View Full Version : challenge for you all.

Nov 20th, 2015, 12:44 PM
I would like to challenge all the WA group. new and old
since KC and crew is busy working on Lockdown.
let us write Tales from the tower ourselves.
and submit them to KC.
I know I am not that much of writer. however, I would love to have some part in keeping WA alive
and if we all throw our 2 cents worth we might be able to.

So KC what do you think?:D
anybody up for the challenge?

Dec 14th, 2015, 08:34 PM
I'm game

General Malarky
Dec 14th, 2015, 10:31 PM
Sure, why not?

Jan 20th, 2016, 11:44 PM
I would like to challenge all the WA group. new and old
since KC and crew is busy working on Lockdown.
let us write Tales from the tower ourselves.
and submit them to KC.
I know I am not that much of writer. however, I would love to have some part in keeping WA alive
and if we all throw our 2 cents worth we might be able to.

So KC what do you think?:D
anybody up for the challenge?

Anything on this?

Jan 23rd, 2016, 08:46 PM
Anything on this?

as far as I know. no. when I made that challenge it happen a day or two before my 14yr old desktop computer died. I had my mind and time on other things (buy all the parts, and building my new computer) Then all holidays came about, and well it was put on the back burning for me. I need to finish up other projects before I can start hacking away at a new one. but anybody is more that welcome to start working on them.

Jan 24th, 2016, 05:33 PM
If I was more awake...

Jul 10th, 2016, 02:36 AM
I wouldn't feel right trying to compose tales from the tower. Any story I wrote would have to be about characters not seen in We're Alive. Cannon is important to me.

Jul 14th, 2016, 07:47 AM
I wouldn't feel right trying to compose tales from the tower. Any story I wrote would have to be about characters not seen in We're Alive. Cannon is important to me.

Agreed, but in the same breath there are a number of minor characters that could be explored. Perhaps The Adventures of Blue Jay and Robin, or Paul: The Haberdashery Chronicles. Maybe tell a story of how Steven tripped his own mother so that he could escape the zombies before seeking refuge in the Tower?

Then again, many of us live in different parts of the world, write about your own area. I could write one about the World's largest naval base or the Great Dismal Swap. How would you survive the outbreak?

Kat E
Jul 14th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Agreed, but in the same breath there are a number of minor characters that could be explored.

I've been listening to/researching dozens of podcasts since the WA Lockdown finale. I've even had to resort to ... wait for it ... non-fiction. [insert ominous music here]. Sad, but true. One of the things I took note of during all this listening are how various shows deal with very well-deserved down time from the bi-monthly or weekly production grind. A cool idea was exactly what this thread touches upon ... fan script submissions. It's typically very short, 12 - 15 minutes, and is set in the World, but has no impact on the story in progress. It's just one small way of hopefully keeping a hungry fan base relatively happy in leaner times.

Along the lines of what you, good Doctor, mention--one of the easiest things would be narratives in journal form as written by obscure inhabitants of the Tower or Colony. Or someone's written or recorded notes on a lap top or phone that is picked up on a scavenging run and brought back. Only one voice would be needed and the sound design could be a simple music accompaniment. It's just a thought to throw out there into the universe and see if it makes any waves. O_o

One other thought for something simple-ish for the interlude ... Tony Rey and Lauren play new characters who co-host a Colony radio show playin' all your pre-apocalyptic hits. Where they get to talk smack about the Mallers and the infected, and keep the citizens up to speed on news from the outside. They could interject news at appropriate points in songs, such as the lyrics "Get your motor running, head out on the highway..." [Song stops. Interruption by Tony:] "Speaking of motors, we've been able to tap into a local refinery and get it limping along. I can't tell you where it is on the air, but we've now got a steady supply of gasoline and should keep us mobile for the foreseeable future. And as for highways, our road crews have been working extra hard and have been able to open up clean shots to many new locales that could provide some awesome resources. I vote to hit up the breweries, but that's just me ... and maybe Pete." [Song starts again "looking for adventure" and stops immediately. Lauren breaks in:] "As for adventure, I think we've all had way too much of that. And that's enough of this." [The song changes to something completely different].

Just kidding, the radio show idea is too derivative and wouldn't likely work with the darkness of WA, but I thought I'd share it anyway. I have no excuse for myself, except that after seeing Tony and Lauren together again in #Apt2C, their voices are stuck in my head.

It's not the first time Witch Doctor and I have been on somewhat similar wave-lengths from opposite sides of WA country, so you just never know where the next nifty idea will start from. Maybe just writing this down will lead to better ideas from someone. Goodest luck people!

Jul 14th, 2016, 02:16 PM
Along the lines of what you, good Doctor, mention--one of the easiest things would be narratives in journal form as written by obscure inhabitants of the Tower or Colony. Or someone's written or recorded notes on a lap top or phone that is picked up on a scavenging run and brought back. Only one voice would be needed and the sound design could be a simple music accompaniment. It's just a thought to throw out there into the universe and see if it makes any waves. O_o

Brilliant! This was actually a contest a few years back and the entries were nothing short of amazing. The winner was a well deserved and very chilling journal entry by William "Ink" Roberts. Here is the link to the thread. (http://www.werealive.com/forum/showthread.php?3637-COMPETITION-Create-your-own-journal-page!-(CONTAINS-SPOILERS)&highlight=journal+contest)

One other thought for something simple-ish for the interlude ... Tony Rey and Lauren play new characters who co-host a Colony radio show playin' all your pre-apocalyptic hits....
Just kidding, the radio show idea is too derivative and wouldn't likely work with the darkness of WA, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

Really digging this idea. Tony Robins' character would be an issue, but the Colony needs some sort of distraction. They can't keep sane by spending all of their time farming and scavenging.

Jul 14th, 2016, 07:30 PM
Really digging this idea. Tony Robins' character would be an issue, but the Colony needs some sort of distraction. They can't keep sane by spending all of their time farming and scavenging.

That is a good point. How do the people in the Colony and/or Dunbar keep from going crazy?

Kat E
Jul 15th, 2016, 12:47 AM
Brilliant! This was actually a contest ...Here is the link to the thread.[/URL]

Really digging this idea. Tony Robins' character would be an issue, but the Colony needs some sort of distraction. They can't keep sane by spending all of their time farming and scavenging.

Thanks for the link. Some very cool and thoughtful submissions.

As an aside I still think Tony Rey has the perfect voice for a "new" radio show character. It's all about the chemistry between the radio show co-hosts that matters, so it's just finding the blend to get the right dynamics. It'd be good to have a character like Lauren to pull out funny. I like the idea of a show that the locals can listen to and have it also reach out to possible survivors around the WA world. Nothing like an apocalypse to bring people closer together.

Sep 26th, 2016, 08:49 PM
just to update you guy and gals and zombies. I do have 6 pages done from tales from the tower. It explores the idea of why Angel's gf was found in her apartment having both of her legs broken. I had mention this to KC. I am also working how Angel finds out about Riley attraction to Lizzy. sorry newbies if that was a spoiler