.

May 22nd, 2016, 05:25 PM
KC's Masterpiece. Better then the BBq Sauce..
Best Episode so far..

Totally agree. IMO, Lockdown 5 might be some of KC's best work. Definitely in the top 5.

May 22nd, 2016, 05:31 PM
Totally agree. IMO, Lockdown 5 might be some of KC's best work. Definitely in the top 5.

No doubt in my mind. His work just gets better and better.

Kat E
May 23rd, 2016, 02:59 PM
Something funny I noted in listening, Jeremy sings "just the two of us" which is from 1981 by Bill Withers, and it's the wrong melody. Steven Weber was likely in college during that time period and should have gotten it right. FYI, Just the Two of Us was nominated for the Grammy for song of the year in 1982, but Bette Davis Eyes won. You never know when it will be helpful to know that.

May 23rd, 2016, 06:07 PM
Something funny I noted in listening, Jeremy sings "just the two of us" which is from 1981 by Bill Withers, and it's the wrong melody. Steven Weber was likely in college during that time period and should have gotten it right. FYI, Just the Two of Us was nominated for the Grammy for song of the year in 1982, but Bette Davis Eyes won. You never know when it will be helpful to know that.

Just shows that Jeremy is a romantic.

May 24th, 2016, 06:08 PM
This last episode definitely had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through!
No doubt in my mind. His work just gets better and better.


May 24th, 2016, 07:20 PM
This last episode definitely had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through!


I took the day off from work just so I could focus on the Part 6 of 6 Livecast.
Might get me in trouble, but I know that I wouldn't be able to work. Love the show so much!

May 25th, 2016, 01:27 AM
Something funny I noted in listening, Jeremy sings "just the two of us" which is from 1981 by Bill Withers, and it's the wrong melody. Steven Weber was likely in college during that time period and should have gotten it right. FYI, Just the Two of Us was nominated for the Grammy for song of the year in 1982, but Bette Davis Eyes won. You never know when it will be helpful to know that.

How do you know it's not the right melody in their universe? O.O

Kat E
May 25th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Hmmmm. It could work in that universe if Jimmy Carter was still president, Reagan returned to acting, there was no war on drugs, Iran Contra never happened, ERA got passed ... wow, where would we be now?? Thanks for that new train of thought. Mind blown on a Wednesday!!!

May 25th, 2016, 04:59 PM
Too many questions...

May 25th, 2016, 05:05 PM
I took the day off from work just so I could focus on the Part 6 of 6 Livecast.
Might get me in trouble, but I know that I wouldn't be able to work. Love the show so much!

Oh my goodness! Yes! I cleared my schedule too! I'm sorry, but when it's something this exciting, it requires a day off from all other things that might have otherwise been important. Hehehe. :)

May 25th, 2016, 05:57 PM
Agreed Behemothbel. Now to stock up on some beverages. I will need consolation for future character deaths.

General Malarky
May 25th, 2016, 07:41 PM
Gotta say, Kc, nice job on changing the sound when the camera moved in the chow hall. I would've just had the characters say it, but the sound definitely worked more smoothly.

General Malarky
May 25th, 2016, 07:46 PM
No doubt in my mind. His work just gets better and better.

Definitely. But Chapter 46 of the OG series will always be the best to me
(But, I am SOOOO hoping part 6 can break it in half)

May 25th, 2016, 07:57 PM
Definitely. But Chapter 46 of the OG series will always be the best to me
(But, I am SOOOO hoping part 6 can break it in half)

KC will continue to set the bar higher with every episode and every series that he does.

Kat E
May 25th, 2016, 11:01 PM
KC will continue to set the bar higher with every episode and every series that he does.
Well KC has a week and a half to give us a happy ending, if he's not already done so. I always preferred the Nicholas Nickleby ending to Romeo and Juliet, than Shakespeare's. Seriously, no one dies in that version of a play within a play, and the actors end it with everyone laughing and hugging. So in the universe that Jeremy's melody for Just the Two of Us is correct, then all the characters we love can all make it out ALIVE! Just a thought.

May 25th, 2016, 11:11 PM
Well KC has a week and a half to give us a happy ending, if he's not already done so. I always preferred the Nicholas Nickleby ending to Romeo and Juliet, than Shakespeare's. Seriously, no one dies in that version of a play within a play, and the actors end it with everyone laughing and hugging. So in the universe that Jeremy's melody for Just the Two of Us is correct, then all the characters we love can all make it out ALIVE! Just a thought.

Dare to dream.

Kat E
May 30th, 2016, 01:30 PM
Experiencing the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon of late. Sacrifice seems to be a theme rolling about. Just finished a book that also had characters competing to sacrifice their lives for the others in their close knit group. It all worked out in the end for them, so I'm holding on to a small ray of Hope for those in the Twins.

Jun 13th, 2016, 07:57 AM
KC never fails to flip the script on everything every time. FAB man. FAB.

Jun 13th, 2016, 01:00 PM
Experiencing the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon of late. Sacrifice seems to be a theme rolling about. Just finished a book that also had characters competing to sacrifice their lives for the others in their close knit group. It all worked out in the end for them, so I'm holding on to a small ray of Hope for those in the Twins.

I swear I've been having Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon experiences everyday since reading this post. :hsugh:

Jun 13th, 2016, 01:41 PM
Everybody wants to be Sparticus.