View Full Version : Durai

Jan 25th, 2011, 09:15 AM
Ok, so I've been a regular at the we're alive forums for about a month now, and i have seen almost no talk at all about the leader of the mallers. So what do you guys think of him? hate him? i think he's pretty badass, he's like the common sense and leadership of michael with angel's tactics, and burt's marksmanship all rolled into one neat package. also i'm dying for a maller/tower team up agains this colony.

I The K Train I
Jan 25th, 2011, 09:20 AM
Ok, so I've been a regular at the we're alive forums for about a month now, and i have seen almost no talk at all about the leader of the mallers. So what do you guys think of him? hate him? i think he's pretty badass, he's like the common sense and leadership of michael with angel's tactics, and burt's marksmanship all rolled into one neat package. also i'm dying for a maller/tower team up agains this colony.

It's the voice that does it for me. It's so laid back and calm. It makes the character what he is. The voice makes him the badass, and the fact that he is almost as good a shot as Burt.

I think he was in it for too short a time and hasn't been in it in a long time. We need more Durai. Hopefully a meeting between the two leaders (Burt and Durai soon).

To answer your question. I like him and I agree he is a badass.

Jan 25th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Durai is that super villain that lets his henchmen do all the dirty work, but when he has to, he'll get his hands dirty. When he does, it's never a pretty picture.

Jan 25th, 2011, 10:16 AM
I'm glad you started this, cause I almost forgot about him.

And I agree I'd like to see him and Burt make up and try and save Micheal at the colony (assuming poop hits the fan).

SO now we have the "Gatekeeper", Durai, Burt, Angel as leaders right now. Micheal is in no room to lead right now.

I'd love to see Angel meet back up with Burt (cause Kalani needs his butt buddy again) and then burt and the mallers make up and then try and find the colony *crosses fingers*

Wicked Sid
Jan 25th, 2011, 10:50 AM
Angel as leaders right now.

How is Angel a Leader?

Jan 25th, 2011, 10:55 AM
How is Angel a Leader?

Well...I mean he's the one calling the shots with Skittles and Kalani

Wicked Sid
Jan 25th, 2011, 11:03 AM
Well...I mean he's the one calling the shots with Skittles and Kalani

Is he though? In discussion, they seem to be on pretty even ground. In conflict, yes, Angel would be the leader.

Jan 25th, 2011, 05:19 PM
He sort of gives me a creepy serial killer vibe.

Jan 30th, 2011, 01:35 PM
Back to Durai:He has a very unsettling personality. I feel like we didn't see the full potential of his wrath, but you can see that he has an inferiority complex. He hates being disrespected and his...

Jan 30th, 2011, 01:46 PM
All of this makes me think that Durai never was in prison with the rest of them. I mean his character and the aspects about him it just doesn't fit in with prison. I think he broke them all out just...

Jan 30th, 2011, 02:15 PM

I think that he fits the type perfectly. Alpha male, calm, reasonable to a point, smart, control freak, well built and not the one you want to piss off. Sociopath and possibly a serial killer in the vein of the Zodiac Killer. Scratch and her brother made up the story about the tanker and sacrificed a maller BECAUSE they feared his wrath. He reminds me of characters from OZ and The Wire.
Ruler by might and fright!
Hence his show of force at the tower.

Jan 30th, 2011, 04:00 PM
What with the voice and the alpha-maleness, and his habit of using force to get his way, Durai feels very Darth Vader. Anybody else feeling the Darth Vaderness coming off him? I remember Latch and Scratch arguing about what they'd tell Durai... I bet they were remembering something like when Vader long-distance choked that Admiral in The Empire Strikes Back...

Jan 30th, 2011, 09:13 PM
All of this makes me think that Durai never was in prison with the rest of them. I mean his character and the aspects about him it just doesn't fit in with prison. I think he broke them all out just so long as they respected him and knelt before him. You're right he does have an alpha male sort of vibe about him and I think when the survivors meet him again it will be a bigger battle, that or a meeting of the heads.

Naw. I got the feeling he was locked up there too. 6-2 15:40. Scratch-i worked to free every single person. Latch-and he rewarards you greatly for that. (Not a very accurate quote, but that's why the time stamp is there.)


Jan 30th, 2011, 09:26 PM
Naw. I got the feeling he was locked up there too. 6-2 15:40. Scratch-i worked to free every single person. Latch-and he rewarards you greatly for that. (Not a very accurate quote, but that's why the time stamp is there.)


