View Full Version : The Ink equation

Feb 18th, 2014, 10:48 AM
Hello everyone!

I have been thinking about posting this for a long time. It might just be a matter of no significant importance - but it is quite important to me. Ink was - and still is - an inhabitant of L.A. And he seems to be one of these old school paper guys who have never heard of the paperless office, you know - drawing symbols, writing chemical shopping lists and so on.

Well, in episode 42, Puck, Muldoon and Robbins made a trip to Roberts house which did not reveal any useful information. But that is what strikes me. If you were interested in all these diverse occult rituals and myths, would your residence not somehow reveal at least some information about your little rather not that mainstream hobby? Would you not expect Ink to have some books, photographs (albums), souvenirs and sheer bric-a-bracs with references to - let's say - the orient, old Egyptian mythology?

I mean, I would suspect someone like Ink to have a more tailor-made living place. As casual as the trip to Ink's house was mentioned in episode 42, it did not meet my expectations. Or would would you believe someone who oozes his unnatural knowledge out of every pore to live in a rather inconspicuous place like this? AN IKEA setup example to say the least?


Ah, cozy, Ink's reading room full of John Grisham novels and some tearjerkers by Cecelia Ahern.

Any thoughts?

Feb 18th, 2014, 11:44 AM
I'm thinking that you bring up a good point but it seems to me like Ink snapped relatively recently before the outbreak. He more than likely would have been living a double life up until the point where he committed the murder (that's what most functioning sociopaths do)....that cheating wife seems to have been the catalyst to letting the crazy out. My bet is that if he was crazy on the d/l this whole time, he had a secret 'nest' or hiding place for his occult material. Or he kept it all in his head until he went nuts. Either way, I hadn't thought about it before so I'm glad you brought it up.

Feb 18th, 2014, 12:26 PM
I'm thinking that you bring up a good point but it seems to me like Ink snapped relatively recently before the outbreak. He more than likely would have been living a double life up until the point where he committed the murder (that's what most functioning sociopaths do)....that cheating wife seems to have been the catalyst to letting the crazy out. My bet is that if he was crazy on the d/l this whole time, he had a secret 'nest' or hiding place for his occult material. Or he kept it all in his head until he went nuts. Either way, I hadn't thought about it before so I'm glad you brought it up.

That is my point exactly. The whole frame does not fit to Ink's picture. Even if he is mad - he must have compiled quite a big amount of data which of course means that he must have stored it somewhere. But where? It does not seem to be located at the arena, the prison or at his home...

Feb 18th, 2014, 04:58 PM
I got the impression that most of his stuff was removed. Then again, Puck did mention something about taking a few valuables.

Feb 23rd, 2014, 03:22 PM
My gut says that Ink lived a 'normal' life before he snapped. My guess is that his wife has the house has she wanted. People don't generally cheat for no reason. Normally there are issues leading up to it. Knowing the field Ink worked in, I am betting he was a workaholic. I can't see him being poor either. Nice company with his own office? Yeah. He had money. Odds are wife felt neglected and lonely. My guess is KC will never give us the reason why she cheated. We just know she did.

The whole "Ink is nuts" thing has never set well with me. Kelly even said as much followed by Puck. When she saw the pictures of his wife and lovers/lovers kids she said "He knew what he was doing." when Puck saw him he said almost the same thing word for word. I think they had copies of his Tat's when they searched his house. They would have been looking for books on wierd stuff. We know he was almost in jail a year. They have book in jail. Betting he started looking into Occult stuff while there. Maybe even had himself Tat'd up to make himself seem more nuts.

Everyone has issues. I think his just went to 11 when he caught his wife.

Feb 25th, 2014, 11:07 PM
My gut says that Ink lived a 'normal' life before he snapped. My guess is that his wife has the house has she wanted. People don't generally cheat for no reason. Normally there are issues leading up to it. Knowing the field Ink worked in, I am betting he was a workaholic. I can't see him being poor either. Nice company with his own office? Yeah. He had money. Odds are wife felt neglected and lonely. My guess is KC will never give us the reason why she cheated. We just know she did.

The whole "Ink is nuts" thing has never set well with me. Kelly even said as much followed by Puck. When she saw the pictures of his wife and lovers/lovers kids she said "He knew what he was doing." when Puck saw him he said almost the same thing word for word. I think they had copies of his Tat's when they searched his house. They would have been looking for books on wierd stuff. We know he was almost in jail a year. They have book in jail. Betting he started looking into Occult stuff while there. Maybe even had himself Tat'd up to make himself seem more nuts.

Everyone has issues. I think his just went to 11 when he caught his wife.

I think most geniuses have a bit of insanity to them as well. Generally speaking, highly functional sociopaths live duplicitous and outwardly normal lives. They are sometimes also really smart....some say because they have to study humanity so closely that they pick up all the necessary nuances of emotion and behavior. I think this is what Ink is and this is very very different from me thinking the guy sat in a room corner blowing spit bubbles. When a trauma occurs, in this case learning of the cheating, it is not unreasonable to presume that he would respond with an act of violence...particularly if it has been latent all along. Which is pretty much what you are saying too :)

When Kelly saw the pics of Ink's fam she said that? I must've missed that and I've heard that episode quite a bit. I'll give it a listen again. I know they were discussing that just because he wore the tats didn't make him automatically dumb....

I like your idea that he got into the occult and stuff in jail and that his stash could be there. That sounds plausible.