View Full Version : Why Pegs? Why?

Oct 29th, 2015, 07:22 PM
WHY DOES PEGS DECIDE TO INSTEAD OF STAYING WITH MICHEAL AT FORT IRWIN GO TO BOULDER WHERE SHE CAN NEITHER SEE MICHEAL OR AT LEAST BE CONFIDENT THAT SHE IS IN HIS PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!!???????????? Give your opinion because I personally think she was a very very big selfish retard!!!!:mad:

Oct 30th, 2015, 05:02 AM
Michael was not ready to commit to a relationship and she also did not want to become part of the military.. That's my overall view of that. I am sure others can elaborate more.. I also think it would have been hard for them to have had a relationship on the base.

Oct 30th, 2015, 09:09 AM
True it would've been hard for them to seek a true relationship while Micheal was on active duty. I still think that Pegs and Micheal could've somehow come to like a middle ground where they could still make it work with Pegs still helping and Micheal in active duty. But that is just my take.

Dec 21st, 2015, 05:53 AM
Yeah, I didn't like her choice. I understood why they all went to Boulder and wasn't surprised about her leaving. I was more surprised about the others. Anyway, she was tired, tired of running, tired of not understanding the relationship, tired of fighting. She could have a "normal" life in Boulder, well as normal as it could be.

Then Chapter 37 you find out she moved on...really, that pissed me off. I get it, but really not even write a letter back to Michael. Nothing...just annoyed with how she handled it.

Dec 27th, 2015, 12:24 AM
to stay in irwin required a commitment to active duty - all non-coms went to bolder. that was the choice she made in leaving.

the whole breakdown in communication was both their faults (he could have written too). and "having another guy" could never have gotten past the hand holding stage.

remember the framework we are getting the story in - this is not information that needs to be told to (& they are probably glad that it's not being given to) the person who is hearing the tale.

Mar 2nd, 2016, 09:00 PM
Everyone complained because she was too dependent on Michael and dead weight(which I never thought) and now we're complaining about her not staying so he can protect her? He wasn't really contributing to the relationship and she didn't want to throw away everything she believed in for a guy she's only know a few months.

She never would have been happy being a soldier and would have ended up resenting Michael. Besides there would be no guarantee that she would have stayed stationed at Irwin with Michael, they might have just sent her back to Boulder when her training was done anyway.

Apr 25th, 2016, 10:04 AM
I'll start by saying this: I never like Pegs. Ever! Now putting that aside, I completely understand the decision she made at that moment. As some people have been saying before, she wasn't ment to be a soldier and she was tired of ''surviving'' instead of living. Plus, she did feel like dead weight for Michael and.... pretty much anyone! Sure she was helpfull with the helicopter but she hasn't done a whole lot since the begining, right? I also feel the her feelings towards Michael were more like a big crush than deep love. So, personally, her decision was logical in her case.
What I didn't get though, was Michael's reaction when they get reunited back at the colony. He didn't seem all that interested in her to begin with and it felt like he had moved on at that point, but when they meet again and he sees she's moved on, he suddendly turns into a lap dog, throwing himself at her feet while she's like ''Hunh... I don't know...''. It didn't really make sence and she suddenly annoyed me a whole lot more.
I might be making a bigger deal of this since I really like Michael.

My point simply is, I never believed there were any genuine feelings between the two and so, it makes the decision she took to go to Boulder really logical.

May 3rd, 2016, 03:40 PM
My point simply is, I never believed there were any genuine feelings between the two and so, it makes the decision she took to go to Boulder really logical.

I didn't care for how that played out and to be honest that was well written because neither one of them communicated well. Pegs acted like a school girl hinting at her feelings and Michael just didn't express any at all. So at the end of it I already didn't care for Pegs so it was easy to dislike her more.