View Full Version : It's not over!

Jul 29th, 2014, 12:57 AM
Since the finale has ended and the is the unknowingly long wait for Tales of We're Alive, we should not give up and be disheartened. Let us continue the threads and forums to discuss what we loved, what we didn't love, what we think will happen next after the finale ended or just what other zombie media we all enjoy! go at it people! I'll be watching from the rooftops...

Aug 14th, 2014, 10:30 AM
Man, after what Burt did to Scratch my motivation to post has slightly decreased. Hopefully, while Burt is having a dump, some of the varicose veins which run through and around his scrotum burst spontaneously and he slowly bleeds to death. Bad karma, pal!

Aug 15th, 2014, 12:02 AM
Wow that really did get to you! He did say he would bury her, but yes it was an extremely cruel thing to do even to her. Reminds me of that awful Ryan Reynolds film 'Buried' Since the finale I have been spurred on to post more!

Aug 15th, 2014, 06:03 AM
It was intense. Sure. When Burt had his talk with Nicholas, he seemed to be in doubt about what he did. And I would not wonder if he is kind o frightened about what exactly he was capable of doing.
"That's why I want you to do it for the right reason." And then he says: "Revenge won't make the pain go away. It lives on way past that." This tells me that that, what he did, has worked in him for a long time - maybe even up to and beyond the ending of chapter #48. Although I cannot accept what he did to Scratch, I fully understand that he did what he did.

Aug 15th, 2014, 09:11 AM
Wow that really did get to you! He did say he would bury her, but yes it was an extremely cruel thing to do even to her. Reminds me of that awful Ryan Reynolds film 'Buried' Since the finale I have been spurred on to post more!

It was intense. Sure. When Burt had his talk with Nicholas, he seemed to be in doubt about what he did. And I would not wonder if he is kind o frightened about what exactly he was capable of doing.
"That's why I want you to do it for the right reason." And then he says: "Revenge won't make the pain go away. It lives on way past that." This tells me that that, what he did, has worked in him for a long time - maybe even up to and beyond the ending of chapter #48. Although I cannot accept what he did to Scratch, I fully understand that he did what he did.

Surely, it was the right thing to do from Burt's point of view. Moreover, the moment Scratch returned to show, it became very clear that the Scratch story arc would be finally resolved. But yes, in my opinion, it was not done in a suitable way. Maybe it is because Burt - at least to me - was a munchkin / damage dealer in terms of how he was conceived. When I listened episode 36 again a couple of days ago, I got this eerie feeling once again when Burt is freed from his prison cell. He was in this cell for months - and he almost literally rotted in there, chained, physically and mentally injured. And then, the colony is attacked merely a day later, he performs these Chuck Norris stunts as if nothing has happened.

So, bottom line, if there had been a Burt who could not take part in defending the colony against the zombies due to his injuries and would have needed a couple of episodes - maybe just 1-2 - to slowly recover to his former self - I would say that I would understand his motivations of killing Scratch way better. Just like Michael's multi-episode arm story, Saul's various bullet intermezzos and CJ's leg story.

Well, that is my personal view of course.

Aug 15th, 2014, 11:26 AM
So, bottom line, if there had been a Burt who could not take part in defending the colony against the zombies due to his injuries and would have needed a couple of episodes - maybe just 1-2 - to slowly recover to his former self - I would say that I would understand his motivations of killing Scratch way better. Just like Michael's multi-episode arm story, Saul's various bullet intermezzos and CJ's leg story.

^ ^ ^ This ^ ^ ^

Aug 26th, 2014, 11:35 AM
Sorry to flip the discussion so abruptly, but I noticed something disturbing when I first listened to Chapter 48. Michael had just mentioned the petroglyph found in New Mexico and how archeologists originally thought it was a warning about steep drops, but it turned out to serve another purpose altogether. (46:30-48:50) He goes on to describe Tanya's theory of the outbreak then says that people no longer talk about that anymore. "Everyone is focused more on where we are now, rather than why it started." They are ALREADY beginning to forget the cause of the outbreak

Where am I going with this? How can an ancient symbol control people suffering from some sort of cognitive disease? Where would such a symbol come from?
Perhaps the stop and enter symbols are ancient symbols of protection from some very ancient unnamed culture. Ink may have found them in a catalog of similar symbols, using any and all in a willy-nilly fashion. In order to look for the origin of such a symbol from the PAST in the We're Alive Universe, lets look into the FUTURE in the We're Alive Universe.

