View Full Version : RSS feeds

Jul 7th, 2014, 01:14 PM
Evening folks :)
As Wi-Fi Frontier have deemed "Were Alive" as unsuitable for their own unfathomable reasons I was wondering if it is possible to add RSS feeds which will allow me to listen to all of the podcasts sequentially from S01-01 to the latest podcast. I have managed to add an RSS feed but that only lists the one show it is linked/ directed to. Have pity on a poor, almost 60 year old bald fat and usually angry man who knows little of this interwebbynettythingummybob .
Help me Any Wan , youre my only hope :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

Wicked Sid
Jul 7th, 2014, 01:32 PM
I'm not acquainted with RSS at all, but if you're not opposed to a bit of clicking and scrolling here's the feedburner list:


Jul 7th, 2014, 02:23 PM
Evening folks :)
As Wi-Fi Frontier have deemed "Were Alive" as unsuitable for their own unfathomable reasons I was wondering if it is possible to add RSS feeds which will allow me to listen to all of the podcasts sequentially from S01-01 to the latest podcast. I have managed to add an RSS feed but that only lists the one show it is linked/ directed to. Have pity on a poor, almost 60 year old bald fat and usually angry man who knows little of this interwebbynettythingummybob .
Help me Any Wan , youre my only hope :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

Weird I wonder why. Oh well.

Jul 8th, 2014, 10:47 AM
Greetings from Bonnie Scotland



I asked their helpline why the podcasts were no longer listed on their site and the pathetic, pinko liberal knicker wetting answer :mad: was "Due to the bad language"
FFS they allow "Comedians" !!!!! (I use the term loosely) shows to be listed when they literally have sketches that contain phuq all other than profanities.
Anywhoo it is their loss so, as my dear departed dad would say, "Phuqem all" :yay: :yay:
Looking forward to your next project :excited: :excited:
Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)