View Full Version : New Fantasy (American) Football League

Jul 28th, 2014, 09:28 AM
I've been around here long enough now to know I need to qualify the American Football portion of this request right off the bat!

In the past we had a league however due to time constraints TCM Revolver is bowing out. Since he was the original owner of the league we are deleting it and starting off fresh. Brand new teams, brand new owners, same ol' rules (with potentially a few tweaks).

If you're interested, shoot me a PM or respond in line here. Let's see if we can keep this league going longer than the amount of We're Alive seasons at least!

Jul 28th, 2014, 09:36 AM
Hi, I am just an European - but why do you crazy Americans call a game football when the spheriod ball is usually controlled with the hands? Awesome. :D


Kudos to Liam for having posted this before.

Jul 28th, 2014, 10:10 AM
These were the shenanigans and tomfoolery I was attempting to avoid! :p

Jul 28th, 2014, 11:00 AM
I've been around here long enough now to know I need to qualify the American Football portion of this request right off the bat!

No you don't. Every REAL sports fan knows which is the REAL football... and ok, YABC, the name is a bit misleading... they should just call it 'Smashmouth' or something... and good point about it being basically a 3 hour orgy for beer advertisers...

... but seriously? You're gonna sit and watch a game that, after 2 hours of back and forth, is STILL 0-0??? And the flopping! Ugh! DON'T even get me started on the flopping in soccer, or the lack of plays, or the lack of action...

But yeah, Nik, I'm down for another year. Should'a won last year, but your boy Spiller really screwed me over (and my boy Ridley, grrrr...). It's gonna be another 2QB league, yeah? That was fun!


Jul 28th, 2014, 11:42 AM
No you don't. Every REAL sports fan knows which is the REAL football... and ok, YABC, the name is a bit misleading... they should just call it 'Smashmouth' or something... and good point about it being basically a 3 hour orgy for beer advertisers...

... but seriously? You're gonna sit and watch a game that, after 2 hours of back and forth, is STILL 0-0??? And the flopping! Ugh! DON'T even get me started on the flopping in soccer, or the lack of plays, or the lack of action...

But yeah, Nik, I'm down for another year. Should'a won last year, but your boy Spiller really screwed me over (and my boy Ridley, grrrr...). It's gonna be another 2QB league, yeah? That was fun!


Hey, not my fault Spiller had and then promptly lost elite status within 5 games.

Yes, still two QB league and maybe PPR just to throw a new wrinkle in. We'll see if we even get enough people interested.