View Full Version : Some characters decisions that surprised me.....

Dec 24th, 2015, 09:09 AM
I gotta say - I was really surprised at Michael, Angel & Burt's reaction and decision to leave Saul in the dust when Lizzy was trying to convince them to help her carry him after Burt shot him and they were being ambushed by the Maulers. Saul would have NEVER left any one of them behind. Pretty surprising. Any one else?

Dec 24th, 2015, 02:00 PM
Well, he had gotten zombie blood inside of him. For all they knew (at that time), he could of turned against them as soon as he woke up. They didn't want to risk that chance.

Dec 29th, 2015, 07:30 AM
Yeah, I suppose, Gooer.....I just feel like they gave up so easy....in every other instance within the series - they hadn't....ya know??

Dec 29th, 2015, 09:24 AM
Have to agree, with the blood in his system, and with all the fire going on, he was doomed, and it could have hurt more than himself, if the others stayed near him. It was the most logical thinking at the time.

Dec 29th, 2015, 02:10 PM
Well, turbo - there was no definitive proof that there was blood in Saul's system....it was only speculated that there was, but I can clearly understand their decision - it just seemed too easy for them to make in my eyes.....I guess I'm under the impression that as military - the 'never leave a man behind' should have rang true here. I mean, if it weren't for Lizzie - that would have been the end of Saul.

Dec 30th, 2015, 07:02 AM
Oh yea I know they didn't have the proof they needed, but seeing what they had all seen up to that point, he could have wiped out the whole tower. Not sure how the military is with never leave a man behind, but someone sure has to make the tough call :(