Ink is dead, and so are his minion of zombies under his control. His clique. The only realistic way for Ink to counter the effect of the stop symbol is to create new zombies immune to it. Perhaps breeding smart ones who show resistance to it. (Like humans who show resistance to the infection.) So, with the death of Ink, Michael and Tanya's fear is abated and CJ's plan of marking everything can prevail.
With Ink gone, the remaining zombies can't learn to avoid the effects of the markings.
The human survivors mark themselves, their effects, their habitats, their roadways and everything else with the SYMBOL OF PROTECTION. Just like it was done some untold time in the past when this last happened. In time, the origin of the symbols are lost. All that remains is the notion that it protects.

.....DEEP UNDERGROUND, like Tanya said. Deeper than anyone bothered to dig. There, they died, decomposed, and turned into gas.

Sorry to shamelessly quote myself, but this is the ONLY prediction that I can remember getting somewhat right in the entire series. :D
They have a symbol that they can use to protect themselves.
When they begin to rebuild, they know why they are using the symbol and what it does.
Now the symbol has been incorporated into a flag.
They lose interest in the origin of the outbreak.
Later they will lose understanding of the meaning and purpose of the symbol. As with many symbols in human history the original meaning and purpose begins to change, evolve.
When Puck quizzes the new recruits, we see the beginning of the symbol's transformation. (57:00) Nicholas explains the different parts of the armband, then Puck explains how much it should be revered. Nicholas' explanation of the black markings (The original symbol) is that it means protection from the threat outside. This is a concept that has been distilled into something vague. What happens when or if the threat outside is no longer the zombies? CJ already said that there are unfriendly groups. The symbol could easily evolve into a tribal, mythological or religious symbol, removed from its original purpose. We see now that the survivors are losing sight of the events leading to the outbreak, the discovery of the tools they can use to fight back and they brushing off the work and ideas of the prophet/oracle who figured it all out, Tanya.

Right now, perhaps billions of zombies are burrowing underground to die off and produce more gas to inflict another unsuspecting civilization far into the future. They might likely be caught off guard like the ones in We're Alive.

Aug 26th, 2014, 11:40 AM
Man, after what Burt did to Scratch my motivation to post has slightly decreased. Hopefully, while Burt is having a dump, some of the varicose veins which run through and around his scrotum burst spontaneously and he slowly bleeds to death. Bad karma, pal!

Don't give up so easily pal. There are plenty of things you can reply to with YouTube Videos.

Aug 28th, 2014, 11:15 AM
Sorry to flip the discussion so abruptly, but I noticed something disturbing when I first listened to Chapter 48. Michael had just mentioned the petroglyph found in New Mexico and how archeologists originally thought it was a warning about steep drops, but it turned out to serve another purpose altogether. (46:30-48:50) He goes on to describe Tanya's theory of the outbreak then says that people no longer talk about that anymore. "Everyone is focused more on where we are now, rather than why it started." They are ALREADY beginning to forget the cause of the outbreak

