View Full Version : HELP: Designing a Book Cover/Jacket for "Welcome to the First Day"

DrSkitz (BBB)
Apr 21st, 2014, 12:44 PM
Taking this off now. Sorry everybody.

Apr 21st, 2014, 12:54 PM
Split and pinned for a week. Hope you get the feedback you're looking for, but I'd like to take a moment to encourage you to interact with the forum as a member of the community, and not just a launching pad for future endeavors. :nik: It'd be nice to see your activity and post count increase by joining in the discussions.

Apr 21st, 2014, 01:02 PM
First, welcome to the forum. I'd also reiterate what osi said. Its all fine and dandy to say your not soliciting...but, well....prove it. :) (seriously not trying to be a dick, just sayin' -ya know?-

second, if you'd like, I can punch up an idea or two. There's a handful of talented artists on here...but I've not worked in this genre before, could be fun.

some work examples

Apr 21st, 2014, 01:15 PM
First, welcome to the forum. I'd also reiterate what osi said. Its all fine and dandy to say your not soliciting...but, well....prove it. :) (seriously not trying to be a dick, just sayin' -ya know?-

second, if you'd like, I can punch up an idea or two. There's a handful of talented artists on here...but I've not worked in this genre before, could be fun.

some work examples

You'll be busy designing my covers as well.

Apr 21st, 2014, 01:19 PM
Bring it on. I've been feeling "arty" as of late.

seriously though. I gotta stop wasting me talents

DrSkitz (BBB)
Apr 21st, 2014, 03:13 PM
taking this off too. Sorry.

DrSkitz (BBB)
Apr 21st, 2014, 03:21 PM
7oddisdead: Thank you for offering your singular art as a platform for ideas for a cover for my book. I must state that I'm not attempting to solicit an artist on this site, as it seems such things are frowned upon and I happen to agree with Osiris that it is the height of cheesiness to ask people to give me something for nothing when I've been less a part of this community than the Fbook community, and THAT community constantly bombards me with emails and messages concerning how irritating it is I'm only on there once every month or two. I would really appreciate, though, if you are so inclined, if you would post some more of your art on this thread or in response to this response or however the heck things work on here. Especially if you, and others, think what you paint or draw is particularly representative of zombies and/or horror. I happen to think the link you provided led to an interesting piece of art, and I thank you for that.

Apr 21st, 2014, 03:28 PM
No problem man. I'm just trying to help, and like I said, I'm feeling very "arty" so....when I get home this evening I'll go through your parameters (first post) and start tossing ideas. I stay about as far away as possible from other social media places for just the reasons you mentioned, so I get that.