View Full Version : times change

Dec 31st, 2014, 09:04 AM
while over the Christmas holiday I did my usual thing. I watch It's a wonderful life with Jimmy Stewart. As I sat there watching the movie. One line in the movie had a big slap in the face moment for me. It was when the actor who played uncle billy said this. "I am only 55, I can still find a job."

I don't know if it was that I am approaching that age myself that it hit me so hard. However, I realized that times have really changed. back then, a man could still could get a job to support his family after that age. cause, they valued his years of experience. Now days, its more about being young.

I am not say we shouldn't hire the young. Cause, they do bring a new energy to a company. However, I have experienced this within my own place where I work. The young don't know on how to get things done. they are filled with educational knowledge,but not practical knowledge. and they have that attitude that they know it all. (I guess I was like that too when I was that age.) However, I knew that I always had more to learn and kept an open mind to the ones that were teaching me.

I was also listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about not double space after a period on your resume. double spacing indicates old way of thinking cause it a throwback to the typewriter days. (this was from LinkedIn, which the article came and I might add that the article had double space after the periods.) It was kind of funny the pot calling the kettle black.

anyways happy new year everybody and have a safe one. hugs.