View Full Version : Main characters with no journal voice overs

Mar 3rd, 2014, 11:02 PM
Sorry if this has been addressed but......

It struck me while listing to 43-2 that Hope has never had a voice over from her journal (yes I know she can't see - but she can dictate it to someone) that I can recall.

And I think the same can be said for CJ. With all the journals they keep refrancing she has - I don't think there's ever been a voice over.

I can see Scratch, Tardust, bricks & the rest of the mallers not having any voice overs. I can see Gatekeeper, Glen & the rest of the colonists not having any voice overs. But Hope & CJ are deeply entwined with the main cast.....

So my question is why? Is there info redundant? If that's the case why didn't Kc let them talk instead if the another character that was in a pivotal scene with them? Or could this have anything to do with their survival?

Just a thought.

Mar 3rd, 2014, 11:32 PM
Considering CJ wasn't given a journal to write in... I'm not entirely sure I'd consider her lack of narration to be odd. That said, I thought there was a chunk of story told through her eyes at one point, which is about as close as we really need to get.

Mar 4th, 2014, 01:29 AM
She at least had a V.O. back in chapter 27/28. Hope probably had one too, didn't she tell Michael about how she got to the colony?

Mar 4th, 2014, 09:16 AM
Not everyone had the idea of journalling everything. The idea of using journals came from Michaels group while at the apartment building and continued up until I think Victor came around, then it all went to hell and not everyone continued with them. Hope wasn't a part of that for very long and CJ certainly wasn't. She was busy with the collection of data, not in putting her own thoughts on paper, at least not in a fashion like the others. And yeah sure, I suppose someone could dictate the thoughts of Hope if she bothered to ask but really?? I don't think it's practical or would add much of anything to the story. I know I wouldn't ask someone to dictate my personal thoughts for me. Plus, we hear from others that do keep a journal or have been able to recount the events to creat enough cross talk that things are covered.

Mar 20th, 2014, 03:54 AM
Forgot to add Tonya to the above list - but she just got a journal voice over in 43.3 (& probably a few before that I missed but 43.3 made me think of her)

My theory on journal entries & likelyhood of survival for the tower crew seems less likely.... & probably far to sunny for a story as gritty as what we've gotten so far. (Unless there's a supper secret cut off point in Kc's head / besides dead = no more journal)

But I would still like to find out why Hope is journal-less..... Lizzy proved they have working recorders & being short a sense might give her some interesting (& helpful) insights.

CJ has her logs & notes - their basically a journal for this theory

It's just that such a big deal was made about the journals. It seems like Kc puts so many layered meanings into things for them to be just a storytelling mechanic.