View Full Version : Angel and the Mallers.....

Feb 4th, 2016, 02:56 PM
Anyone have an idea when Angel realized he was indirectly apart of the Mallers? Or did he know all along? I sort of thought he knew from the start given that he instructed Michael to take his name tag off his uniform when Scratch and Latch showed up at the Tower, so they wouldn't know their names.....thoughts?

Feb 4th, 2016, 02:59 PM
I definitely think he knew, once he met Scratch, but it's tough to tell because he was pretty deceiving a few times.

I bet he knew his past already and what his Father was a part of, but probably never imagined he would meet anyone tied to it.

Feb 6th, 2016, 09:29 AM
Yes, turbo - I do think he knew about his past already......definitely.....that whole exchange between Angel, Michael and Scratch/Latch was intriguing AFTER re-listening to it after you know how it ends.... because it asks the question - did he know them already - is that why he was abrupt with them and so secretive.....even Michael mentions it.....he says something like, "What happened to you down there? You lost it...."

Feb 6th, 2016, 12:24 PM
Definitely, I think the whole thought of an Army Officer showing his true family colors, kinda wigged him out when he saw them. It was never mentioned, but I bet he possibly saw the ring on her? If she had one?

Feb 8th, 2016, 08:27 AM
He knew. I think he knew as soon as he saw Scratch. Would be nice one day to find out what the real connections where and what it was about.

Feb 8th, 2016, 08:40 AM
Yeah, I agree, Merlin1274 - I'd love to hear some back story......on a few of the characters, actually.... Victor as well....and how he ended up at the Colony.....so you think Angel knew as soon as he saw Scratch? I don't believe she knew him at that point, though....because she kept trying to get his name saying 'he looked familiar'......also....he had the ring on him when Scratch picked his nearly dead body up and brought him back to the Colony.....wondering when each member gets the physical ring.....?? I know it's a 'birth-right'....but curious as to how long Angel knew his father....or if he ever met him.....crazy!! Seems like many of the characters had their secrets.....Saul ended up confessing he had been to prison at one point.....and well Michael - he's got the whole Randy error in judgement, too......such awesome story lines!!

Dec 16th, 2019, 04:25 AM
Anyone have an idea when Angel realized he was indirectly apart of the Mallers? Or did he know all along? I sort of thought he knew from the start given that he instructed Michael to take his name tag off his uniform when Scratch and Latch showed up at the Tower, so they wouldn't know their names.....thoughts?

Hi buddy, to be frank, what I feel is he knew from first only the way he interacted previously too.

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