Agreed. He was definitely locked up. I feel like the Mallers wouldn't latch onto an unknown as a leader. Think of Cyrus in Con Air. Durai is actually very similar to Cyrus. Very smart, very skilled.

Feb 1st, 2011, 04:54 PM
Agreed. He was definitely locked up. I feel like the Mallers wouldn't latch onto an unknown as a leader. Think of Cyrus in Con Air. Durai is actually very similar to Cyrus. Very smart, very skilled.
Actually I went back to listen to it again (thanks for the time stamp Hollo) and its actually more of a possibility that he was in there. I never thought of the leader thing. Your right the mallers wouldn't trust an unknown person to be their leader especially since their criminals and criminals tend to have few friends and thats it. He had to have been in their for a long time to make such a large connection with all of them and he had to be very powerful outside of the prison and inside of the prison.

Anything to add on?

Feb 1st, 2011, 05:23 PM
Actually I went back to listen to it again (thanks for the time stamp Hollo) and its actually more of a possibility that he was in there. I never thought of the leader thing. Your right the mallers wouldn't trust an unknown person to be their leader especially since their criminals and criminals tend to have few friends and thats it. He had to have been in their for a long time to make such a large connection with all of them and he had to be very powerful outside of the prison and inside of the prison.

Anything to add on?
Sure. Durai was in the prison when everything happened. Confirmed.

Feb 1st, 2011, 06:34 PM
Sure. Durai was in the prison when everything happened. Confirmed.

I'm confused about something then! Because it seems like if he was in while everything happened... then how did Scratch orchestrate Latch's jail break? From what I understood he was inside when it all went down and the prisoners were all left to rot. She made it seem like that was her doing but I didn't believe it and thought, instead, that Durai had made it happen.

Though I guess if I can imagine Durai as some at least gang leader then it's possible that he had people on the outside who would come and get him when the authority cleared out... Maybe Scratch was one of them?

Wicked Sid
Feb 1st, 2011, 10:00 PM
Latch took the rap for Scratch's crime. She, therefore, was on the outside and went back to release Latch and the crew after the outbreak had started, obviously after the guards had left them for dead.

Durai was just one of the prisoners that were released due to Scratch's efforts.

Feb 1st, 2011, 10:04 PM
Speaking of that. They contemplated how much trouble they'd be in. But, they must have told him the truth eventually. Here's why. How would Durai have any frame of reference as to why they knew who...

Feb 1st, 2011, 10:22 PM
KC. Got a question. What is the name of the actor who plays Durai? I don't see it on the wiki.

Feb 1st, 2011, 10:49 PM
Speaking of that. They contemplated how much trouble they'd be in. But, they must have told him the truth eventually. Here's why. How would Durai have any frame of reference as to why they knew who Burt was, as well as being an excellent shot, unless he was told about the incident and how he took out that mirror on the tanker. What could the punishment have been? They still seemed on good terms w/ the way he called her "my dear" at the negotiations before the war. Eh?

And another thing. if they did tell the truth, and it was all good that it happened and the punishment wasn't severe (or existent) for loosing the tanker, well, eff them for needlessly killin off charlie. did he deserve that? that was some cold hard pooh scratch was slangin at him to cover their tracks. ]

Latch and Scratch could have simply said they encountered someone in their territory and they were lucky to escape. They don't even need to mention they already had the tanker...it actually could help the ruse that Charlie screwed up. "we told you those guys were around, how could you fall asleep etc etc"

Feb 2nd, 2011, 03:25 PM
Latch and Scratch could have simply said they encountered someone in their territory and they were lucky to escape. They don't even need to mention they already had the tanker...it actually could help the ruse that Charlie screwed up. "we told you those guys were around, how could you fall asleep etc etc"
And Latch and Scratch could have said that since they had no ammo they really couldn't have done anything to stop the people who stole the tanker. They could have gotten off the hook and (I wouldn't say poor Charlie but) Charlie could still be alive.

Feb 3rd, 2011, 08:00 AM
Here's the hook... they didn't radio it in. They talked and bargained instead. Besides, we don't know what Durai's rule's are. Remember when they were in the clothing store, they thought of several scenarios that just didn't pass the logic test.

Feb 23rd, 2011, 12:26 AM
Durai reminds me of "The Tick-Tock Man" from Stephen King's "The Wastelands"- you're REALLY scared of him before you meet him, then he turns out to be a dangerous psychopathic tyrant. I hope Durai was killed in the attack (when the zombies showed up) but he probably wasn't.
Does he respect the resolve of the Tower people now? Is he planning some petty revenge on them? I think the heavy casualties they dealt to his men probably earned them his respect....

