View Full Version : Really hating Saul right now!

May 27th, 2014, 09:50 AM
I am very upset with the new turn Saul is taking. He was one of my favorite characters in the beginning so I think that's why I am so bummed out now. It started with his maniacal must-find-Lizzy-above-all-else thing. Ok, they love each other. Personally though, I can't stand it when characters display such singlemindedness about another person IN THE MIDDLE OF AN APOCALYPSE! It's hardly the time. That to me made him pretty unbelievable. He's a soldier for goodness sake. So that aside and moving on...yes he lied to CJ BUT now he's mad at his mom and ok with CJ? WTF??? She acts all goofy gushy and bumbles through an apology that he accepts even though had she not banished them to Dunbar, his precious Lizzy would more than likely still be alive? WTF Saul???? IMO there's a way more direct link between Lizzy's death and that banishment than his MOTHER the one who gave him life, trying to save both his child and his lover with no equipment on a freaking helicopter...and he craps all over her? That's just....WRONG! What it looks like to me is he is a person that cared more about Lizzy than his mom....or anything else. I lost all respect for him and I am very very upset and disappointed.

I am also curious in a car crash kinda way what he's going to do now about his keratin levels since he is not speaking to his mom. She's the only one that can in theory find a way to keep him alive and he shuns her...hmph.

May 27th, 2014, 06:52 PM
In Saul's defense: sometimes people cling to normal when the world around you is going to hell (Lizzy) & it's easer to stay mad at the people you love - you know that they will forgive more from you (Tonya).

Both are understandable motivations. But, yea, they kind of both suck.

May 29th, 2014, 09:30 AM
In Saul's defense: sometimes people cling to normal when the world around you is going to hell (Lizzy) & it's easer to stay mad at the people you love - you know that they will forgive more from you (Tonya).

Both are understandable motivations. But, yea, they kind of both suck.

Good points but....still doesn't make him anymore likeable to me. I think these choices have really weakened his character. It makes him appear a shallow jackass with a gun. If that's who he is, fine but there was a lot of time spent showing him with some depth....of course that was before Lizzy.

I am mostly pissed off by the acceptance of CJ's apology. Come the hell on! She lost her leg because she didn't listen. She threw a tantrum and banished him which put Lizzy and the baby at risk. Could have been on purpose given as how she's jealous of Lizzy. It just makes me sick.

May 29th, 2014, 10:29 AM
Come on, Saul just vents his anger. Yes, the way he approached Tanya was a bit harsh but hey, I can understand him. And certainly, I am not the one who will cast the first stone. In the end, Saul will recover and be back to normal.

May 30th, 2014, 04:10 AM
I think it's just grief for Lizzy that Saul is mad at Tanya. He thinks she could of done more, where in reality not even a trained surgeon could of done more for her in that situation. Since she is a vet, Saul thinks Lizzy could of been saved with someone more trained.

As for the hunt for Lizzy, in a world where there are less people, i'd assume you'd want to hang on to those you love even more than you would now. If it wasn't an apocalypse and Lizzy had been kidnapped, I doubt Saul would of done less than he did trying to find Lizzy.