View Full Version : We'Re Alive Episode 35 ... with special guest again!

Apr 1st, 2014, 07:12 AM
Hi everyone,

I have just listened to the latest episode of the We're Alive Fancast available on mickred(dot)com or iTunes. And this most recent episode has another special guest available. And guess, who it is:

Kc Wayland!

And he has great news to talk about. Since he has a lot to share, he decided to talk about it on this episode of the We're Alive Fancast instead of writing it here on the forums. And it really is great news! You will like it!

So, go, check it out - ASAP! Real WA-fans have no excuse missing this episode!

Best wishes!

Apr 1st, 2014, 09:26 AM
Did not know that this topic was in existance in the Top News Section of this forum already ...