Feb 26th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Ok, so I've been a regular at the we're alive forums for about a month now, and i have seen almost no talk at all about the leader of the mallers. So what do you guys think of him? hate him? i think he's pretty badass, he's like the common sense and leadership of michael with angel's tactics, and burt's marksmanship all rolled into one neat package. also i'm dying for a maller/tower team up agains this colony.

I like that character too and look forward to hearing more of him.

Mar 9th, 2011, 11:32 AM
Durai was only in the show for about five minutes at most; he's instantly a strong character and they should bring him back.

Mar 9th, 2011, 12:05 PM
Durai was only in the show for about five minutes at most; he's instantly a strong character and they should bring him back.

There's always something so powerful about a character that is angry, but doesn't show anger. I'm not saying that's the case with Durai, but for those brief moments we saw him he played the antithesis of what we would have been expecting. Scratch isn't anything like that and her character gives off a different aura despite having many of the same qualities. Durai's cool, calm and collected nature makes him that much more interesting.

Unless you believe some of the theories that he died in The War (I know I don't) there's no question he's coming back at some point.

Mar 28th, 2011, 09:42 AM
That is not necessarily true. I know that there are mexican drug cartels that would would train american gangsters in a paramiltary fashion and have them be escorts/bodyguards/enforcers/assassins/ect. inside the country of mexico itself. It made for a grand media fiasco when one such group accidently killed a Mexican Roman Catholic Bishop I think. You can tell what happened afterwards when a country composed of 95 percent Roman Catholics heard of what happened even if the country is highly corrupt with drug money.

Anyways, it is a longshot that Durai would happen to be a drug paramilitary trained assassin for sake of story for We're Alive but it is not far off either that he could been a well off criminal that on his own time practice marksmenship and learn the basics of organization while he was running a criminal empire.

Mar 28th, 2011, 10:00 AM
I think Drugs would be an offense to Durai's code of conduct. I think he's a merc (which means ex mil or spook)

Mar 31st, 2011, 03:11 PM
so Durai is in charge right? well they have lizzy now and they said they were going to take her back to scratch, what if Durai is understanding that the tower doesnt want more people and although...

Mar 31st, 2011, 03:30 PM
Your idea makes me hopeful. I have a bad feeling about Lizzy.

Mar 31st, 2011, 03:40 PM
Just a reminder, spoilers are allowed in this thread. Spoiler tag isn't needed. :)

Mar 31st, 2011, 04:05 PM
I wasnt sure so i figured just to play it safe. whoops.

Mar 31st, 2011, 04:31 PM
I wasnt sure so i figured just to play it safe. whoops.

Understood. Spoilers are allowed in episode discussion, theories, and character forums. Thank you for being sensitive to the spooked rule!

Mar 31st, 2011, 08:12 PM
Durai sounds, former military to me, not regular military for that matter, but a former SF or Army Ranger, minimum. Why?, his marksmanship skills and the way he leads/trains the Mallers, it sound 100% military training and experience in leading/training indigenous forces an turning them into soldiers from scratch (no, not THAT Scratch). He might be a disenchanted Vet with a sh**tload of unconventional warfare experience under his belt, that went to the "Dark Side", and used his knowledge, not only to survive and succeed while serving time, but to raise as a ruthless but effective leader when TSHTF.

(BTW: Gatekeeper and his goons are not even in the same league, they are dead meat already, I'm sure.)

I'm with you on this, if not prior military SF, he had some kind of training in tactics and marksmanship. Because Kc is prior Army, I'm gonna say Durai is prior Marines. HAHA j/k

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:26 PM
Durai to me just sounds like a hardcore criminal. We are also under the impression that the Mallers are ex-prisoners right?

To me he doesn't seem like ex-military except for his marksman skills. He attacked the Tower and got his ass completely handed to him. There is even mention in the corresponding chapter that says easy it is to defend, rather than attack and also another mention of vertical height advantage over your enemy. If Durai was some kind of wicked sick military person, you'd think he would have known this and attacked differently. Personally I would have just arrived in the night with a small crew and tossed Pipe bombs everywhere.

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:43 PM
Durai to me just sounds like a hardcore criminal. We are also under the impression that the Mallers are ex-prisoners right?

To me he doesn't seem like ex-military except for his marksman skills. He attacked the Tower and got his ass completely handed to him. There is even mention in the corresponding chapter that says easy it is to defend, rather than attack and also another mention of vertical height advantage over your enemy. If Durai was some kind of wicked sick military person, you'd think he would have known this and attacked differently. Personally I would have just arrived in the night with a small crew and tossed Pipe bombs everywhere.

