View Full Version : when its all over with.

Mar 17th, 2014, 08:05 PM
what are you going to do?
I know what I am going to do is have a weekend to myself, and list to all of it from the 1st episode to the very last one. I know I will be drinking some great wine and maybe have a good cry in some parts of it.
the end is coming. I know I have come to this about midway through 2nd season. What a fricken ride, it has been. :D
great job KC, cast and crew, and interns.

Mar 17th, 2014, 11:37 PM
Most likely, I'll just listen to Tell 'Em, Steve-Dave (world's best podcast), and What Say You?, and FEaB... maybe I Sell Comics... probably SModcast... Fatman on Batman... Hollywood Babble-On... Radiolab WNYC... pretty much what I listen to now. Nothing will really change, except I won't be smiling on Mondays.

Mar 17th, 2014, 11:42 PM
So nothing changes?

btw, tesd....dammit, hate to say osi's right...but.


Mar 17th, 2014, 11:44 PM
So nothing changes?

btw, tesd....dammit, hate to say osi's right...but.


It's addictive. At first Walt's laugh was jarring... but now it's like a warm blanket. It's the best part of my day. Whenever I feel like shit I put on any random TESD episode and by the end I feel better. As for #GFY... well... I Have Your Pants.

Mar 17th, 2014, 11:47 PM
Listen creep...

I'm at about #30 now, so I have quite a ways to go. I can definitely understand the Walt laugh part, but really after the first 6 or so it does grow on ya. Its just such a strange dynamic that it works amazingly.

Mar 17th, 2014, 11:51 PM
Just wait until you get to Making Hay. Podcasting brilliance. Houston, We Have A Problem.... ooooooooooooooof. Genius.

Mar 17th, 2014, 11:53 PM
Oh, I can tell...seems like it takes forever from them to get to something. But once they do, pure gold. I'm enjoying the ride.

Mar 17th, 2014, 11:57 PM
Oh bro... you've got no idea... just you wait. It really becomes part of the mythos. There's all manner of fiasco, but the couple years have been pretty jammed packed. I think the 20s through the 90s are some of the funniest podcasts ever recorded.

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:03 AM
The tales from the road so far are classic, I think one of the best of the pre twenties so far was the epi. With Kevin guesting and the mother x story.

I really find it odd how much I relate to bry. Wouldn't have predicted that

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:06 AM
The tales from the road so far are classic, I think one of the best of the pre twenties so far was the epi. With Kevin guesting and the mother x story.

I really find it odd how much I relate to bry. Wouldn't have predicted that

Oh god... Mother X... yeah... I think it's... Then Along Comes A Hero that was my favourite pre-20 ep (aside from Making Hay) because it's when Q really starts to become the third member. It's not long before they introduce the 4th member....

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:08 AM
I'm in the "interview" episodes now. Ming is ruining his chances currently.

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:11 AM
#TheyCanWait #ThingsMingSigned #Fiasco Just wait. Pod Olympics, TESD Xmas... The TESD Overkill episodes (which were a Zune exclusive podcast series), Puck Nuts... Space Monkeys... So many crazy insane and amazing things came from that podcast. Fair-re-re Tale Theater! The upcoming claymation movie...

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:15 AM
Oh I'm excited, for sure. Love finding something new with just a plethora of back-material to listen to.im on vacation next week..hopefully I'll be caught up by the new one

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:20 AM
It's like... 16 solid days worth of back to back to back to back episodes... and that's just the generic episodes... that doesn't include the Zune years, or the bonus pods... You'd need a solid month if you include I Sell Comics, Puck Nuts, Highlands A Peephole History, Why Bry?, What Say You? Space Monkeys...

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:23 AM
Yea, just talking tesd. And remember I'm a Zune whore, so I've got all the Zune ep's already. I'm on a book break for a while, so this definitely fills the void

Mar 18th, 2014, 12:25 AM
Well if you're going to fill a hole with anything... fill it with Q.And of course, don't forget Impractical Jokers. 10pm Thursdays on TruTV.

Mar 18th, 2014, 08:46 PM
how did a question I asked in finding out what people are going to do at the end of the series turned into something else???:hammer::zombieglomp:

Mar 18th, 2014, 10:09 PM
Yeah... you should've known better.

Mar 23rd, 2014, 07:54 AM
Just wait until you get to Making Hay. Podcasting brilliance. Houston, We Have A Problem.... ooooooooooooooof. Genius.

Okay, so I haven't heard of these guys prior to this, but I dug them up and gave a listen as per your suggestion, partly to see if Osi has any taste whatsoever. I listened to the "making hay" episode where they are in the flea market.

Verdict: these guys are pretty fucking funny. Although Walt sounds like he's going to wheeze himself to death with that horse-laugh of his. Holy cow... he literally sounds like he's going to keel over from lack of air flow.

Any other good ep's to recommend?

Mar 23rd, 2014, 11:52 AM
Okay, so I haven't heard of these guys prior to this, but I dug them up and gave a listen as per your suggestion, partly to see if Osi has any taste whatsoever. I listened to the "making hay" episode where they are in the flea market.

Verdict: these guys are pretty fucking funny. Although Walt sounds like he's going to wheeze himself to death with that horse-laugh of his. Holy cow... he literally sounds like he's going to keel over from lack of air flow.

Any other good ep's to recommend?

I'm not positive, but I believe Walt had bronchitis. As for other episodes? There's so many to choose from!

3: An Affair To Forget
27-29: Houston, We Have A Problem Part 1-2, and Houston We're F'd.
33: Walt Goes Postal
57: A Pox In Sue
70-72: Making Hay II: Parts 1, 2, 3 (Hell Awaits, The 5th Circle, and The Final Exit)
76: The Ministers of Truth
78: Wallywood Squares
86: Kardashian Mayonnaise Puss
97: Nothing Comes Between Me And My Dickies (Might be my favourite episode)
111: Firebugs & Bedwetters
114: Wizzy In A Tizzy
118: Big Bry and the Inhuanoids
138: My Sweet Satan
145: Q The Warlord
152: Respect My Money
161: Scooter Dude 4-eva
157-158 Podwars (Formerly Pod Olympics)

Really, there's no end of good episodes. There are always gems in each and every episode.