View Full Version : Chapter 47 Remastering Thread

Oct 5th, 2014, 11:38 AM
Chapter 47 Remastering Thread

Oct 12th, 2014, 12:35 PM
Hello again,

here we go - let's see, what's going on here:
- 46:39 - 46:XX - The transation between both scenes makes no real sense. The scene up to 46:39 is about Michael remote-controlling KODI making it enter the hell-hole; and after the transition the story has moved on and Michael has trouble with remote-controlling KODI. Sure - a small transition is perfect and required at this point; but the carillon and the first seconds of the upcoming rumbling are not necessary actually ... It makes no sense the way it is, 'cause the transition implies a serious change of situation/ scene in the story, but both scenes are very tightly connected. Thoughts?
I think it was the oringinal transition between episodes #2 and #3 of chapter #47 from the podcast, right? (Haven't checked it ...)
- 52:46 - 52:48 - weird intaking breathing caught from KODIs camera/ microphone?
- 53:55 - 54:07 - steps on a wooden floor/stair from Victor coming to Michael and Saul?
- 55:16 - 55:18 - Michael says: "where they ... them piss and shit" - I think the "them" is too much and needs to be removed.
- 67:19 - Transition between Burt/Pete to Dunbar is very sudden. Works very well and fine with me; but it also feels like Burt has been cut off ...

Well, "that was" that, "and this is now". I have finished the task. I hope these comments help a bit.
Best wishes!

Oct 12th, 2014, 06:54 PM
Hello Its Torres here.

This is what I've gathered.

6:11 -6:17 Background music seems a bit too loud while Michael is speaking.

10:24- weird sound coming from the background, not sure if its intentional.

11:20- Sound again, in the background. not sure what it is. kind of sounds like a rooster (lol)

12:51 - 12:53 Someone breathing

52:46- 52:48 - sounds like 5 rapid inhales

56:42 - 56:45 - CJ calls Kelly in, it sounds like a thud or foot steps before you actually hear kelly's foot steps, small rapid ones.

57:06 - 57:09 Same thud, foot step sounds

Thats all that i was able to pick up.


Oct 13th, 2014, 07:10 PM
Hello again,

here we go - let's see, what's going on here:
- 46:39 - 46:XX - The transation between both scenes makes no real sense. The scene up to 46:39 is about Michael remote-controlling KODI making it enter the hell-hole; and after the transition the story has moved on and Michael has trouble with remote-controlling KODI. Sure - a small transition is perfect and required at this point; but the carillon and the first seconds of the upcoming rumbling are not necessary actually ... It makes no sense the way it is, 'cause the transition implies a serious change of situation/ scene in the story, but both scenes are very tightly connected. Thoughts?
I think it was the oringinal transition between episodes #2 and #3 of chapter #47 from the podcast, right? (Haven't checked it ...)
- 52:46 - 52:48 - weird intaking breathing caught from KODIs camera/ microphone?
- 53:55 - 54:07 - steps on a wooden floor/stair from Victor coming to Michael and Saul?
- 55:16 - 55:18 - Michael says: "where they ... them piss and shit" - I think the "them" is too much and needs to be removed.
- 67:19 - Transition between Burt/Pete to Dunbar is very sudden. Works very well and fine with me; but it also feels like Burt has been cut off ...

Well, "that was" that, "and this is now". I have finished the task. I hope these comments help a bit.
Best wishes!

#1. I get what you're saying. It's something that's a bit more abrupt without the chapter change... but there is a transition of time. It's at least a few minutes later. I'm ok with this one. We at least shift to Kodi's perspective, so it's not a jump-cut.
#2. That's cloth movement, just a little hard to hear.
#3. Yup, Victor was up the stairs.
#4. Fixed! And it's perfect and glorious.
#5. Yup, intentional.

Awesome! Thanks!

Oct 13th, 2014, 07:15 PM
Hello Its Torres here.

This is what I've gathered.

6:11 -6:17 Background music seems a bit too loud while Michael is speaking.

10:24- weird sound coming from the background, not sure if its intentional.

11:20- Sound again, in the background. not sure what it is. kind of sounds like a rooster (lol)

12:51 - 12:53 Someone breathing

52:46- 52:48 - sounds like 5 rapid inhales

56:42 - 56:45 - CJ calls Kelly in, it sounds like a thud or foot steps before you actually hear kelly's foot steps, small rapid ones.

57:06 - 57:09 Same thud, foot step sounds

Thats all that i was able to pick up.


#1. Fixed, lowered the crescendo.
#2. Yup, intentional. It's a scene within a scene from a distance over the phone.
#3. That one felt a bit much, so I took it out.
#4. Tanya's breath, it's her reacting.
#5 Footsteps
#6 Fixed!


Oct 14th, 2014, 06:39 AM
I agree with the above after listening to this one twice! Thanks!

Oct 14th, 2014, 11:25 PM
Sorry for the late answer, I've been without internet for a few days.

Except for stuff already mentioned I noticed that after 19:00 Tanya is a bit too loud.

Oct 15th, 2014, 05:38 PM
Changes applied. Jon's Note:
Chapter 47 Notes:
20:51 Slightly louder in the helicopter scene