View Full Version : The Force Awakens

Dec 18th, 2015, 01:25 PM
So, any opinions? Did you like or dislike the movie?

Personally, I like the movie a lot, especially the way the characters blended in so seamlessly. It's a wonderful movie. But I guess, there will be some nit-picking, too, of course.

Dec 18th, 2015, 07:07 PM
sorry to pick nits.
However, I was somewhat disappointed. it seemed that it was more hype than anything. (as far as the previews went.) I wont spoil any scenes, but it became very predictable through out the move.
Don't get me wrong, I did like some of the movie. I guess in the back of my mind I was comparing the characters from the past to now. Especially Carrier Fisher. Knowing her history after the original star wars and now (Wishful Drinking). I just saw an actress that went through a lot and it showed.
I guess in the end I was hoping for more than what I got.

Dec 19th, 2015, 05:03 AM
Very fast pace. There was not much slow down to let things sink in. It was smooth and I enjoyed it except for one part. Do not want to say but those who saw it will understand. I expected it to happen once I found out who Kylo was connected to.
But I felt irritated afterwards. I expected a way different exit.

Dec 19th, 2015, 05:43 AM
Hm, I would like to add that I am reeeeaaaallllyyyy looking forward to seeing Episode VIII which will eventually straighten most of the loose ends TFA gave us. I will give Rian Johnson credit to handle them in a fulfilling way. Besides, I loved Rey's, Finn's and Poe's characters - and Adam Driver's of course.

Jan 20th, 2016, 11:42 PM
Finally saw the film last week. It was impressive and I would like to think that how I was excited sitting there with my pop and candy, is how I would have felt when A New Hope came out in '77. I think JJ did a great job with the plot, and an amazing direction of the actors. Rey and Kylo were at the top of my list, of course with the original cast. Too bad though that JJ isn't signed on for VIII.

General Malarky
Jan 21st, 2016, 02:35 PM
I liked it. Really nostalgic. Wasn't one for the ending though, and it reinforces my hatred of Disney, the conquering empire of doom. While I did enjoy seeing it, I'd prefer that VII never existed, because there's so much build up, and it's never as good as you would hope, and then you have to see the sequels, so there's more... It's a little sad.

Feb 11th, 2018, 10:55 PM
"..and then you have to see the sequels.."

Yup, right you are. For me, The Last Jedi was a fail. :nik:

Jun 4th, 2019, 09:35 PM
A fantastic addition to the Star Wars series! Great story, excellent acting, brilliant action, and so on. The photography was sweeping and excellent. The characters were imaginative and fresh. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would watch it again without hesitation. The plot was easily the best of the entire series and the cast were all outstanding in their parts.

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