He did indeed get his ass handed to him, but there are countless examples of brilliant military minds being defeated by forces they underestimated. George Washington, General Cornwallis, Napoleon etc all got defeated in battles but they were excellent military tacticians.

The point was Durai wanted to Tower for his own purposes. If he peppered the Tower with pipe bombs and made it unlivable, what would be the purpose? If his desire was to destroy the Tower, you're right. He probably would have bombed the tower in the dead of night without trying to draw any attention to himself or his little group of miscreants.

Apr 5th, 2011, 05:30 PM
He did indeed get his ass handed to him, but there are countless examples of brilliant military minds being defeated by forces they underestimated. George Washington, General Cornwallis, Napoleon etc all got defeated in battles but they were excellent military tacticians.

The point was Durai wanted to Tower for his own purposes. If he peppered the Tower with pipe bombs and made it unlivable, what would be the purpose? If his desire was to destroy the Tower, you're right. He probably would have bombed the tower in the dead of night without trying to draw any attention to himself or his little group of miscreants.
This supports the theory that Durai is dead. If he was killed during the war, then Scratch would have been driven into a rage and that could have been the reason she threw the pipe bombs. Durai wanted the tower, first he wanted to move his people into it at least a few of them. While they were talking on the radio he said that theirs was already so fortified and safe and he wanted to get inside. Why would he destroy it if he wanted it. My best bet is that scratch wanted revenge and nothing else.

Apr 5th, 2011, 05:43 PM
This supports the theory that Durai is dead. If he was killed during the war, then Scratch would have been driven into a rage and that could have been the reason she threw the pipe bombs. Durai wanted the tower, first he wanted to move his people into it at least a few of them. While they were talking on the radio he said that theirs was already so fortified and safe and he wanted to get inside. Why would he destroy it if he wanted it. My best bet is that scratch wanted revenge and nothing else.

Actually, it doesn't support it. If Durai had been killed when everyone seems to think he was killed (from the Shots Heard Round the World) then why wasn't Scratch's first rage filled action to throw pipe bombs? They tried testing the defenses first on all sides.

Remember what the guy in the background said after Latch was killed "He said not to" in reference to Scratch taking what is presumed to be a pipe bomb or Molotov Cocktail.

Apr 6th, 2011, 04:48 AM
But when did he say that? Durai may have told them that in the planning stage back at the mall. Just food for thought

May 2nd, 2011, 05:34 PM
I have a feeling that Durai is behind all of this...even from the very beginning.

It's like he has a hidden agenda that he's the one who started the outbreak (doing weird lab stuff, experimenting, etc) created an explosion, started it all...but he survived, realizing what he was doing was wrong, planned and do something to clean his mess.

Why did he chose to side with the mallers? Maybe he got mad skills of convincing people and acting...but it's kinda weird and intelligent at the same time that the plan with the tankers goes wayyyy back in season1, and maybe, just maybe, the war at the tower was actually a peace offering, and a unification between the Mallers and the Tower.

Until there was a traitor to the mallers when someone shoots a gun at them...oh well, my mind is going miles and miles.

Rock Daddy
May 18th, 2011, 12:55 PM
My thoughts on Durai lately...
Perhaps he's an American born terrorist. This would explain a few things. He was locked up at Eastern Bay, doing hard time in federal prison, maybe for a previous terror plot. He seems very militant, though not exactly US Army material. He trains his followers with guns as "soldiers". He knew about the Arena being the zombie nest, and had plans to gather tankers and blow it up, before the Tower even knew much of anything about the zombies. With this kind of knowledge, I think he either has a connection to the zombie outbreak, or belonged to a terrorist group that is responsible for releasing the zombie "germ". You might say, "If Durai was part of this, why would he try to kill the zombies off?" Well, I believe either these terrorists didn't know what the full effects of the "germ" would actually be, or Durai was defected from the terrorist group, and is now trying to survive it...whew... Also, one more little tidbit: his name is Indian origin meaning a "chief" or leader of a tribe.

Don Man
May 24th, 2011, 04:50 PM
Durai is awesome hope he turns good and joins the tower which will probably never happen

May 26th, 2011, 07:31 PM
He was just in one episode right? That's all I can remember him being in

May 26th, 2011, 07:42 PM
He was just in one episode right? That's all I can remember him being in

He has been oft mentioned, but only heard from in 12-1.