Sorry to shamelessly quote myself, but this is the ONLY prediction that I can remember getting somewhat right in the entire series. :D
They have a symbol that they can use to protect themselves.
When they begin to rebuild, they know why they are using the symbol and what it does.
Now the symbol has been incorporated into a flag.
They lose interest in the origin of the outbreak.
Later they will lose understanding of the meaning and purpose of the symbol. As with many symbols in human history the original meaning and purpose begins to change, evolve.
When Puck quizzes the new recruits, we see the beginning of the symbol's transformation. (57:00) Nicholas explains the different parts of the armband, then Puck explains how much it should be revered. Nicholas' explanation of the black markings (The original symbol) is that it means protection from the threat outside. This is a concept that has been distilled into something vague. What happens when or if the threat outside is no longer the zombies? CJ already said that there are unfriendly groups. The symbol could easily evolve into a tribal, mythological or religious symbol, removed from its original purpose. We see now that the survivors are losing sight of the events leading to the outbreak, the discovery of the tools they can use to fight back and they brushing off the work and ideas of the prophet/oracle who figured it all out, Tanya.

Right now, perhaps billions of zombies are burrowing underground to die off and produce more gas to inflict another unsuspecting civilization far into the future. They might likely be caught off guard like the ones in We're Alive.

Well done, WD! Congrats.

Aug 29th, 2014, 01:36 PM
Don't give up so easily pal. There are plenty of things you can reply to with YouTube Videos.

Well, there is one peculiar question that oscillates within my brain. Kc mentioned in the WA fancast's episode 60 that we never explored why Pegs refused to use firearms. He revealed that a close friend of Pegs was killed which then had to be interpreted as "sending a message". It happened to be more than the mediocre assassination. And now we witnessed how Burt not only - presumably - killed Scratch and (in my opinion) did just the same. Did Pegs and the others ever spoke with Burt about this incident or did they just went on, suppressing what Burt *might* had done to get rid of Scratch once and for all. Is there a tacit consent towards Burt's past, present and future actions as a hatchet man can be of great use?

Aug 30th, 2014, 10:02 AM
Well, there is one peculiar question that oscillates within my brain. Kc mentioned in the WA fancast's episode 60 that we never explored why Pegs refused to use firearms. He revealed that a close friend of Pegs was killed which then had to be interpreted as "sending a message". It happened to be more than the mediocre assassination. And now we witnessed how Burt not only - presumably - killed Scratch and (in my opinion) did just the same. Did Pegs and the others ever spoke with Burt about this incident or did they just went on, suppressing what Burt *might* had done to get rid of Scratch once and for all. Is there a tacit consent towards Burt's past, present and future actions as a hatchet man can be of great use?

This is a bit bothersome. Imagine being one of Burt's friends. Do you ask about what happened to her or do you just let it go? I'm sure it's been on the minds of the others at some point or another.

Aug 31st, 2014, 09:53 AM
This is a bit bothersome. Imagine being one of Burt's friends. Do you ask about what happened to her or do you just let it go? I'm sure it's been on the minds of the others at some point or another.

Nevertheless, I guess it valid to say that "being a friend of Burt" is like dancing on a razor blade. In my perspective, Burt can be a called a lot of things - a friend, a fierce adversary, a compassionate yet sometimes impulsive (and ruthless if necessary) person. The same could be said about most of the Mobsters that were portrayed by Joe Pesci in the late 80's - mid 90's: someone you do not want to mess up with.


General Malarky
Jan 22nd, 2015, 08:25 PM
I feel really depressed coming in so late in the game (December 2013). It's like a ghost town here.

Can somebody give me a detailed picture of the rainbow w/ fan? I'm planning on getting a tatto of it, don't wan to mess it up ya'know? If anyone's still on the forums, please respond.

General Malarky
Jan 22nd, 2015, 08:32 PM
He did say he would bury her, but yes it was an extremely cruel thing to do even to her.

I personally liked that part of the finale, I felt like Scratch got what she deserved and I felt satisfied that Burt kept true to his word. Call me morbid, but I really felt overall really satisfied with Scratch's fate.

Jan 23rd, 2015, 09:16 AM
I feel really depressed coming in so late in the game (December 2013). It's like a ghost town here.

Can somebody give me a detailed picture of the rainbow w/ fan? I'm planning on getting a tatto of it, don't wan to mess it up ya'know? If anyone's still on the forums, please respond.

Oh christ, Kc posted it somewhere on this forum. No one knows where though....

