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Oct 14th, 2014, 06:52 AM
“She is gonna kill me.”

The thought rang through my head no less than 5 times in the last minute, and given my current predicament, I probably wasn’t far off.

“I have never seen this much traffic on the 710 at this time of day, what the hell gives? I am never gonna make it to Cindy’s apartment before she leaves for work! Already been stuck behind the same SUV in park for the past 45 minutes, and I can see her exit from here!”

As I sat there imagining the reaction I was going to get if I ever made it to her place. Given this current snail’s pace, I’ll probably be able to make it just in time to catch her getting in her car.

“Yep, she’s gonna kill me.”

I had gotten used to traffic in LA, as much as one can get used to it. My old Ford Explorer wasn’t exactly the best on gas, but I take good care of her and she always got me where I needed to go. At the moment, I was wondering if I would run out of gas idling before this parking lot got moving again.

I considered jumping the median and swinging up the shoulder, but just then, my phone rang.

“The commander? Huh.. I wonder what he wants,” I said to myself, as I flipped it open.

“Lieutenant Angel speaking,” I answered, trying to muster my most professional tone.

“Cut the title crap, Tunudo,” the commander barked, “we’ve got a situation on our hands, and I need you to assemble your team. NOW.”

“Sir?” I stammered, a little taken aback, “what’s going on?”

“I honestly don’t know, but there’s word of some riots breaking out downtown. We need to organize a counter effort, and I need you to call in your guys. How soon can you get here?”

“I’m stuck on the 710, sir,” I replied, “traffic isn’t moving, but I’m not far from base.”

“Doesn’t that fucking garage queen of yours have 4-wheel drive? Hop the curb and get your ass here, NOW,” he paused, and then added before slamming the receiver down, “THAT’S AN ORDER!”

This definitely did not sound like a drill. The commander was a bit of a dick sometimes, sure, but this seemed like a completely different situation. He almost seemed… scared. I had to call Michael first. Saul could wait.

I flipped the phone back open, and held down number 5 on the keypad. It was programmed to call Sergeant Michael Cross, one of the best intel guys we have.. but he’d just brush it off if he heard me saying that. With three tours under his belt, there isn’t much he hasn’t seen. Sure, I outrank him, but that’s only because he isn’t interested in command.

He picked up midway through the second ring.


“Michael, it’s Lieutenant Angel. Where are you?” I asked.

“I’m at school right now,” he replied, “what’s going on?”

“We need you to come to the unit right away,” was all I could manage to get out. I probably didn’t know any more than he did, after all.

“Is this about what’s on the TV?” Michael asked.

“I’m stuck in traffic, so I have.. no idea,” and I didn’t, “I just got a phone call from the commander, and now.. I’m calling you. How long ‘til you can get here?”

“Uh,” he paused briefly, “maybe 30 minutes, but I don’t have my uniform.”

“Don’t worry about those,” I assured him, “we have a couple spare at the unit. Just get there as fast as you can.”

“Alright,” he said quickly, “I’m on my way.”

As I snapped shut the clamshell phone, I wondered what might happen in the thirty minutes it would take Michael to get to the unit. More immediately, I also had to figure out how long it would take ME to get there, so I quickly threw the gear shift into drive, swung around the car in front of me, just grazing their bumper, and headed towards the ramp yelling, “sorry!” out the window. Looks like everyone was hell-bent on getting out of town, and here I was, headed back in.

It took me just under 25 minutes to make it to the unit. I guess I was one of the first that the commander called, because I didn’t see many other cars around, let alone ones I recognized. I could see the commander’s truck parked in his usual spot, but there didn’t seem to be any other cars in the lot besides the Humvees.

I was just about to put my key in the main entry door, when I heard a faint, tinny voice exclaim, “invalid entry, please try again,” and turned to see Sergeant Cross stopped at the electronic keypad that controlled the access gate. He got it right on the second try, and pulled in and right up to me. Before the gate could close again, a little pickup truck came speeding through, and made it past just in time.

“That’s gotta be Saul,” I muttered to myself. I had called Specialist Saul Tink right after I hung up with Michael, and the conversation was short and sweet; just how I like my interaction with the smartass specialist. I explained that he needed to get here, and that Michael was en route, and that seemed to be good enough for him.

The guys explained something they saw happen on the freeway, but it didn’t make any sense. It couldn’t be right. Could it....?

At that moment, everything I thought I knew about LA was about to go out the window..

Oct 14th, 2014, 08:40 AM
Pretty cool. Not as exciting as Burts, but it's Angel. Not much excitement is expected.

Oct 14th, 2014, 08:57 AM
I'll be honest, I feel the same way. Just not as much excitement and adventure in Angel's life prior to the outbreak, but I tried to tie it in with the phone conversation that he and Michael had. Just focused around that and built out from there! We didn't really have any rock solid events that led to Burt's story, so I had a little more creative license there.

But don't worry, there are plenty of other character storylines that don't have context events, so it should be interesting!

Oct 14th, 2014, 12:31 PM
It's very interesting that he cared about Cindy getting upset. He usually cared more about himself. He did get that way with Riley. I figured it was because he was wanting to get more acquainted with her.

Jul 8th, 2022, 12:53 AM
Really cool It's not as thrilling as Burts, but Angel. Not a lot of excitement is anticipated.

happy wheels unblocked (https://happywheelsunblocked.io)

Dec 19th, 2022, 07:23 PM
The best article I've ever read, wow, have been the fortunate one to locate an article that many people still need to look very hard to find.

Dec 19th, 2022, 07:27 PM
I'll be honest, I feel the same way. Just not as much excitement and adventure in Angel's life prior to the outbreak, but I tried to tie it in with the phone conversation that he and Michael had. Just focused around that and built out from there! We didn't really have any rock solid events that led to Burt's story, so I had a little more creative license there.

But don't worry, there are plenty of other character storylines that don't have context events, so it should be interesting!
1001 games (https://1001games.io/)