Edit: Just remembered you can get stickers for them.


Theres a link to an image of one. Just print it off, or if you're feeling generous, buy one/donate some money after you print it :D

Jan 23rd, 2015, 03:03 PM
Oh christ, Kc posted it somewhere on this forum. No one knows where though....

Edit: Just remembered you can get stickers for them.


Theres a link to an image of one. Just print it off, or if you're feeling generous, buy one/donate some money after you print it :D

In case z-day actually happens someday, you should probably not confuse Kc's sign of protection with this little fellow:


Nevertheless, I have never encountered zombies when Wi-Fi was turned on on my Mac. Just a strange uncorrelated set of facts, I suppose.

General Malarky
Jan 23rd, 2015, 05:23 PM
Thanks Gooer! I appreciate it.
At first I thought the five lines came to a point like this. /\
That would've been bad.

General Malarky
Jan 23rd, 2015, 05:27 PM
Heh, ya'know I think I'll just be safe and get a tattoo of both.

Jan 25th, 2015, 09:49 AM
I feel really depressed coming in so late in the game (December 2013). It's like a ghost town here.

Well, yeah... I think the best time for this forum was right at the end of Season 2 / beginning of Season 3, where there were so many crazy theories going around. But keep checking in... this place will get going again once Kc puts out his first "Tale from We're Alive". That should resurrect this place a bit... :nik:

Jan 25th, 2015, 12:42 PM
Well, yeah... I think the best time for this forum was right at the end of Season 2 / beginning of Season 3, where there were so many crazy theories going around. But keep checking in... this place will get going again once Kc puts out his first "Tale from We're Alive". That should resurrect this place a bit... :nik:

I am really looking forward to TOWA trying to reignite the WA spirit once again. I guess it is a hard task to accomplish, reconsidering how high Kc has raised the bar.

There is not reason for a monday unless a new episode comes out. Nobody likes this day.


General Malarky
Jan 25th, 2015, 03:09 PM
Well, yeah... I think the best time for this forum was right at the end of Season 2 / beginning of Season 3, where there were so many crazy theories going around. But keep checking in... this place will get going again once Kc puts out his first "Tale from We're Alive". That should resurrect this place a bit... :nik:


That sucks. But hopefully your right and I can use my awesome theorization power!

The first TOWA is supposed to be about Burt right?
I think I might've heard that somewhere.

Jan 25th, 2015, 04:27 PM

That sucks. But hopefully your right and I can use my awesome theorization power!

The first TOWA is supposed to be about Burt right?
I think I might've heard that somewhere.

No, I think you got that confused with a novel about Burt's backstory (what he was doing before he came into the WA story) that Kc was working on with an author. But no, that's not what the first TOWA is going to be about. That is still classified information at this point... :)

Feb 10th, 2015, 08:25 AM
No, I think you got that confused with a novel about Burt's backstory (what he was doing before he came into the WA story) that Kc was working on with an author. But no, that's not what the first TOWA is going to be about. That is still classified information at this point... :)

Yeah, the Burt book has seen many delays... many. There's a possibility it might not come out. Every time I revisit it, it just doesn't fit what I want and takes 4x longer to work on than TFWA.

Nov 21st, 2015, 02:19 PM
Man, after what Burt did to Scratch my motivation to post has slightly decreased. Hopefully, while Burt is having a dump, some of the varicose veins which run through and around his scrotum burst spontaneously and he slowly bleeds to death. Bad karma, pal!

It was a very intense ending, i burst out and laughed when Burt starting talking.. i hoped and was right she was trapped.... I just got odd looks from people at work.

Nov 23rd, 2015, 02:28 PM
It was a very intense ending, i burst out and laughed when Burt starting talking.. i hoped and was right she was trapped.... I just got odd looks from people at work.

The listener feels a little joy when they hear her fate... so in a way, we all become a little like her... but we've barely begun to scratch the surface.

Nov 27th, 2015, 08:56 PM
I loved what he did with Scratch awsome.